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Software teams - Aptitude test?

Chad Norman

Hi, any software team types out there?

I'm in the process of applying for software duties, got a few visits lined up Dec/Jan.

Trying to get a head start on aptitude requirements! Anyone know what form the software team aptitude tests take?

Going to speed up the old brain with a few general tests and cocaine but would really appreciate any info.

Cheers guys.

Geeky wannabe clown



Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
I cant speak for other teams, but for the Nimrod Software Team it was soley based on performance during interview. There will probably be a focus on college work or any IT geekery you've done in your spare time as well as your motivation etc.


I cant speak for other teams, but for the Nimrod Software Team it was soley based on performance during interview. There will probably be a focus on college work or any IT geekery you've done in your spare time as well as your motivation etc.

Same for Harrier Software.

Chad Norman

Cheers guys and thanks for the pm 'm'.

I always thought the aptitude test was a big part in the selection process, wrong again :S.

I suppose some of you guys are ex-lineys! How did you find the transistion? Are you spoilt for software training courses and qualifications?

To be honest, looking forward to a change but I'll see how the visits go and then think about walking the PMA tightrope and probably falling off!

Thanks again, appreciate any more thoughts.



Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Cheers guys and thanks for the pm 'm'.

I always thought the aptitude test was a big part in the selection process, wrong again :S.

I suppose some of you guys are ex-lineys! How did you find the transistion? Are you spoilt for software training courses and qualifications?

To be honest, looking forward to a change but I'll see how the visits go and then think about walking the PMA tightrope and probably falling off!

Thanks again, appreciate any more thoughts.


I did the Ada courses at Shriv - 5 weeks (Service)
C++ for non C programmers - 1 week (Commercial)
Programming with MFC - 1 week (Commercial)
OOAD with C++ - 1 week (Commercial)
COM programming with C++ - 1 week (Commercial)
Advanced C++ Programming - 1 week (Commercial)
PRINCE2 - 1 week (Commercial)
IPMC Shrivenham - 1 week (Service)
ISPM Shrivenham - 3 weeks (Service)
Telelogic TAU - 1 week (Commercial)
Telelogic DOORS user - 3 days (Commercial)
Telelogic DOORS developer - 3 days (Commercial)

I really enjoyed it, would probably consider going back in the future for the right job. Only thing that I would say is that having such a technically challenging and rewarding job made it difficult to choose my next career move.


Hello all

Hello all

I am in the early stages of applying as a pilot and am already cacking it about the aptitude tests. The RAF website gives information on the kinds of things that they're going to test all potential officers and NC AC on... but unless I have prior experience at a test that is even remotely related to those that i'll get given at OASC I know my nerves will just get the better of me and even if i ace the interview and the fitness side of things it will all have been time wasted!

Can anyone whose been through this before give me some more poiniant advice or point me to where pilot aptitude tests similar to those used at the selection centre are at?

Many thanks!


Tashied Goatee
I did the software aptitude test quite a few years ago (think it was about 98/99), had to go to Cosford to do it......had a fair skinfull to drink the night before the tests but still did well enough for AP1. From what I remember it was mainly lots of mensa type questions....too many to do in the alloted time but they want you to make educated guesses instead of spending too long on each question.

Eventually got on Harrier software team in 2000 at Waddo which to be fair is more of a data analyst and collation job than "software". Hated almost every minute of the job (except when volunteering to go on det with 51 sqn and "guard" the tent in bahrain for a month in 5* hotel and on rates).
Oh and the odd day trip to Stanmore.

Never did any courses.....pretty glad about that though as software is obviously not my thing.

Hope it is better for you.

Bucc Boy

From the feedback so far

Coped easily after a skinfull the night before
Mensa type questions
Technically challenging and rewarding job
Focus on college work
Any IT geekery you've done in your spare time
Solely based on performance during interview.

I can picture you there Chad……what about the escape tunnel, how’s that coming on? The only fairies I recall leaving 'there' were either, out the RAF, dead or 45 stone and helped out the door!


Flight Sergeant
I was posted to MSW at Waddo onto the AWACs software team... No qualifications, interview - or tests for the job (apart from an OU Technology BSc) - did a JCL and a Jovial course while I was there, and never wrote a line of code for 18 months... I detested it (and also never asked to go there!) PVR'd and was promptly disestablished and posted to Halton for the last year of service... (I don't have the mindset to be a code monkey!)


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
I was posted to MSW at Waddo onto the AWACs software team... No qualifications, interview - or tests for the job (apart from an OU Technology BSc) - did a JCL and a Jovial course while I was there, and never wrote a line of code for 18 months... I detested it (and also never asked to go there!) PVR'd and was promptly disestablished and posted to Halton for the last year of service... (I don't have the mindset to be a code monkey!)

You bring up two very good points here. Firstly what job is the OP going for? It seems that many roles fall under the generic title of software duties; included in this title are config control, database manager, help-line manning, fault logger, test and acceptance.....oh and programmer/developer. Its crucial that he identifies exactly what he will be employed to do and ensure that he is happy with the role......day in day out... That said, there is no such thing as certainty and its possible he may have to change roles.

The second point is that some folk just aren’t cut-out for the job and aren’t wired-up in the right way in order to be able to flourish in the role. You can overcome a lot by being space-cadet keen and putting maximum effort into your learning. You just have to accept that, for a while at least, you'll not be fully productive for months. I was happy with my blokes to be productive, engineering (not hacking!) quality code in 6-8 months, fully up to speed in a year.
some folk just aren’t cut-out for the job and aren’t wired-up in the right way in order to be able to flourish in the role.

Lol, I wonder who you might be talking about there :PDT_Xtremez_42: Although In my defence I think it is a pre-requisite to not be wired up right, to flourish in the role :PDT_Xtremez_14:


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Lol, I wonder who you might be talking about there :PDT_Xtremez_42: Although In my defence I think it is a pre-requisite to not be wired up right, to flourish in the role :PDT_Xtremez_14:

Not at all mate, there is still lots of your 1s and 0s in our old project :PDT_Xtremez_19:
I've been in the IT industry for 10 years now since leaving the mob. Although I have worked, and still do to a certain extent, with developers, the whole industry does my bloody head in. The stereotypical view of a dev is pretty much bang on for a lot of them - fat, sweaty, bald headed boring fukctards who constantly bang on about their iphones and home networks. Add to that project managers who couldn't manage their way out of a paper bag.

There's not a day in the office when I don't want to smack their heads into their desks.

Moral of the story I guess is: Be careful what you wish for when moving from the line to 'software duties'.

Chad Norman

Broadsword, who says I'm bald?

Good advice fella, all I've really known is 1st line so maybe it won't be for me. However, a few visits in the new year and a bit of homework should give me a better insight into my suitability for the job/s.

Hope to sweat and swap boring stories with you all soon :PDT_Xtremez_19:
