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Public perception of the RAF


Flight Sergeant
I believe that the reason the Army are doing well and the RAF are given the shrug off is that its down to really weak people at the top. The Army are famous for having strong leaders (often bungling) and we have a couple of nice chaps (gimps) who have no real spine.
And another thing....rant rant.....

Having served in both Army and RAF I always thought the problem with RAF senior officers were that they were all pilots
Pilots join go thorugh Sleaford Tech and then are in a world of other pilots and aircrew for 20 years
They might mix with other non flying members of the Sqn but outside the Sqn do they actually mix that much with the rest of he RAF?

Army officers go through Sandhurst and then training after which they are posted to their unit
For the first year or so they are pretty much guided by a SNCO or senior Cpl
They manage a rifle platoon or such like
Dannett was awarded his M.C. in N.I. whilst serving in the Green Howards
He pretty much bounced around that regiment until he was a Lt Col as do most Army officers
His replacement Gen Richards has his jump wings which means he did P Coy
All Arms P coy (and I think Para Reg also) is run as mixed officers and lads
If you don't pass your bined regardless of rank

They know DMS boots were crap as they wore them
They've used the kit that the Toms are using day in day out
They've lived in a hole in teh grounsd whilst it lashes it down

Remember even Prices William and Harry learnt to drive light armour before being posted to the HCR

The RAF is to aircrew focused and IMHO the senior officers haven't seen enough of the "other" airforce to worry about what it is they're cutting
How can you save a trade if you have no idea what it does?

You will always try and defend what you know about
If you've always flown fast jets (yes I know that arguments gone now) you will always defend the fact you need lots of fast jets
Remember Gen Jackson - Nobody touched the Paras when he was boss which was convinient as he was ex 1 Para Adjt


The troops managed very well without officers or NCOs in the teams, though things may have changed now, it seems like everything else in the mob has.

I had the best years of my life on MR but cant say the "real" airforce made me very proud at all, and if any civy in Fort Bill or wherever asked any of the team who we were the answer was usually Lossiemouth rugby club.

Aircrew never did mix with the plebs, though I have known one or two that wern't bad blokes.

I think perhaps there is a bit of truth in the accusation from the pongos that the mob nowdays are civys in uniform, from a lot of the whining on this forum it certainly seems like that.


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
......... if any civy in Fort Bill or wherever asked any of the team who we were the answer was usually Lossiemouth rugby club.

That's funny, because when Saint's went to Jockland and misbehaved with the women after a night on the pop, they used to say they were from KMRT..........

...........of course, with all the saints troops being hung like mastedons, they never believed us.


Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
The troops managed very well without officers or NCOs in the teams, though things may have changed now, it seems like everything else in the mob has.

I had the best years of my life on MR but cant say the "real" airforce made me very proud at all, and if any civy in Fort Bill or wherever asked any of the team who we were the answer was usually Lossiemouth rugby club.

Aircrew never did mix with the plebs, though I have known one or two that wern't bad blokes.

I think perhaps there is a bit of truth in the accusation from the pongos that the mob nowdays are civys in uniform, from a lot of the whining on this forum it certainly seems like that.

The Army are no better, the RLC for example, more fatties per million than a McDonalds franchise during buy one get one free.


That's funny, because when Saint's went to Jockland and misbehaved with the women after a night on the pop, they used to say they were from KMRT..........

...........of course, with all the saints troops being hung like mastedons, they never believed us.

Never ever thought you lot ever did any big hills, you were probably in Norfolk and they told you it was Scotland.

If any of you had known how to use a map you might have worked it out for yourselves, that and the fact the beer tasted like pish. ;)


What a terribly sad thread.

The esprit de corps of the RAF when I did my 20 years (62 - 82) was middling to fine, depending on where you were, both location and trade. But even then we were in a 'reduction' phase which has just gone on and on and on since WW2.

The Governments and MOD have a lot to answer for.

The civilian population has virtually ceased to be British, let along English, and 50 years or more of constant denigration and financial starvation of Britain's Forces and place in the world from the Socialist sods who keep taking political power has taken it's toll on Pride all around.

I am Proud to have served in the Best Air Force - the Best organisation - in the world.

I look back with deep satisfaction at ten thousand jobs well done. I weep at what has become of it.

When I joined we were 120,000 strong. We could deploy at an instant (even by sea!) and 'man-up' to speed overnight. I left fewer than 90,000 men (and a few women) in blue uniforms. Now how many have we got? Half as many?

There is no 'slack' in the Services. Needed slack to take up arms properly. There is barely enough skill available to fight a real war. We have too few men at arms and too few aircraft. The rot set in with the Tornado which was far too expensive and frightened the life out of the accountants. It was 'Strategically' a dumb idea to have so few so hightly expensive aircraft that you could not use them for fear of losing them.

Our aviation industry is woeful. We cannot make a fighting aircraft by ourselves ( I say that meaning Britain can't). It is an apalling state to be in.

Our Squadrons were well known when I was in. The dimmest bloke in a pub could list at least half a dozen. They were 'his'. His uncle or dad or brother served in them. Now that civvie is just a. n. other ****ead who takes barely any pride in his friggin' shoes.

I have had a second very successful career spanning a little longer than my first RAF career. But I look back with great Pride and my uniforms (airman, NCO and Officer still hang in my wardrobe (albeit I can't get into them these days)


Take heart.

The Royal Air Force may not be well admired today. But YOU can admire it.

As I do.
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