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RAF Search and Rescue (SARF)




Can anyone please tell me about the RAF Search and Rescue (SARF) where to apply, tests, roles, officers or non officer roles, location and how long the training is for.

I feel like I haven't achieved anything in my life unless I join the RAF!!!!!!!!
Regards & respect to everyone in the Force
Thanks alot

Reformed Scribbly


Thought you wanted to be a copper, looking at your last post!

Anyway, SARF is made up of the aircrews on 22, 202 & 203 Sqns, so you're looking at either pilot, hope to be streamed rotary then hope to be streamed SAR rather than Support Helicopter, or WSOp then hope to be streamed crewman, then again for SAR.

Or you could join as any branch/trade, nationality dependent, and when posted to a stn that has a mountain rescue team attached and get involved that way. It is voluntary and not part of the primary duties for most who are involved, but some can go that way as certain posts - team leader/coord are full time.