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Question for someone with an answer?


Hi guys,

new to this forum so just wanted to tell you a little bit about me and then ask you all a question. My name is Adam, im 17 yo and was getting ready to apply for an Aircrew job (i wont tell you which one because its pretty obvious) only a month before the SDSR came out and as you can imagine i was pretty well gutted when i was told that none of the Forces will be taking on aircrew for a while now.

In the mean time i have began to learn how to fly privately and am on my way to achieving a PPL.

Anyway my question is, does anybody know when arounds the RAF preferably or any of the other forces will begin to look at taking on Aircrew again? Ive decided to go to uni whilst im waiting for it to happen so at the very least i will be studying a degree just in case.

I tried asking my local AFCO and they seemed to be pretty clueless to be honest!


Warwick Hunt

Persona Non-Grata
1000+ Posts
Hi guys,

new to this forum so just wanted to tell you a little bit about me and then ask you all a question. My name is Adam, im 17 yo and was getting ready to apply for an Aircrew job (i wont tell you which one because its pretty obvious) only a month before the SDSR came out and as you can imagine i was pretty well gutted when i was told that none of the Forces will be taking on aircrew for a while now.

In the mean time i have began to learn how to fly privately and am on my way to achieving a PPL.

Anyway my question is, does anybody know when arounds the RAF preferably or any of the other forces will begin to look at taking on Aircrew again? Ive decided to go to uni whilst im waiting for it to happen so at the very least i will be studying a degree just in case.

I tried asking my local AFCO and they seemed to be pretty clueless to be honest!


It is anticipated that we will begin recruiting aircrew again in Summer 2012. You're only 17 mate, so you have plenty of time on your hands as the upper age limit for pilots is 26. Have you thought about Non-Commissioned Aircrew?


It is anticipated that we will begin recruiting aircrew again in Summer 2012. You're only 17 mate, so you have plenty of time on your hands as the upper age limit for pilots is 26. Have you thought about Non-Commissioned Aircrew?


to be honest, i did not even know that i could apply to be a pilot as non-commissioned? i thought you had to be an officer? Is it 100% that they will be recruiting aircrew in the summer of 2012? Furthermore, do you think it would be a wiser decision for me if i maintained a degree before joining up?
Non Comissioned Aircrew aren't Pilots buddy, they are Weapons Systems Operators. They have a variety of roles, Acoustic who lacate ships and submarines, Electronic Warfare who use radar systems to look at air and land, Crewman who used to be called Loadmasters and Linguists who listen into radio emmisions. They hold the rank of Sgt. As for completing a degree, it isn't necessary for any of the above or pilot so the choice is yours and yours alone. As it stand at the moment 2012 is the latest information for pilot recruitment to start but this is a pretty fluid situation, keep in touch with your local AFCO.

Warwick Hunt

Persona Non-Grata
1000+ Posts

to be honest, i did not even know that i could apply to be a pilot as non-commissioned? i thought you had to be an officer? Is it 100% that they will be recruiting aircrew in the summer of 2012? Furthermore, do you think it would be a wiser decision for me if i maintained a degree before joining up?

If you came in the non-commissioned route as aircrew, you would be a Weapon Systems Operator (WSOp), basically being one of the team operating at the rear of the aircraft, as opposed to actually flying it. Maybe something to consider? If you do a search on this site, there's plenty of gen on the branch. Likewise, the RAF website will tell you about it. You can always become a pilot later if you become a WSOp first.

WRT being 100% whether we will recruit pilots in 2012, no it isn't, but that is the RAF Recruiting estimate, so the %age is somewhere in the 90's. It could change last minute, but as recruiters, we are working towards summer 2012. Watch this space.

As for your third question, only you can make that decision. Certainly having a degree won't do you any harm, but at the end of the day, all the qualifications are a just a foot in the door. Your aptitude to do the job is most important. No matter how qualified you are, you either have it or you don't.


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
I'd get a degree first...the time at uni is enjoyable (I know its expensive but why not enquire about a bursary?) and it'll allow you some life lessons and a whole lot of fun before we get hold of you...

The training system for aircrew is heavily academic...lots of difficult exams...85% pass rates and only a couple of fails before your up for review and potentially shown the door back from whence you came...Going to uni and studying for somethiing interestiig and relevent to aviation (not at all essential but if it's what you want to do then you may as well show an interest now) will prepare you for study and the discipline it takes to take on Central Flying School. You'll have finished your degree by 21 which IMO is a more appropriate age to come to Cranwell, have learned how to cope with study and exams/tests, have kicked the arse a bit out of life therefore getting some of it out of your system and if we fail you (the failure rate is high...it's not an easy job) you'll at least have a degree to wave around in civvy street from day one of your enforced re-introduction to being a civilian! If you didn't do your degree, managed to get through OASC at 17-18...spend a year or so with us and fail you'll have to go back to square one a few years behind your civvy peers...

Patience in this game will pay dividends my friend!