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Thinking of giving it another go



hi all, it's my first post here and I've tried to find a post on this subject but no luck so far, but ill try to keep this short.
I was serving in the army in an infantry regiment and was in battalion for about a year, however I ended up getting TU'd, now I have been back on civvy street for about a year and thinking about trying again but in the RAF (specifically MT, from what I can see from the careers website its not available at the moment but I am willing to wait until it is), back to the point of the post, is it possible to rejoin the military after getting TU'd.
I still feel the desire to serve in the armed forces I just think I made a silly decision after leaving school and going for the most 'soldierly' job I could think of :pDT_Xtremez_42:, Anyway sorry for the long post just want to see realistically what my chances are of trying again? Appreciate any advice given.

Soon To Leave

Proud To Serve
I can think of no reason why you can't try again with the RAF. The fact you had a year in the Army before leaving for civvy street should stand you in good stead. The recruiters will ask you about your previous Service experience so be prepared. Be honest about the circumstances surrounding your exit but do highlight the aspects of Army life you did enjoy and how you think you can benefit the RAF.

Good luck. Give it a go - you have nothing to lose!


Thanks for the reply and advice I really appreciate it.
And regards to the circumstances to my leaving the army, I think I jumped straight into the deep end really but I guess the intense lifestyle of the infantry just wore on me and I personally don't think I am suited to the sharp end of the forces but more a support role. Also I have heard from friends in my old regiment that the general way of life and working conditions etc, are of a higher standard in the RAF than the army? How true this is I am unsure?
Anyway as I said I appreciate the advice I just need to try to get to the afco and basically see where I stand


I was in the REME before I joined the RAF, (with a spell as a civvy inbetween), and yes it is definitely an easier life in the RAF in general. It's a lot less 'shouty' and you tend to get treated more as an adult than you do in the Army. However, I wouldn't say the job itself is any easier - working on jets for 12 hours a day in the desert knackers you out quite well.


Yeah I thought it might have been, in my regiment it was lots of bergen and boot runs and to be honest it just ruined me I couldn't keep it going because my legs were in bits, but hopefully it wont be quite as intense on that side of things. The main thing I was worried about is how I got out with the TU thing, I'm fine now I just hit a real low point whilst I was over in Germany if I'm honest I just hope it wont bar me from the RAF, only one way to find out:pDT_Xtremez_19: