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Question on PGAC and Partners.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Winny
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Alright all.

Ive pretty much made up my mind that Im going for the RAF Regiment in May. I would have applied already if it wasnt for hayfever, however the rules on having hayfever seem to have been toned down a bit lately so I can join after 2 years perscription drugs free (unless someone can tell me otherwise).

My main question about the PGAC; is it really as hard as people would make out? Im sure I'm mentally ready for it, they might tell me I'm not fit for the gunners but I'm sure as hell I wont leave. My only worry is that no amount of training will prepare me for it, and my main worry is my weight.

Im a pretty skinny bloke with a crazy motabilism and no matter how much I eat I dont ever put much weight on, so is there a lot of humping and dumping on this "selection". Ill be honest here (feel free to take the ****) I was in the TA, and whilst I could run for miles in a pair of shorts and trainers, when we had to tab with full kit is the only time I struggled, I passed but it was pretty tough, and I realise the difference in TA and Gunners is just rediculous, so yeah this is the only but that worrys me.

Also, some people have told me the PGAC is 3 days, the raf website says 4 and another bloke has said a week, how long really is it?

On a side note. Ive been with my Mrs for 5 years. She is starting up her basic in a week doing IT. I realise being a gunner Id be expected to go on tours and extended periods apart were fine with. But how flexible would the RAF be with allowing me to see her or be living near her, without getting married and getting her babied up so we can get a RAF house (my sister done this with her RAF boyfriend and Im pretty sure she regrets it).

Anyway cheers in advance for any insight you can give.


Ok, the first point about "how hard is PGAC" is a matter of point of view. You will be required to complete the RAF Fitness test and swim. There is very little work with weight on. You will be built up to do "tabs" with weight on during the actual course if you are successfull on the PGAC. The way the Phys is structured is to build you up in stages.
You are not just given a 40lb bergan on day 1 and told to run for 3 miles so dont worry about that.

As long as you are of a healthy standard then you shouldnt have any problems. The PGAC runs Tue to Thurs but you required to turn up on the Mon evening. You will be released on the Thurs afternoon.

As for family/girlfriend side of things, During training, you will be allowed weekends off after you have completed the first 4 weeks. You will not be going anywhere before this time. After that, if you have completed all the tasks that you need to at the weekend (kit prep/locker prep etc) then the weekends are your own. If successfull on the course, you will be posted onto a sqn where you will have most weekends off to do as you please.

However, just remember that a course like this takes commitment. If you are more worried about getting away at weekends and not on bonding with your course mates or getting your kit/homework finished then you will definately struggle.

Hope this helps


Thanks for the detailed answer.

To be fair the question about what time you get to yourself is more of my GF's question, if I were single I wouldnt be worried how far away from home I am or when Im gonna get a weekend off, but my Mrs is still an important part of what I have planned with this career I've set my sights on so I guess it had to be asked :P

Anyway it sounds better than I had expected to be honest, I'm definitely excited about getting on this PGAC now I know it's running and swimming, which Im putting in the training for so I dont struggle with this 3 mile run I've heard so much about.

All in all thanks I guess that's my questions pretty much answered :)

Crabbity Ann

Alright all.

I would have applied already if it wasnt for hayfever, however the rules on having hayfever seem to have been toned down a bit lately so I can join after 2 years perscription drugs free (unless someone can tell me otherwise).

I know you said you got all your answers but just wanted to add something. I know sod-all about RAF Regt or joining up with hayfever as when I joined up I only had the odd sniffle, nothing worth mentioning. However, since I've been in I've gradually developed quite severe hayfever. I get very heavy flue symptoms, even when I take normal anti-hystamenes so I get a prescription every year for heavier dose pills, nasal spray and eye drops just to be semi-normal. Nobody has ever mentioned anything about not being allowed to have hayfever, I didn't even know it was such an issue for non-fliers.


