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Question for Supp Ex - Need an NSN

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1000+ Posts
Any of you Supp Ex Stackers have a good nsn for a Kalamazoo? Ours is on it's last legs. Cheers!
Get in touch with Tactical Armament Squadron Suppliers at Marham, they have a few knocking around, or at least they did when I left in May.
Nice comment Tashy but if a Kalamazoo comes to bits OHHHH fun for a few days lol
Get in touch with Tactical Armament Squadron Suppliers at Marham, they have a few knocking around, or at least they did when I left in May.

Since when have TAS ever helped anybody but themselves? Usually to the good dets too.
Downsizer what do they do, I know that the plan when I was in was for them to deploy and do all the aircraft loading as well and leave the 1st line plumbers for fixing /role changes. I guess this didn't happen!
Downsizer what do they do, I know that the plan when I was in was for them to deploy and do all the aircraft loading as well and leave the 1st line plumbers for fixing /role changes. I guess this didn't happen!

TAS do no A/C work. All they do is ponce around in greens, boasting about how good they are, knicking proper dumpies good detachments. IE they'll do a USA heavy bombing det, but when the same sqn goes to lossie or kinloss they aren't interested.

basically they are supposed to set up new dumps, where ever required and then hand over to others. However recently they have taken over completely in K'har and the Died. Justifying their own existence me thinks.
Didn't the company that made the kalamazoo go bust years ago?

The Kalamazoo was originally bought for the NHS - they offloaded it to us after realising what a ballache it was!

A proper filing system is much better - I've always wondered why the ESAs keep such a useless thing lying around, I'm sure a JPA - cum - LITS style system would be great oh and get some Wing Commanders promoted too I would guess.....:PDT_Xtremez_42:
There was a computer system mooted, but the kalamazoo was found to be easier to use, and it is pretty easy once you get the hang of it!