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Posh bints with their norks out

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Personally I prefer my sweater meat in larger portions than that...... those poor girls need to stuff a few burgers down their necks !! :PDT_Xtremez_14:
Now if the Women's FA decred that that was going to be the kit of choice for women's footy, I'd be watching every saturday!
Oh how nice, watching the young ladies of the chattering classes getting their bits out for the boys. Of COURSE it's all in good taste, what with them all being mates of Prince Billy's chinless spunkdump Katie M, but goodness gracious it's just SO tacky for the lower classes to do anything like that.

Usually the posher the bint, the worse the shag. Mostly...

Dunno, I shagged a WingCo's daughter onceand she was posh... not my worst by a LONG shot!!
:PDT_Xtremez_31: :PDT_Xtremez_31:
I have a pal who did a Tory MP's missus some time ago (for a bet obviously) and she was a right goer - allegedly - kin hideous though
I never said she were fit, just a good shag! See, i could quote an old agdage here... summat about moped, fat birds and friends??
May be they should do that with some our wafs:PDT_Xtremez_17: ...sorry its lat and im on gate guard:PDT_Xtremez_11: ...I wasnt thinking correctly:PDT_Xtremez_24: