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Public perception of the RAF

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
Considering the number of operations that the RAF are currently undertaking, as well as the operations of the past 15 years, I believe that the public really do not understand what the Royal Air Force is all about.

Couple that with the wide misrepresentation by the UK media of calling airmen and airwomen "soldiers" and the quest by the Army to have the RAF integrated into their way of being, I have to ask the following question.

Do the taxpaying public really understand the reason for having a Royal Air Force and do they understand the roles that are undertaken by the latter?

For example. When I tell people that I was once in the RAF, the first question is " Oh, did you fly a plane?" ( Answer ," No") The second question is usually, "Oh, what did you do then?" When I tell them i was an engineer who fixed the aircraft, they look all baffled. When I tell them that the RAF is also manned by chefs, firemen, engineers, movement personnel, police, administrators, medics, nurses, suppliers and so forth, they look even more bewildered.

Ask them about the colour of a rescue helicopter and many will say "oh a big yellow thing"

Ask them about aircraft and many still conjure up visions of dogfighting and spitfires. When I remind them that the illustrious spitfire is now a museum piece, people generally do not know what the RAF really is or does in todays society.

In my opinion, the general public do not realise the political and national importance of maintaining the superior role of a credible, military, air presence.

Now that the MoD has released details of the first interception of a Russian "Bear" aircraft, the public has seen at first hand that the expensive Typhoon is working and active. Propoganda? Most definitely.

But do they really know? Do the public realise that the RAF of today is perhaps more valid now than the days of the Cold War? Do they really know that what is known as "Air Power" is for the benefit of the nation as a whole and instumental for Great Britain plc as a major player in the world arena?

When it comes down to nitty gritty facts, our perceived enemy is changing on an almost unbelievable basis. We have the Middle East to contend with, the possible uprising of a new Cold War with Russia, the fact that China is becoming the worlds fastest growing economy ( which brings with it a greater military presence on the world stage) and the increasing turbulence in states closer to home, i.e the balkans. There has never been a time in recent history where an Air Force is needed.

In this day and age where the marketing of the Royal Air Force is now becoming a joke with stupid clothing lines and rubbish television adverts, how do we market the RAF to an ignorant public?

Talk Wrench.
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True Blue Jack

Warrant Officer
The first thing we need to do is teach the rank and file airmen/women what the RAF is all about; something which Sir Peter Squire started but which was treated by many as a fad which would disappear once he retired.

I have never met a matelot who cannot talk with some level of authority about 400 years of tradition nor who doesn't know something about the role and crew complement of most of HM Ships.

Even the most illiterate and innumerate pongo can recite his regiment's battle honours.

Like TW I have got into conversations with many civvies over the years which go along the lines of "Oh, you're in the RAF. What do you fly?" I tell them I fly a desk and they always look either disappointed or confused. But until we as a force - and not just staff college graduates - can talk with some sense of pride about Air Power and what it means on the world stage then we will never persuade the great unwashed that we are more than just an expensive hobby.

Studley dangerfcuk

Flight Sergeant

I agree with everything that you have stated. The RAF needs to publicise more about the MODERN Royal Air Force. The role, the need, the reason, the jobs and not live in the past.

Yes as you said the dogfights are what people remember from history and very few of the RAF are pilots. Most of us are ground trades that support the pilots and that needs more publicity.

Studley ::/:


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Manage our image better....and seperately from our sister services. I suspect that the MOD propoganda machine is army-centric and that is where the problem lies.

I did a talk on this subject and undertook an analysis of the media and how positive the RAFs image was. I was amazed that the overwhelming weight of media coverage for the snapshot I took in May this year was positive; so its not like we dont get coverage. The RAFs own advertising campaigns main message stresses the different trades available.

The RAF has to portray itself in a positive, value for money manner since it is competing with her sister services and other government departments for funding.

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
The first thing we need to do is teach the rank and file airmen/women what the RAF is all about; something which Sir Peter Squire started but which was treated by many as a fad which would disappear once he retired.

I have never met a matelot who cannot talk with some level of authority about 400 years of tradition nor who doesn't know something about the role and crew complement of most of HM Ships.

Even the most illiterate and innumerate pongo can recite his regiment's battle honours.

Like TW I have got into conversations with many civvies over the years which go along the lines of "Oh, you're in the RAF. What do you fly?" I tell them I fly a desk and they always look either disappointed or confused. But until we as a force - and not just staff college graduates - can talk with some sense of pride about Air Power and what it means on the world stage then we will never persuade the great unwashed that we are more than just an expensive hobby.

