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Thunderbird Jackets

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Tashied Goatee
Was clearing out a wardrobe today in preperation to moving and I found my very old thunderbird jacket....what a blast from the past !! I thought it had gone when they were replaced with Jumpers but there it is.

I did attempt to put it on....dunno why as it was plainly obvious it wasn't gonna fit but hey ho.

Also found a new(ish) raincoat (without belts) that i can't ever remember wearing.

Anyone else still got theres ? And anything else from yesteryear I should be looking for ?

Crack on.........................:PDT_Xtremez_09:
I opened a box the other day with a load of old RAF stuff in it and found a puttee. Just one though so god knows where the other went, and god knows why I still have a puttee?
Still got a set of Grey/Blue denims and a flasher mac without belt and stuff!

None of it fits:PDT_Xtremez_38:
still got one of me hairy green shirts in the the loft, I'm sure it will still fit as I am still a slim sort of bloke:S
An old grey Kit bag with loads of really faded dark blue shirts that have the 'SMALL' buttons instead of the clown sized ones we have now.

Anyone still wearing the origional black nylon socks from the 80's, I am - real quality, not like the crap they supply nowdays!!
Anyone still wearing the origional black nylon socks from the 80's, I am - real quality, not like the crap they supply nowdays!!

I was till today......most are too threadbare so they all went to the bin man.

Crack on.................:PDT_Xtremez_09:
I managed a couple of trade badges and a few bits from my days as a BE, but that was about it. The Raglan-sleeved Raincoat was brilliant. Wish I could find one.
The one thing I really would love tog et is one of the old 12950/60 Groundsheets issues as ponchos before the raincoat.
I've got loads of old stuff all stashed in 2 RAF old kitbags and one of them green sausage bags. T bird jacket, jungle combats x2, loads of no2 trousers standard and lightweight, shirts, loads of kd stuff, wooly mits green and grey. raincoat, mess tins, NI gloves, puttees, DMS boots, NBC suit, beret, sd hat, No 1 uniform, RAF shoes, small pack, green gdt card, various bits of 58 pattern webbing, greatcoat, wooly pully and more besides.

I'm a right fcuking hoarding cnut. Tried the No 1's on and and they still fit like a glove and I got out in 93.
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Still got a Tbird jacket and it just fits never seen a rank badge,
long reincoat with the belt,
2 poncho ground sheets + a bum roll for one of them with a 58 pattern belt to hook it to.
Plimies white PT for the use of, 1 pair of old Blue shorts
Blue knitted gloves
Green knitted gloves
Full set of Putties
Lightweight OG's which I'd need a geastric band and lyposuction to ever fit into again.....was I realy that slim once.
NI Gloves.
2 sets No1s complete with hat, 3 Berets, 2S10s, Rocketpacks from webbing, Grey kitbag, Green sausagebag in need of new clasp, Combat jackets from 91 and the latest stuff they issued in 2002.
am on the last couple of serviceable Boot socks.

But the best piece of kit i have ever been issued Still going strong since Swinditz 1991 my original Issue Boots.
Still got a pair of denims with rubber buttons, pre personal issue of grey denims with velcro.
Still using my original shoes circa 1986, not sure how long I can keep them going though.

Found my welcome to RAF Swinderby booklet the other day, inside were the original 2 week payslips. Pretty small numbers but I guess it was all beer tokens.
still using my boots, ideal for the garderning. but my old mess tins are perfect for the bbq, for beans and new spuds. (thats after ten years out)
Buttonstick, collar studs and great coat from my Appo days. As I was only 15 when joining the great coat is as much use as a handbreak on a canoe.

I,m still on my first clothing record book F667, pretty neat with every rank from A/A til present. However, I,m on my third jab book. Time I baled out me thinks.
Still got my grey stackers dustcoat that i wore with pride when was in 1 AMS stores at RAF Abingdon. Great days!:PDT_Xtremez_30:

Worked in SCAF from 79-83 my next fav tour after Stafford. PMA having a laugh posted in any stacker with same surname. Did the same when posting an ex mong into Odiham with name of Chinook.
Still using my original shoes circa 1986, not sure how long I can keep them going though.

Found my welcome to RAF Swinderby booklet the other day, inside were the original 2 week payslips. Pretty small numbers but I guess it was all beer tokens.

Might have been small numbers but beer was less than a pound at the time too.

in 91 a bottle of Nuclear Brown was still 99p