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Raf V Faa


As someone still deciding wheather to go for Raf Air Tech or Navy Air Tech I found this very interesting. Ive been leaning towards the Navy because the promotion in the RAF seems absolutely AWFUL!

Anyway, I have copyed and paced this from a Navy forum and would be interested to hear your replys.


I'm currently in the RAF (insert joke here) and have about 11 years experience as an aircraft tech (mech not avionics)...

A good friend of mine is going through the process of transferring into the FAA and I've bumped into a couple more guys who are trying to do the same. The main motivation behind this is career prospects - the chance to actually get to a decent rank within a 22 year career. Promotion in the RAF to CPL (L/H) is painfully slow due to redundancies, civilian contracts replacing service personnel at depth (all of Typhoon second line is civilian), and the general out of date and inefficient rank structure.

Faced with the choice of staying in the RAF and fighting for the few promotions to CPL that exist (this year there's only 41 promotions SAC/JT to CPL across the whole RAF (mechs)) or transferring to the FAA where there's actually the potential for hard workers to move up - and get academic rewards from training - I think I know where the smart money is...

Just curious if anyone works with or has encountered AET's who were originally RAF? Obvious banter aside, did they manage to assimilate into the navy way of life?

Just curious as I'm due to leave the RAF in a year, at the 12 year point with a half pension, but I actually quite like being in HM Forces - despite the sh*te it's actually not all bad. I just wish I had a career ladder to climb. The fast track AET scheme seems to offer this (opinions?) and by transferring it might give me the opportunity to finish up a full career in the forces...

Any thoughts?


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
It really depends on your attitude ability and aptitude (I need a slap, I almost said agility adaptability and capability). Some people get promoted quicker than others and quicker than the Navy, I was a Sgt after 11.5 years as a aircraft Mech, some have done it quicker and some slower but what I will guarantee is that the average RAF Mech will have a better and more diverse skillset than his navy counterpart.

I must point out that quickness of promotion is not everything, the difference between RAF and Navy is vast, things the major things that differ are options of posting, standard of training and the general working environment, Navy Junior ranks seem to get treated very poorly IMO.

Hope this helps, remember there is always to sides to the story!

Good luck in whatever you decide is for you.


Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
Agreed, the PVR rate for AETs is very very high.

Look into both options very carefully before you make your decision, faster promotion isn't the be all and end all. Many AET/AEMs in the Navy take 8 years to Killick just the same as the RAF, it's only "fast trackers" that get promoted quickly.

Something to bear in mind. There are good points to the FAA as well, it comes down to personal choice.

I'm glad I chose the RAF, I wouldn't touch the FAA with a barge pole, even if I had joined up I would possibly be a CPO by now, rather than an SAC(T)!!:PDT_Xtremez_17:


Agreed, the PVR rate for AETs is very very high.

Look into both options very carefully before you make your decision, faster promotion isn't the be all and end all. Many AET/AEMs in the Navy take 8 years to Killick just the same as the RAF, it's only "fast trackers" that get promoted quickly.

Something to bear in mind. There are good points to the FAA as well, it comes down to personal choice.

I'm glad I chose the RAF, I wouldn't touch the FAA with a barge pole, even if I had joined up I would possibly be a CPO by now, rather than an SAC(T)!!:PDT_Xtremez_17:

Doubt it. :PDT_Xtremez_28:


Techie & Proud
Well look at the pay scales because at the end of the day what pay you get is more important. you may be a Sgt or whatever they call them in the Navy but It may pay the same as an SAC (T) in the RAf, just take al ook and guess what rank you would be stuck on the longest, Thats my opnion though as money makes things more bearable.

good luck
Career prospects? I joined up as a DE fairy, posted out of Cosford as a Jake, left 7 years later, as a Jake.

Bloody Betts report and options for change!!!
