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RAF Jokes please!

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Dear all!!!

I am tasked with writing a few comedy sketches for a squadron do and need some help with some military, particularly RAF, puns and or jokes...

...also some with special reference to RAF uniforms etc............If any one has a joke or idea please post below........


spencer the fencer

Start with the classics

How do you know when there is a fighter pilot in the building?

Don't worry he'll come and tell you.

If you don't know what rank an RAF officer is what do you do?

Scan him with a bar code reader.

Whats the difference between an armourer and a 1000lb bomb?

Only certain 1000lbers are retarded.



Ex-Harrier Mafia Member
1000+ Posts
This joke is usually followed by the punchline 'Dead Epileptic'

What's blue and doesn't fit anymore?

*Insert nearest fat crabs name here* uniform.

Bucc Boy

How do you know you are talking to an RAF pilot?……………..After 2 hours he will say, “Anyway that’s enough about me, tell me about yourself”.

What is the difference between RAF Aircrew and God?……………..God does not think he is Aircrew!


This airman is well balanced - He has a chip on both shoulders!

How do you get 6 F/Sgts on a Motor bike? Promote one to Warrant officer, the others will crawl up his arse!


What's the difference between a jet engine and a pilot?

After the sortie the jet stops whining.

How many pilots does it take to change a light bulb?

Just 1 to hold it still while the rest of the world revolves around him.

google military humour, there's a rich source of jokes, keeps me going at top tables any hoo!


Licensed Aircraft Engineer
1000+ Posts
Licensed A/C Eng
Did you hear about the Officer who knew what he was doing?

Neither did I.


This is the first RAF joke I ever heard, told by my DI in 1976....

A rockape is walking down the road with a monkey sat on his shoulder.
A passerby says, "aw, that's cute, where did you get it?"
"Catterick" The monkey replies.


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
A rock officer is regretfully housed in an Army Officer's Mess for a course, and having seated himself for breakfast proceeds to look around for the corn flakes, which he spots on the opposite side. He asks the (hatted) army guards captain "Pass the cornflakes, mate"....but he is ignored. Thinking the grunt is merely mutton jeff, he restates "hey, pass the CORNFLAKES MATE!" Still no response.

....at length, the Guards grunt leans gently forwards and mutters across "Were you a gentleman, you would know that if an officer wears his hat at table, he does not wished to be addressed..." and leans back rustling his paper.

The Rock officer, unperturbed by this display, climbs onto the oak table, walks the 6 feet across to the seated guards grunt and stamps his boot right into the mans breakfast, and leaning forward gently states "...if you were not such a pompous ******, you would know that when a rock puts his foot in your eggs, it means "pass the fukcing cornflakes""


Flight Sergeant
in the days of the single seal multi-purpose jet...

What do you get when you cross a pilot with a navigator?

Missed approach - Wrong Airfield...


The Other Mods Made Me Do It
A young soldier is on stag at night in Helmand, when he see's a figure approaching his position.

'Halt!' He shouts out.

The figure continues to advance so the young lad shoulders his rifle.

'Halt!' He shouts again, but still the figure comes closer.

The frightened soldier flicks off his safety catch and once more shouts out 'Halt!'

The figure still moves toward him, so he fires 3 rounds into it.

The next morning he climbs out of his trench and goes to where the figure stood. There, bleeding on the floor, is a member of the RAF Regiment.

'You soppy cnut, I shouted halt three times last night' says the soldier.

Coughing and spluttering blood the RAF Regiment lad looks up at him and says.

'Yes I know. But you gave it on the wrong foot'


Master of my destiny
Full of Hot Air

A Navigator in a hot air balloon realized he was lost. He lowered altitude and spotted a man on the ground below. He shouted to him, "Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don't know where I am."
The man consulted his portable GPS and replied, "You're in a hot air balloon approximately 30 feet above a ground elevation of 2,346 feet above sea level. You are 51 degrees, 53.97 minutes north latitude and 3 degrees, 49.09 minutes west longitude."
He rolled his eyes and said, "You must be an Engineer."
"I am," replied the man. "How did you know?"
"Well," answered the balloonist, "everything you told me is technically correct, but I have no idea what to make of your information, and I'm still lost. Frankly, you've not been much help to me."
The man smiled and responded, "You must be a RAF Officer."
"I am," replied the balloonist. "But how did you know?"
"Well," said the man, "You don't know where you are or where you're going. You've risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air. You've made a promise that you have no idea how to keep, and now you expect ME to solve your problem. You're in EXACTLY the same position you were in before we met, but somehow, now, it's MY fault.:PDT_Xtremez_30:


You can lay all the junior officers in the RAF head to foot and they still couldn't reach from here to a decision.