Yeah I need to kinda add to this post again. Im pretty worried about the whole hayfever thing. I rang in just this morning to say if I start my application now will it go through ok medically because it will take some time. The bloke at the AFCO said no, and that I had to wait the full 2 years before I applied or somebody could end up in the **** for putting me through when I wasnt fit to do so.

He ended it with, "its best to be honest with us because it will be found out on your medical tests".

Now Im not sure what he meant by this, as far as Im aware you cant check someones **** and tell they have hayfever, they could check it though and see that I may have had drugs to treat it (which I do occasionally but it is no where near as bad as when I was a kid).

I get a bad feeling my application will be denied based on hayfever again, I really cant wait another 2 years for this.


Warrant Officer
I'd ask to speak to someone else at the AFCO about that...There's nothing on the RAF Cares website about it...


After a bit of digging though....apparently, It all comes down to the medical at the AFCO with the civvy doctor, if your hayfever is so bad you need an inhaler, then its an out and out no - otherwise, its down to the doctor..
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Thanks for the reply but im not quite sure what the answer was. Its an out and out no as in you wont have a problem getting in?

Just to clarify with my hayfever. I had hayfever quite bad as a kid. It started to settle down toward the end of high school though. I went to the doctors and got what is essentially a steroid based injection to make 100% sure I didnt get hayfever when I was doing my GCSE exams. This is what screwed me over when I applied to the army a few months later.

I went back now and then to get the odd tablets and nasal spray, I have also been to a private doctor for drugs once or twice (but I guess this wont come up when my GP sends off my medical info) and stopped getting perscribed medication for it in May 2 years ago (well almost).

Now I thought the difference was in wether it was a ground roll or not. Im not clued up on all this with the regiment but im guessing they are classed very much as ground, I'd imagine they go in the air now and then but they have only gotta jump out the aircraft and not operate it right?

So all I wanna know is, when I apply in may, can I go up there and say I have been hayfever free for 2 years (which is a lie to be fair but from my medical records point of view). Pass my medical and have a long career in the RAF rgt just taking the odd bit of hayfever medicine from over the counter?


Warrant Officer
Thanks for the reply but im not quite sure what the answer was. Its an out and out no as in you wont have a problem getting in?


If your hayfever is so bad that you need an inhaler, then its an out and out no - otherwise, its down to the doctor doing the medical..

Surely you can understand that....

Best you go back to the AFCO and speak to someone else.


Sorry mate I just read it wierd! Well no Iv'e never needed an inhaler for it so thanks for clearing it up :PDT_Xtremez_30:


Alright all.

Ive pretty much made up my mind that Im going for the RAF Regiment in May. I would have applied already if it wasnt for hayfever, however the rules on having hayfever seem to have been toned down a bit lately so I can join after 2 years perscription drugs free (unless someone can tell me otherwise).

My main question about the PGAC; is it really as hard as people would make out? Im sure I'm mentally ready for it, they might tell me I'm not fit for the gunners but I'm sure as hell I wont leave. My only worry is that no amount of training will prepare me for it, and my main worry is my weight.

Im a pretty skinny bloke with a crazy motabilism and no matter how much I eat I dont ever put much weight on, so is there a lot of humping and dumping on this "selection". Ill be honest here (feel free to take the ****) I was in the TA, and whilst I could run for miles in a pair of shorts and trainers, when we had to tab with full kit is the only time I struggled, I passed but it was pretty tough, and I realise the difference in TA and Gunners is just rediculous, so yeah this is the only but that worrys me.

Also, some people have told me the PGAC is 3 days, the raf website says 4 and another bloke has said a week, how long really is it?

On a side note. Ive been with my Mrs for 5 years. She is starting up her basic in a week doing IT. I realise being a gunner Id be expected to go on tours and extended periods apart were fine with. But how flexible would the RAF be with allowing me to see her or be living near her, without getting married and getting her babied up so we can get a RAF house (my sister done this with her RAF boyfriend and Im pretty sure she regrets it).

Anyway cheers in advance for any insight you can give.

How much is it that you weigh mate ?
Also do you no if your weight and height need to be matching ? (if u no wat i meen lol )