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pay issue

I've been told of and Email doing the rounds recently in the Oxfordshire area from a Wng Commander detailing the "percieved" unfairness in the current pay issues that we in TG1 are having with our non technical blue suit bretheren. anybody read it? have any comments on it? I've been told its a Management restricted document???? what does that even mean?


I've been told of and Email doing the rounds recently in the Oxfordshire area from a Wng Commander detailing the "percieved" unfairness in the current pay issues that we in TG1 are having with our non technical blue suit bretheren. anybody read it? have any comments on it? I've been told its a Management restricted document???? what does that even mean?

At a guess I would say it means the document is Restricted to Management!

As such, it WON'T be appearing on The Goat!


Who gives a f**k what some Wg Cdr thinks about the perceived unfairness of the pay system. MOD don't and they decide who gets paid what. The outgoing CAS knows theres an issue as does all of the AMP types at Air Cmd. It would be very easy for techies to get extra pay, the military nurses have just been given an extra pay spine above high band as have RN divers so to do it for TG1/2 would be equally as simple. However the people at the top don't perceive the problem to be serious enough yet and therefore aren't prepared to give techies the extra money they undoubtably deserve.
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It has been passed around Lyneham & makes pretty good reading!

They seem to have finally accepted at management level that there is a problem which needs addressing.

As far as any changes to TG1 pay scales they seem to realise it needs looking at but as usual the money needs to be found.

They also looked at the difference between shiny & TG1 promotion rates and the influence this can have on pensions.

We certainly don't need to reignite the pay argument again, but it would seem the airships are possibly pulling their heads out of the sand.

It also pays a lot of attention to the AMM plight.

The Masked Geek

TG1 aren't the only "techies" in the RAF.........................:PDT_Xtremez_25:

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
Off Topic

Seeing as though some other kind of "techies" are trying their hardest to be part of the elite few, they seem to be encroaching on the Aircraft Techie side of things.
Can we have a seperate Aircraft Techies forum please?

Off Topic

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just out of interest, how many "airships" are involved in this email? Unfortunately for TG1, a sole Wg Cdr writing an email about disquiet amongst the ranks is hardly going to signal change in policy any time soon, is it?


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
just out of interest, how many "airships" are involved in this email? Unfortunately for TG1, a sole Wg Cdr writing an email about disquiet amongst the ranks is hardly going to signal change in policy any time soon, is it?

I guess that depends who the Wing Co is, would his clout and interest differ if he was OC Fwd at Marham or AMP's right hand man?


I heard some AMM's having a rant the other day. Maybe they would have the required clout!? Come on guys, Wg Co? Not even a 1*, so doubt it would go any further!


Anyone heard of Pay 2000? Something to do with bringing all services in line...? Techies (and I am one, albeit Ground Electronics by trg!) are obviously not special enough and will never have enough evidence to justify a 3rd pay band! Give it up!
I suggest people read the very first paragraph of the Armed Forces Pay Review Body 2009 Report Summary - and see how many times the word EVIDENCE features.

The question is when will the Trade Sponsor's give us a trade review so we can furnish them with the evidence that is lacking?

They are merely laying the blame for their failings on us! The lack of manpower (for Tg1 amongst others) has been discussed in the the Houses of Commons, every CAS' questions is dominated by Techies asking the same questions, these stupid, pointless roadshows that the TS are doing always results in more questions.

How can we give them more evidence? Can they not see people leaving the RAF one day and join the civvy contractors in the same hanger the next for more money less ****?

Our TS is a waste of space, hypocritical weasel, too scared to even ask questions that may not get the "right" answers. Who cares about useless letters to WingCo's? The TS is merely trying to be seen to do the right thing, hand wringing in public for 5 minutes, then tossing it off down the golf course for the rest of the month.

Fair pay to the shineys TS, they did their job well and got the rewards for the lads.


Grim Reaper 2016
1000+ Posts
The question is when will the Trade Sponsor's give us a trade review so we can furnish them with the evidence that is lacking?

They are merely laying the blame for their failings on us! The lack of manpower (for Tg1 amongst others) has been discussed in the the Houses of Commons, every CAS' questions is dominated by Techies asking the same questions, these stupid, pointless roadshows that the TS are doing always results in more questions.

How can we give them more evidence? Can they not see people leaving the RAF one day and join the civvy contractors in the same hanger the next for more money less ****?

Our TS is a waste of space, hypocritical weasel, too scared to even ask questions that may not get the "right" answers. Who cares about useless letters to WingCo's? The TS is merely trying to be seen to do the right thing, hand wringing in public for 5 minutes, then tossing it off down the golf course for the rest of the month.

Fair pay to the shineys TS, they did their job well and got the rewards for the lads.

Nowt has changed in the 20 years since I left then!