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Regiment Officer and Pilot Filter Interview Questions



Evening all,

firstly please can I say how much of a Godsend this website has been in my preparation for my filter which is coming up shortly. This is one of my first posts and my first new topic so I'm new in that respect. So please let me introduce myself...Hi I'm Matt.

As the title suggests I'm going for RegO and Pilot and have my filter very soon. I was hoping to tap this fantastic wealth of knowledge and make sure that I have researched the right areas and that I'm not missing anything hugely important. So to that end I'll list all the areas that I think I will/could be interviewed on minus the obvious questions about me, myself and I and what I did at school, university, work, what roles of leadership and responsibility I've had etc etc.

RAF and basic NATO/ISAF Knowledge
- The role of the RAF
- The role of an RAF Officer
- RAF History (when was it formed, what was it before, etc etc)
- Basic RAF Officer selection (more detailed in trade)
- IOT break down (3 x 10week terms what happens etc)
- Main RAF bases and their roles and main aircraft
- SDSR and how it effects the RAF's present and future
- What is NATO and ISAF's key role
- Member and new states of NATO/ISAF
- NATO/ISAF commander

RAF Regiment Specific
- Brief history of the Regiment (when it was established and by whom etc)
- Units and their roles, where they're stationed
- What the Regiments main role is
- Selection process (P2 pres, filter, PROC, OACS, IOT, JROC, First command...)
- What is required of me at each stage of the process
- Where each stage is carried out
- IOT and JROC in detail
- How long each stage is
- Where the Regt are operating overseas
(I'm sure there's more but I've hit a dead end with that)

Pilot Specific
- A Pilots main role (Obvious joke...they fly planes...ha...ha)
- Selection process
- Streaming process for all three streams (Also can any one please enlighten me as to what DEFT stands for? I know what EFT is but can't work out what the D means or even if its along the same lines)
- Types of aircraft I could be using at the different points in training
- Where these aircraft are based
- What their roles are
(Must be more here I'm missing)

Other things I can think off
- Current Affairs domestic and abroad
- SDSR and what that has in store for the RAF
er......any more?

That's it thats all I've got, I don't know if I'm really well preped and have nothing to worry about as long as I know all of the above or if I'm up sh1t creek without a paddle.

I know that there is a lot of this stuff already on here and I'm sure I'll get told that the "search button is my friend" etc etc. But I've done a lot of my own leg work and would really appreciate it if there is anyone out there that can let me know how I'm getting on and if I'm missing anything.

Many thanks in advance,

Matt :pDT_Xtremez_30:


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
" Current Affairs domestic and abroad"

Yeah. They won't let you off that light. You gotta be able to first identify around 3 hot topics from current affairs and then link it to defence in general and your choices in particular.

Example. Wikileaks - link to reaction of US and arrest of founder - link to relationship between US and UK given the"outing" of the US view on the "Special relationship", link to in theatre joint ops (side issues of blue/blue shooting of 3 para guy) link to possible difficulties for future relationships on the ground for your guys in terms of your problems in leadership of joint ops.

You get the idea. Be ready to make an argument up front.

Reformed Scribbly

If you've a good awareness of the above areas then hopefully you should do fine, current affaris are more for OASC, but it won't hurt to have a good awareness of the wider world in case the interviewing officer throws a curveball to test you.

Good Luck


Awesome, thanks for your help. I'm pretty much there now so fingers crossed I should be fine. I'll let you know how I get on.

Many thanks,


Hi Matt, a bit off topic but can I ask how you managed to get put forward for 2 trades? My AFCO has told me I can only go for 1 at a time :pDT_Xtremez_21: Sorry to gatecrash your thread!!


When you first sign up online or at the AFCO you can only put down your top choice but when you attend the P2 pres you're told you can put down as many trades as you like. Well at least that's what I was told. Thats for commissioned roles don't know if that applies for non-commissioned jobs.


Well, I've just got back after my filter interview and I was successfully recommended to go onto PROC and hopefully OASC.

A few points about it for those that might be reading this that haven't had theirs yet.

A lot of the things you read online etc make it out to be a lot harder than, I think, it is. At least as far as all the RAF/trade/Nato/current affairs knowledge etc goes.

I would say that 75-80% of the interview was all about me. Asked things about school, 6th form, ATC, sport, other activities, uni, what I did at uni, what sports, etc etc. Rather than knowing what aircraft are where, when the RAF was established, who's in charge of the RAF, SDSR, etc etc.

Don't get me wrong the interview touched on all that but it isn't the be-all-and-end-all if you didn't have encyclopedic knowledge. All of that stuff will come at OASC.

Essentially the filter interview is just that, to filter out the people that have got no hope, time wasters, people that have made no effort what so ever. As long as you've done research into your chosen job (as i'm sure any one would regardless of the filter interviewing process), you're positive, confidant, and come across as an all round nice person that would fit into the RAF then you'll be fine!

All the best of luck to any one else going though this and I'm sure I'll be back on here when I need OASC help ;-)