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Scaly brat stories

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Life as a US Navy scaly brat

How much of that resonates with you and yours?

The former Mrs TB was a scaly brat and moved around frequently during her early years, never more than a couple of years in any school. A settled education for the nippers was one of the many contributing drivers to leaving the mob. The chance to have the mini TB's go through schooling in one place, to keep the same set of friends etc, certainly was a factor in my decision making.


Ex-Harrier Mafia Member
1000+ Posts
My last move is due in a few days which makes it five moves (one across the Atlantic and back) in eight years. Along with my 10yr plan being to leave as edumacated as possible at the 22yr point another factor convincing me to leave is that stability for my family so we can finally lay some roots down.

GD on Wheels

Being a Navy brat. My Dad managed to a loan from the MOD for a house desposit and made sure we stayed in one place as he did his time at sea. He did not want us to be on quarters and be a pure navy family. The only time we did move as a family was when we went to Gib.


Moved the kid once when he was little, he told me after his first day in his new class he wanted to go back to his old school, broke my heart.

That was the day my career ended, stopped chasing promotion, and started settling the family, I didn't want to do it to him again.

Wasn't the only reason my foot came off the gas but one of the biggest.


Moved my two twice in a year, the youngest (5) has the occasional blip wanting her old friends or school again. But she will now skip into school while at her old school, even after a year she was still clinging to my leg most mornings. You could say that being a year older has made a difference, but she is definitely happier now.

Same with the eldest (10) though less so, we are in a much better place now, don’t intend to move again though!

Billy Whizz

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Scaley brat till 16 then joined up. Tours of Malta, Germany and Scotland and 9 different schools in total. Happy days :)


Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
In 2006/7 my kids attended 3 primary schools in the space of 6 months. I was at Coltishall, and the primary school closed in July 2006. My children were then allocated a place at Swanton Abbott in Sep, then when I was posted to Cottesmore in Jan 07, they moved schools again. We took the decision at that point that the Rutland area was where we were staying put, no matter what with my job. 14 years later we are still in the area, and both kids benefitted from a stable education, got very good grades. My son has a BSc from Nottingham and my daughter is in her final year of an NHS degree.

To put it in context - I attended 3 schools in my entire education period from 5-16, and that was because at the time we had primary/middle/high schools in my home town.


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
My children moved with us 4 times from 2002 - 2011. All good moves and wherever we were they were encouraged [or shoved] into the local society and appreciated the culture of it. I think it made them emotionally and mentally stronger, with the ability to make friends more easily. We are now bearing down on 5 years here in Cornwall with one of them nearly 18 and one mid teens. Whilst we love it here we also love variety and have talked more than once about, when the youngest has cleared big school, that we might take up my companies offer of a 3 year Oz tour so we can experience that as well...and if the boys want to come with us they can.