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RAF Selection Test (AST)



Got my AST in a few weeks (Pending my damn GCSE certificated arriving..) Got a couple of books on the RAF selection process in general. Going through all the tests etc a few things spring to mind.

1) I know that test pass rates vary for the job your applying for. But are there any general measurements (Aircraft Tech - Mechanical)

2) The work rate one is insane! 20 questions in 4 minutes? I can get around 8 done in 2minutes (Book only supplies them in groups of 10) Do they expect you to finish them all? Really struggling with this.

3) Timing in general, how does it work? Is it just say 5 minutes on the clock and you plug away at the questions? OR a certain amount of time per question?

Any other information you can give me about how the day will go would be very much appreciated!



1) From memory there are all kinds of different areas being tested, I dont think there is an overall "pass mark" but individual areas will have thresholds for different trades (i.e. the section on mechanism will need a solid pass if you want to be mech but a regt gunner will need a higher score in depth perception I think I was told at the time).

2) No, you are not expected to complete them all. Part of the test is to see your workrate under pressure and (much more importantly) if you will start to guess at things under that pressure. Imagine if you had a mech having to do something to a Typhoon and under pressure he just started assuming and guessing at parameters for the job instead of taking the time to find out. So don't worry and don't guess.

3) It is broken up. You will have times for each block and a short break between blocks (say a minute or two to compose yourself). There is also a section on video about recollection which is also bookended with a break.

Do the prep that comes in your info pack and remember that we all had to do it, the blue suit invigilating will probably have done it as well at some point. It is not there to fail you, it is there to make sure that you don't go forward for a trade you would struggle with in Phase 2 training.

Good luck.


Thanks for the info! Can't help feeling a tad anxious a bout the test, cramming like mad right now. Been over 4 years since I've done any maths...

Another quick question about the verbal reasoning test... Its given me around 3-4 small paragraphs to read or one big one. Once read, and I've started the questions, can I go back and re-read the information? Seems an awful lot to try and remember!


Flight Sergeant
Try not to get overwhelmed by the maths. There is usually a 'simplifying' operation that can be applied to most questions, e.g. try to get speed/distance/time down to 1 kilometre in 'x' minutes, or 'x' kilometres in 1 minute.

QUESTION: At 15 kilometres per hour, how far do you travel in 40 minutes? (Note the change of units hours to minutes)

15 km in 1 hour = 15 km in 60 minutes = 1 km in 4 minutes

Use this to calculate that in 4 x 10 = 40 minutes, you will travel 1 x 10 = 10 kilometres.


15 km in 1 hour = 5 km in 1/3 hour (20 minutes), so 2/3 hour (40 minutes) = 10 km

PM me if you need help.


Pay attention to the question terms, and do the 'easiest' questions 1st - go back to the harder ones if you have time - don't dawdle over 1 question for ages !!

I used to do the ast every Monday for 4 years. If it hasn't changed the following may help. You are not supposed to finish it and if still multi choice just pick any letter for the last five questions and hope you catch up. I would alwaysmove back into position about 15 seconds before the time up was called. Watchx and learn!.


Hello mate

I sat my AST last monday and Im going for Aircraft Tech.

For Aircraft Mechanial you need to score a 63 in group D but I dont know what group that is, it maybe Work Rate. You also have to score a 2 in Verbal Reasoning, 5 in Numerical Reasoning, and a 5 in both Electrical and Mechanical Comprehension. These scores are for Qualified and not Un-Qualified.

The English is fine, just READ each question. Have a quick scan through the passage and go onto the question, dont rush or panic as I found the time for English was good. Maths - I would scrub up on fractions (multiply and dividing) but there is no way you will get either the Maths sections finished. For the Work Rate you basically have to be as quick as poss, scan the answers and if you think youve got the right one, tick it. Dont spend time checking as you will not get many done. Also scrub up on mechanical and electrical comp as if you dont score the minimum in these areas you will fail. Pulleys, cogs, tools, and basic electrical principles.

You have a certain amount of time per section.

The Memory test is the worst but it doesnt matter what you score in it for your trade.


Got my AST in a few weeks (Pending my damn GCSE certificated arriving..) Got a couple of books on the RAF selection process in general. Going through all the tests etc a few things spring to mind.

1) I know that test pass rates vary for the job your applying for. But are there any general measurements (Aircraft Tech - Mechanical)

2) The work rate one is insane! 20 questions in 4 minutes? I can get around 8 done in 2minutes (Book only supplies them in groups of 10) Do they expect you to finish them all? Really struggling with this.

3) Timing in general, how does it work? Is it just say 5 minutes on the clock and you plug away at the questions? OR a certain amount of time per question?

Any other information you can give me about how the day will go would be very much appreciated!


1) See the post above for the scores, its hard to know which group relates to which question so just do your best in them all, its a measure of aptitude and whether you are suited to the job.

2) The work rate test is designed to pressure you, its about working methodically to get the correct answer. I answered 18 and scored 18 out of 20 which is apparently one of the best scores my AFCO had seen, so don't worry about not answering them all, just make sure you get them right.

3) At the beginning of each test the invigilator (I had the civvy office admin lady) will go through the instructions for the test and tell you how long you have. You can then do a practice question so you know what you're doing. The test will then begin.

You will be fully briefed about everything prior to starting, they're not trying to trip you up or confuse you. Take heed of the rules! When a test has finished you may not make any further marks on that page of the answer book, if you are caught doing so, it will be noted on your file that you were caught cheating and that is not the way you want to start out your new career in a job where personal and professional integrity is important.

Just relax, do the practice papers as advised in your invitation pack and you'll be fine.

One last word of advice. Read the fecking questions! Don't make stupid mistakes because you skimmed the question and misread it.

Good luck.


I passed my AST in December:

Just stay calm, that's the main thing. If you panic you'll end up all in a muddle & you won't get through the questions. There were 15 people taking the AST with me and FOUR of us passed. I believe some people didn't bother preparing, but if you can do the questions in the practise papers and you've got at least a few working brain cells, you'll be fine. Just remember to have a quick read of the section before you start at question 1, and answer any obviously easy ones first. good luck!! :pDT_Xtremez_28:


Try not to get overwhelmed by the maths. There is usually a 'simplifying' operation that can be applied to most questions, e.g. try to get speed/distance/time down to 1 kilometre in 'x' minutes, or 'x' kilometres in 1 minute.

QUESTION: At 15 kilometres per hour, how far do you travel in 40 minutes? (Note the change of units hours to minutes)

15 km in 1 hour = 15 km in 60 minutes = 1 km in 4 minutes

Use this to calculate that in 4 x 10 = 40 minutes, you will travel 1 x 10 = 10 kilometres.


15 km in 1 hour = 5 km in 1/3 hour (20 minutes), so 2/3 hour (40 minutes) = 10 km

PM me if you need help.

GAH!!!! I HATE ALL THIS STUFF ;) I had ALMOST forgotten about it all as well :)
for the maths part:

when i applied for officer last year we had to use S/D/T in planning exercises.

this website helped me and it may prove useful (or not)


some are easy, some are hard, but it does get your brain working.

i'm waiting for a date for my AST so i'm using this to help.
Aptitude test

Aptitude test

So...I'm waiting for a date to be set to do my aptitude test.
I do think that it is rediculous that an entire job is at stake all dependant on wether or not any of us can pass the aptitude test!

seems to be that not just the raf but companies all over the uk are doing this.

ive had a go at the practice paper and it takes me about 20 mins to do 3 questions!!
plus...ive had to swat up on my maths - if you havent checked out the practice paper, then i strongly urge you to do so...(google it, it is on the RAF website)
completely panicked when i saw fractions and decimals. omg ive not done that since school.
anyhoo yeah...has anyone sailed thru their AST? how did it go?

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I got good results in my AST but then I have always had a knack at psychometric testing. Just get focused and answer as many questions as accurately and quickly as you can because you won't have time to recheck your answers.

Don't get put off by people next to you even of they are ahead of you and if you struggle on a question then just move on to the next, time is against you and there will be sections of the test where you will fail to answer all of the questions.

Good luck, and if you fail the first time then you do get a second chance.


So...I'm waiting for a date to be set to do my aptitude test.I do think that it is rediculous that an entire job is at stake all dependant on wether or not any of us can pass the aptitude test!seems to be that not just the raf but companies all over the uk are doing this.ive had a go at the practice paper and it takes me about 20 mins to do 3 questions!!plus...ive had to swat up on my maths - if you havent checked out the practice paper, then i strongly urge you to do so...(google it, it is on the RAF website)completely panicked when i saw fractions and decimals. omg ive not done that since school.anyhoo yeah...has anyone sailed thru their AST? how did it go?Caroline
Don't panic. Companies across the UK are indeed using psychometric testing, however, they are often looking for people with the right attitude or a knack for, say, customer service. We are slightly different in that we are looking, generally, at a much broader range of measurements than your typical psychometric test. It is not a test that is designed to catch you out; so, while you should feel free to brush up on the basic skills like maths etc, there is only so much 'revision' you can do. Aptitude means aptitude, and you either have it or you don't. The AST identifies whether you are suitable for the role you may have chosen. What trade are you aiming for?
Ast - 2

Ast - 2

Hi all,

I've recently applied for Int Analyst and sat my AST. I scored more than enough in Verbal and Numerical, however, I was told my work rate let me down and dragged the score down.

Does anyone have any practice sheets or similar exercises that I could use to improve this section?

4 mins to answer 20 questions is quite tough and underestimated this part.



Just practicing my necromancy here instead of making a new thread... But I'm applying for Cyber/ICT tech and am trying to figure out what they're looking for and what it means for a 5 in NR (sourced from here https://www.e-goat.co.uk/forums/archive/index.php/t-47340.html ). Does that mean 50% correct or is it 5/5 for 100% correct needed? Just looking for a bit of context on the meaning. As I understand it, ICT CQ - VR=5, NR=5, EC=5, MC=5 Group score 63 for it. But I'm not sure what that means out of context :S
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Staff member
1000+ Posts
Just sit the test, don't worry about the score. They'll tell you what you've scored for after mate!


That they did, still no idea how this system works but I passed it. VR=7, NR=9, EC=9,MC=8. Now I just need to get ready for my interview next week :D