Wholeheartedly agree. where there is tradition, comes honour. However, the Army and Navy steep their recruits up to the eyeballs with honour and tradition where as the RAF does not. The RAF of today relies almost on modernism (not always a bad thing) and then in the same breath uses the Battle of Britain as its only jaunt into conflict. The RAF seems very good at forgetting tradition for the sake of modernisation.

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Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
Whoeheartedly agree. where there is tradition, comes honour. However, the Army and Navy steep their recruits up to the eyeballs with honour and tradition where as the RAF does not. The RAF of today relies almost on modernism (not always a bad thing) and then in the same breath uses the Battle of Britain as its only jaunt into conflict. The RAF seems very good at forgetting tradition for the sake of modernisation.


The RAF did make a half-arsed effort - remember Ap 3003? Unfortunately most of us just flogged it on E-bay.

The main problem is a lack of unit identity, bring back the OSW (other Shift/Squadron/Section Wankers) and give us back some pride!

I know for a fact I have 0% pride in my squadron, it's a joke. Shame, it was WW1s highest scoring RFC/RAF squadron too....

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
The RAF did make a half-arsed effort - remember Ap 3003?.

The main problem is a lack of unit identity,

3003? I think that was after I left the mob.

Unit identity? I think you really mean SQUADRON identity.

Centralised servicing has a lot to answer for.



Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
3003? I think that was after I left the mob.

Unit identity? I think you really mean SQUADRON identity.

Centralised servicing has a lot to answer for.


Yes - last time I looked a Squadron was a unit? Just the same as a Section, Flight, Wing or Station :PDT_Xtremez_28:

Squadron/Section/Station identity is the biggest thing missing for sure.

AP3003 was a "brief history of the RAF" which was distributed to every serving member in 2004 (I think) as well as ATC. It's actually quite a good book (even if it was written by a Zob).

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
Yes - last time I looked a Squadron was a unit? Just the same as a Section, Flight, Wing or Station :PDT_Xtremez_28:

Squadron/Section/Station identity is the biggest thing missing for sure.

AP3003 was a "brief history of the RAF" which was distributed to every serving member in 2004 (I think) as well as ATC. It's actually quite a good book (even if it was written by a Zob).

Like I said, 3003 was after my time but I must look it up ( cos I am sad and still love the RAF)

The only thing squadronwise that the RAF has as a promotable tradition is 617.

How about treating the existing squadrons with the same respect and traditions?

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
Like TW I have got into conversations with many civvies over the years which go along the lines of "Oh, you're in the RAF. What do you fly?" I tell them I fly a desk..

Off Topic And hey mate, you were a damned fine desk jockey those many moons ago. One of the best allowances clerks at a long lost unit.

Many regards old boy.


Harry B'Stard

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
RAF in the Public eye.

RAF in the Public eye.

After todays report in the SUN that brits now spend 7 hours a day in front of a TV, ont' tinterweb etc, maybe we could start some form of TV programme.

Knowing the british public they'd only be interested in a 'Reality TV' style documentary though and how many of you out there would be willing to flash your face across the nation... especially in todays climate!:PDT_Xtremez_42:

I know they tried a drama series once that bombed ('scuse the pun!) but maybe we need to raise our profile on TV a little bit more than a 30 second advert.


True Blue Jack

Warrant Officer
Like I said, 3003 was after my time but I must look it up ( cos I am sad and still love the RAF)

The only thing squadronwise that the RAF has as a promotable tradition is 617.

How about treating the existing squadrons with the same respect and traditions?

That's just it though. The Dambusters raid was 64 years ago. Every numbered flying squadron we have has been kept alive because it is steeped in history from both world wars and more recently. For example the standard of 72 Sqn was passed to a Tucano Sqn at Linton-on-Ouse in 2002 to keep it alive because 30 years of operational service in Northern Ireland was worth keeping.

But if we don't understand that what hope is there for the white van man? I believe that is the whole idea behind the Expeditionary Air Wings but guys have sewn the badges onto their uniforms mumbled something about "being in the boy scouts now" and have thought no more about it.

After todays report in the SUN that brits now spend 7 hours a day in front of a TV, ont' tinterweb etc, maybe we could start some form of TV programme.

Knowing the british public they'd only be interested in a 'Reality TV' style documentary though and how many of you out there would be willing to flash your face across the nation... especially in todays climate!:PDT_Xtremez_42:

I know they tried a drama series once that bombed ('scuse the pun!) but maybe we need to raise our profile on TV a little bit more than a 30 second advert.


