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Hello all! I know I'm not a big poster but I'm in need of some goat wisdom! I'm in the middle of completing an AHR package to Cpl and part of it is knowing what QR(J)640 is and how it applies to certain people.

The problem is that I can't find any info either on the intranet, internet or by asking my seniors. No one at work has a clue. Opsec / Persec and the use of intranet links in mind, can anybody help at least point me in the right direction for finding out please?

Many thanks, LP.
Along the same lines as the OP I'm looking for QR641 info if anyone can point me in the right direction
QR 640 - roles and responsiblities of the Principal Engineer (OC Eng)

QR 641 - roles and responsibilities of the subordinates of holders of QR 640 (SEngO, JEngO, WO etc....)

I think QR 642 dealt with the subordinates of the holders of QR 641 (JNCOs, SACs etc )...but could be wrong.
QR640 'Principal Engineers', QR641 'Subordinate Engineers', QR642 'Engineering Tradesmen' - PM me and I'll talk you through finding QR's on the intranet.