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Should I install my Vista update

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Just before the release of Vista I purchased a laptop that was running on XP professional, but it came with a free Vista upgrade, which I got later on. Now my question is should I install it or not? Is it still beset with problems or should I take the plunge?
I'd sit tight for a while yet. Microsoft are evidently ironing out some major glitches and coming up with temporary patches and the feedback I'm getting from some buddies of mine (who are arguably more IT savvy than me) is to wait.

General complaints are that Vista is incompatible with a lot of existing soft/hardware and its not particularly user friendly (although it does look good). The general concensus seems to be to wait until new software is released that you want to use. If that software needs Vista to run properly then go for the upgrade. If though all your existing functionality is running smoothly on XP, stick with XP. Apparently, when you first install Vista it will seek the upgrade(s) you need to run effectively. Your system will be so busy upgrading, downloading and installing new software that it will be pretty usless for anything else whilst this process takes place and this can take a long time.

I hope that made sense,

Give it 6 months, I've been running it from beta and it's almost there. :PDT_Xtremez_28:
Back up all your data then carry out a CLEAN install. Do not 'upgrade'! I was the same as you. New laptop, free Vista upgrade. Upgraded and the thing ran like a dog. Wiped it and installed clean and its run like a dream since.

Just do it!! :PDT_Xtremez_28: