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Techies dont make up time off excuses!


Somewhere else now!
Why is it that so many trades have a weekly day/afternoon off and yet us poor underpaid, overworked techies work our nuts off all the time?
Can you imagine telling their lordships that they cant fly this afternoon because we all have to do some trade training? Wouldnt instill much confidence would it? You'd have thought that techies would come fully trained (although to be honest some of us dont seem to be!)

For example:
Med centre have an afternoon "trade training" each week. They are understaffed as it is at our place so surely this doesnt help?

PSF have the trade training afternoon as well. Funny how I rang them one afternoon to hear that they had gone to do some team bonding on a low ropes course!

POL (civvies) dont allow us in until after 10am, no matter how urgent, when they have finished going through some daily crap they do.

Anyone else have some outstanding examples like these or just need to vent some spleen?

Statty Queen

And quite rightly PSF should get a day off/training day, the poor dabs work sooooooooo hard. Yeah right. The PSF at my camp is only open in the mornings, and then it's from 0900 until lunchtime. Overworked my arse

mild mannered janitor

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
here at sunny marham psf have THREE full afternoons per wk when they are unavailable !!!
id love to see if my chief would go for that idea ? :PDT_Xtremez_30:


Flight Sergeant

Fcucking "Tailors Parade", cnuts. After years of not being able to change kit because Clothing Stores is closed while the tailor is in, I actually found myself needing the tailor.

Imagine my surprise when I went in see that the tailor was allocated about 6 foot of a fcuking HUGE counter while all the stackers loafed at the other end drinking tea and discussing last nights' telly. Idle wankers

Don't get me started on "Closed for stock taking". All the paperwork generated to change a shirt, never got anything on the shelves and they still shut up shop before lunch on Friday to count stuff.

Actually, why not count fcuking shirts when the tailor is in instead of sitting on your ar$es.:PDT_Xtremez_32: ::/: :PDT_Xtremez_25:

True Blue Jack

Warrant Officer
The sweeping generalisations made in some of the posts on this thread are a little unfair, to say the least.

I have worked in PSF at 6 very different units. At none of those units did we have regular afternoons off, although at some we would close the doors to customers once a month so we could do all the management checks on pay, personal details, rations accounting (yes, before JPA that was a PSF function), and so on. Most non-adminers never understood that there was a hell of a lot involved in running a PD point which was difficult to manage when I had a steady stream of customers who would come to the office at their convenience, not mine. What none of those customers saw was how many Sundays I spent in the office playing catch-up.

On the other hand, at Waddo we would sit in PSF on a Friday afternoon beavering away while watching the mass exodus out of the main gate which started at 11 and tailed off at about 2 o'clock. At Boscombe Down, if I wanted to speak to any of the techies on the SAOEU (as it was then) I would phone the crewroom because 9 times out of 10 that is where they would be, no matter what the time of day.

It just depends where you are, and (sometimes) who your boss is.

Lean "Lean" we are nearly

To be fair PSF need time off for trade training because they couldn't possible stay open and let me watch them "LOSE my Environmental/Exchange/Gen apps to many to count" Don't get me started on the BASrtard Med Center.

Makes me laugh on the Shiney new corporate website it states "Most people in the RAF work the same kind of hours as people do in other jobs – a normal five-day week, leaving weekends and evenings free.

That said, we are not nine-to-fivers: we do what’s needed to get the job done. Sometimes, you’ll have to work late or at weekends, but you will be given the equivalent time off"

Any advice on how I can claim my extra days off then. I reckon as I work a minimum 50hr week I'm "owed" a day and a half a week say an average 45week year its a claim for 67 days leave or recompense at £81.03 is a nice £5429.01 or if you want to hate PSF any more I reckon.

CPL PSFformshredder eating his lunch at his desk cos he has used is Hour in the gym (an hour is three days worth of lunch on the line here). earns £13.6024 per hour (low band level seven Cpl working a 37.5 hr week (ignoring the fact the smally Tawt would be a snco by then)

But my Level 7 top band pay is £11.3442 per hour.

Yes I do know where the main gate is..... because I don't think I can take the joke anymore. thought I'd get them in before anyone else.

At least I know my worth on the outside I'll leave the gate open and see you there.

Statty Queen

Most non-adminers never understood that there was a hell of a lot involved in running a PD point which was difficult to manage when I had a steady stream of customers who would come to the office at their convenience, not mine.

Oh I'm sorry, my mistake, but isn't PSF there to provide a customer service????

I myself have been an NCO in charge of PDs, and granted there are a lot of SACs who work hard and deserve time off, but on the other hand, there are also many lazy fekkers who only look after number 1 and don't give 2 sh*ts about their customers or the other staff in the office. The number of times I had to have a quiet chat ........

So glad I'm outta there


Somewhere else now!
The sweeping generalisations made in some of the posts on this thread are a little unfair, to say the least..

This post was made from MY experiences at the camp where I am based.
If others feel that they have similar experiences at their units they can post it here.
If you feel unjustly picked upon then perhaps you could explain what goes on.
I would love to know what happens at my unit on these "trade training" afternoons.
Anyone at STM tell me?

True Blue Jack

Warrant Officer
Oh I'm sorry, my mistake, but isn't PSF there to provide a customer service????

I myself have been an NCO in charge of PDs, and granted there are a lot of SACs who work hard and deserve time off, but on the other hand, there are also many lazy fekkers who only look after number 1 and don't give 2 sh*ts about their customers or the other staff in the office. The number of times I had to have a quiet chat ........

So glad I'm outta there

Absolutely, but if you have been there you will know that a good old fashioned gate count would take an hour if you could get on with it in peace and quiet, or the whole day if you have to keep answering the phone to tell someone how much leave they have left. Ergo, by closing the doors for a while, the level of customer service is improved overall.

This is all pre-JPA, of course, and I cannot comment on what PSFs do these days since it has all changed drastically.

As for the number of lazy fekkers in our trade - sadly, I can only agree. But every trade has their fair share of those.


Somewhere else now!
As for the number of lazy fekkers in our trade - sadly, I can only agree. But every trade has their fair share of those.

This is all pre-JPA, of course, and I cannot comment on what PSFs do these days since it has all changed drastically.


Redirect all the phones into one big loop around the office?
No one ever answers them here. Its easier in theory for us techies if we have an issue with some admin stuff to give a quick call, otherwise its off to the bogs for a 10 minute scrub and general clean up. Then a change of clothing as we arent allowed to wear overalls on the "domestic" site (aircrew + flying suits ok apparently!). Book out of the Sqn and then down to PSF to be ignored at the counter for a bit. Then get passed around the clerks until you find someone who knows the answer or knows when the sarge is back in!
Then back to work to book in and get changed, eventually back at the coal face at least 1/2 hour later than a phone call!
Dont take it the wrong way. This is how it is here. I understand and agree with the point raised that no one is the same and I have seen some damned good adminners out there.
Perhaps its JPA combined with the fact that we are shutting down in the near future and no one gives a sh1t any more?


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Why is it that so many trades have a weekly day/afternoon off and yet us poor underpaid, overworked techies work our nuts off all the time?
Can you imagine telling their lordships that they cant fly this afternoon because we all have to do some trade training? Wouldnt instill much confidence would it? You'd have thought that techies would come fully trained (although to be honest some of us dont seem to be!)

For example:
Med centre have an afternoon "trade training" each week. They are understaffed as it is at our place so surely this doesnt help?

PSF have the trade training afternoon as well. Funny how I rang them one afternoon to hear that they had gone to do some team bonding on a low ropes course!

POL (civvies) dont allow us in until after 10am, no matter how urgent, when they have finished going through some daily crap they do.

Anyone else have some outstanding examples like these or just need to vent some spleen?

The problem here, isn’t the fact that sections are having training afternoons, its because your sqn is so stretched that there is no longer any slack to allow for guys to nip off and get seen to when they have a minute.

You’re almost saying that because your section is in crisis management mode that everyone else should be.

When 1st line is not producing, the impact on the Flying Hour Factory is severe. The impact of PSF closing for an afternoon is minimal on the flying hour factory, but more marked on the poor sods working within stretched sections.

I for one applaud sections who invest in their manpower be it through training, fitness or education. Its just a shame that more cannot enjoy the privilege.

fat lazy techie

Flight Sergeant
The med centre at the station of my working has friday afternoons off for trade training. What a shocker it was to find my neighbour, who happens to work in said med centre, home before me, and I was home very early. And before anyone asks, no they weren't on leave. Training my arse!!!!!!!!!!!::/:


The sweeping generalisations made in some of the posts on this thread are a little unfair, to say the least.

I have worked in PSF at 6 very different units. At none of those units did we have regular afternoons off, although at some we would close the doors to customers once a month so we could do all the management checks on pay, personal details, rations accounting (yes, before JPA that was a PSF function), and so on. Most non-adminers never understood that there was a hell of a lot involved in running a PD point which was difficult to manage when I had a steady stream of customers who would come to the office at their convenience, not mine. What none of those customers saw was how many Sundays I spent in the office playing catch-up.

On the other hand, at Waddo we would sit in PSF on a Friday afternoon beavering away while watching the mass exodus out of the main gate which started at 11 and tailed off at about 2 o'clock. At Boscombe Down, if I wanted to speak to any of the techies on the SAOEU (as it was then) I would phone the crewroom because 9 times out of 10 that is where they would be, no matter what the time of day.

It just depends where you are, and (sometimes) who your boss is.
Sweeping generalisations, isn't that what you've just done.
I spent 5 years at Boscombe on the OEU and psf there where the most lazy, useless, self important bunch of c**ts I have ever known, they never got of their fat ars** unless there was something in it for them. You should have gone round camp mate, no one had a good word to say about psf they were a perfect example of why so many people hold psf in contempt. Useless feckers.


Somewhere else now!
The problem here, isn’t the fact that sections are having training afternoons, its because your sqn is so stretched that there is no longer any slack to allow for guys to nip off and get seen to when they have a minute.

You’re almost saying that because your section is in crisis management mode that everyone else should be.

When 1st line is not producing, the impact on the Flying Hour Factory is severe. The impact of PSF closing for an afternoon is minimal on the flying hour factory, but more marked on the poor sods working within stretched sections.

I for one applaud sections who invest in their manpower be it through training, fitness or education. Its just a shame that more cannot enjoy the privilege.

Its a fair point you make. Even so, my section being in "crisis management still doesnt alter the fact that no one in PSF answers their damned phone!
But, look through what I originally said. It's not just admin or med issues. I made an example of POL being unhelpful before 10am. I would love to try that out when the crew walk for their aircraft. "Sorry sir, we don't deal with the general public until it's gone 10am"
It just seems that everything we do to get on these days is in spite of the system in place and not due to it being a good system.
And yes, it would be great to be in the position to be able to take advantage of sport avos etc, like other places. Unfortunately I cant see that happening until STM shuts and I am posted.

True Blue Jack

Warrant Officer
Sweeping generalisations, isn't that what you've just done.
I spent 5 years at Boscombe on the OEU and psf there where the most lazy, useless, self important bunch of c**ts I have ever known, they never got of their fat ars** unless there was something in it for them. You should have gone round camp mate, no one had a good word to say about psf they were a perfect example of why so many people hold psf in contempt. Useless feckers.

When were you there? I'll bet you a fiver it wasn't the same time as me.

The Masked Geek

Lazy cnut civvy stacker at a certain north-yorkshire base took great delight in telling a bunch of blokes in green to "fcuk off it's tea break".

Didn't seem too delighted when the stn cdr (who was one of said blokes in green) made sure he shat out of two holes forever more.


When were you there? I'll bet you a fiver it wasn't the same time as me.
'99 'til it closed in 2004, psf were pi** poor and they had a history of it as well, no one had a good word to say about them, hence they were never welcome on Sqn dets.