Great idea HTB, but we're not allowed to think out loud without permission, remember?
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Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
Like I said, 3003 was after my time but I must look it up ( cos I am sad and still love the RAF)

The only thing squadronwise that the RAF has as a promotable tradition is 617.

How about treating the existing squadrons with the same respect and traditions?

20 Squadron was awarded the highest number of military awards of any flying unit in World War One. Also, it was the highest scoring fighter squadron over the Western Front, with something like 600 kills.

If that's not a promotable tradition, I don't know what is.
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Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
After todays report in the SUN that brits now spend 7 hours a day in front of a TV, ont' tinterweb etc, maybe we could start some form of TV programme.

Knowing the british public they'd only be interested in a 'Reality TV' style documentary though and how many of you out there would be willing to flash your face across the nation... especially in todays climate!:PDT_Xtremez_42:

I know they tried a drama series once that bombed ('scuse the pun!) but maybe we need to raise our profile on TV a little bit more than a 30 second advert.


The problem is as well they still keep going along the lines of "you don't have to be a pilot to fly in the RAF" which still shows planes flying round etc etc and not enough of what 99.9% of the RAF actually do.

All credit to the Gunners, they are the only ground trade who seem to have a proper recruitment campaign.

pie sandwich

I know they tried a drama series once that bombed ('scuse the pun!) but maybe we need to raise our profile on TV a little bit more than a 30 second advert.


It was called Strike Force, and it was uber cr*p


Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
It was called Strike Force, and it was uber cr*p

Was that the one filmed over at Bruggen? It had a Phantom "ejection" and something bursting into flames or something like that?

Oh, and all the linies were Flight Sergeants, Warrants and Officers - :PDT_Xtremez_42:
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I agree with the points raised the RAF does need to raise its profile somewhat more but the role is changing for instance :
air defence is not as important who is going to invade us now not even ze germans
ground attack is now moving away from dropping bombs on an enemy to close air support of the Army
Jointery eg the Harriers and suport helicopters ( who the average civvie thinks are flown by the army anyway !!)
the list goes on

we do need to raise awarness including new recruits i dont think they even get a basic lecture about the subject during training now

talking of tv programes there was a documentry about trainee Tornado aircrew a few years ago but that was only shown in some regions and there has been a documentry filmed this year following the Chinooks and crews in Afganistan which sould be screeened sometime round October .

Maybe a programe about a whole unit could be an idea focusing on every one not just the green suited master race would raise the profile of the air force


I just remember in my final year of school the history teacher (A mighty good one at that!) put on the Battle of Britain film (1969), and most if not all the others in the room asked if who was playing as Hugh Dowding was Hitler! :PDT_Xtremez_42:

I've even had people I know asking me what is the RAF as if they've never heard of it. When I describe what it is to them, they ask "That's the Army isn't it then?" or "Isn't that part of the Navy/Army?". :PDT_Xtremez_09:


Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
I agree with the points raised the RAF does need to raise its profile somewhat more but the role is changing for instance :
air defence is not as important who is going to invade us now not even ze germans
ground attack is now moving away from dropping bombs on an enemy to close air support of the Army
Jointery eg the Harriers and suport helicopters ( who the average civvie thinks are flown by the army anyway !!)
the list goes on

we do need to raise awarness including new recruits i dont think they even get a basic lecture about the subject during training now

talking of tv programes there was a documentry about trainee Tornado aircrew a few years ago but that was only shown in some regions and there has been a documentry filmed this year following the Chinooks and crews in Afganistan which sould be screeened sometime round October .

Maybe a programe about a whole unit could be an idea focusing on every one not just the green suited master race would raise the profile of the air force

Have you not seen the latest pictures? Air defence is as important as ever.


Dr Midget Midgetson
I just remember in my final year of school the history teacher (A mighty good one at that!) put on the Battle of Britain film (1969), and most if not all the others in the room asked if who was playing as Hugh Dowding was Hitler! :PDT_Xtremez_42:

I've even had people I know asking me what is the RAF as if they've never heard of it. When I describe what it is to them, they ask "That's the Army isn't it then?" or "Isn't that part of the Navy/Army?". :PDT_Xtremez_09:

Then you really do know some dim people. Not heard of anyone who hasn't heard of the RAF, though I do agree with the sentiments that quite a few civvies when the RAF is mentioned do thnk of flying before anything else.

Even my own mother, when she asks about any of my friends, tends to ask which crew they are, she did find it difficult to get beyond the idea of aircrew, until I pointed out that her eldest son was an armourer so not aircrew.