One year, the RAF entered a team in the Boat Race. It was crewed by 8 Sergeants doing the rowing and an Air Commodore as Cox. They lost.

After a period of leaning, reorganisation and rationalisation, it was decided the rowers needed greater encouragment to increase their work rate. So the following year the RAF again entered a team in the Boat Race. This time it had 1 Sergeant rowing and Air Commodores shouting instructions.
Two junior officers on a course at a joint services staff college went to the toilet to use the urinals prior to going to lunch.
The army officer finished first and went to the washbasin and washed his hands. As he was drying them, the RAF officer finished and headed straight for the door. Army said, "I say old chap! At Sandhurst, they teach us to wash our hands after using the toilet."
RAF replied, "Oh! At Cranwell, they teach us not to pee on our hands."

New course of Rock Ape parachutists go up in a Herc to jump for the first time. Instructor stands up and says "Right lads! I know you've been through the drill before, but now we're up in the air, I want go through the drill for the last time.
"When the red light comes on, stand up and hook your cord to the rail, then queue for the doors. When the green light goes on, I'll shout 'GO!' and you'll all jump through them doors smartish.
"Count '1,000, 2,000, 3,000' then pull the main handle smartly and your 'chute will open. Land as instructed then stow the 'chute straight away."
One Rock sticks up his hand and says, "Sarge, what if the 'chute doesn't open?"
"Well, there is another handle here that will open your emergency 'chute."
"But, what if that doesn't work as well?"
Under his breath... "Jeez..." The Sgt replies, "Well just flap your arms and shout 'GERONIMO!"
"Er... who's that then Sarge?" "He's a fcking Indian! Now get ready!"
Red light comes on, and all the Rocks stand up, clip the hooks onto the rail and head for the doors.
Green light comes on and the Sgt shouts "GO! GO! GO!" until they have all left. He then shuts the doors and is about to go to the cockpit when he hears a knocking at one of the doors.
He opens it and sees the same Rock flapping his arms shouting: "What's that Indian's name again, Sarge?"
(As told to my Dad by a Rock Ape whilst he was Duty SNCO at RAF Akrotiri, 1969-1972. No, he wasn't Duty SNCO for 3 years!)

A few years back I told another parachutist joke which was a fusion of the above and one by Billy Connoly:

New course of Rock Ape parachutists go up in a Herc to jump for the first time. Instructor stands up and says "Right lads! I know you've been through the drill before, but now we're up in the air, I want go through the drill for the last time.
"When the red light comes on, stand up and hook your cord to the rail, then queue for the doors. When the green light goes on, I'll shout 'GO!' and you'll all jump through them doors smartish.
"Count '1,000, 2,000, 3,000' then pull the main handle smartly and your 'chute will open. Land as instructed then stow the 'chute straight away."
One nervous Rock sticks up his hand and says, "Sarge, what if the 'chute doesn't open?"
"Well, there is another handle here that will open your emergency 'chute."
"But, what if that doesn't work as well?"
Under his breath... "Jeez..." The Sgt replies, "Well, just pray. Preferably to Allah!"
"Er... but I’m a Christian." "Doesn’t matter! Just pray to Allah."
Red light comes on, and all the Rocks stand up, clip the hooks onto the rail and head for the doors.
Green light comes on and the Sgt shouts: "GO! GO! GO!" until they have all left.
Nervous Rockie counts to 3,000, pulls the main handle and it comes off without opening the main ‘chute. Remembering what the Sgt said, he pulls the emergency handle and sees the ‘chute open and disconnects from him. He’s scudding through the sky, and then starts praying, “ALLAH! ALLAH! SAVE ME, SAVE ME, PLEASE!”
A giant black hand appears in the sky catches him and lowers him gently to the ground.
Greatly relieved, the Rock Ape says to himself, “Thank Christ for that!”
A giant black foot appears out of the blue and goes ‘BOOMF!’ squashes him flat.
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