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What the flip is this all about?

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
The week before last, just as I passed through the main gate on my way to work, I was glared at by a female copper. The reason she glared at me was because she could hear, through my still wound down window, that I had burst out laughing as I caught sight of her. Why did I do that? Because this young lady was, at a quarter to 8 in the morning on an RAF camp, walking to work whilst wearing a flippin' stab vest! A couple of hours ago I was (on my day off, what a good little airman I am!) on camp again, in the gym. As I was on the cross-trainer I spied, through the window, a male copper this time, again wearing a stab vest. What the flip is going on? Maybe I'm wrong though. Maybe RAF camps are nowhere near as secure as I've been led to believe for the last quarter of a century and maybe they are in fact flippin' dangerous, full of low-life and criminal gangs. In that case - they're dangerous for ALL of us, not just coppers. So can I have a stab vest, too - I mean, I don't want to get hurt either!!

Seems the RAFP have had them for a some time TT.

Originally Posted by Fu Fu Valve [IMG]http://www.e-goat.co.uk/forums/ambience/buttons/viewpost.gif[/IMG] I've seen them doing bike patrols at ISK..... nice blue bikes with yellow refective tape and POLICE on them.... Not long ago the liney's would have had one of them away!

Are they allowed to ride them now then? When they were originally purchased they weren't allowed to ride them until they had passed a cycling proficiency test! H&S gone mad (again)!!

Fu Fu Valve

Cycling proficency test..... why am i not surprisd. Only seen them out a couple of times on them, i do believe they spend most of their time in the bike rack by the guard room/sheriff's office. Probably find the stab vest stops them bending over/restricts movement now so they can't actually use them!
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Grim Reaper 2016
1000+ Posts
Cycling proficency test..... why am i not surprisd. Only seen them out a couple of times on them, i do believe they spend most of their time in the bike rack by the guard room/sheriff's office. Probably find the stab vest stops them bending over/restricts movement now so they can't actually use them!
I bet it is almost impossible to wear a stab vest then don and doff dayglo yellow bicycle clips.

Fu Fu Valve

Also to be considered is...... it used to be that if a sheriff wasn't wearing his official snowdrop stetson any arrest was 'suspect' (i remeber stories of someone getting off as the arraesting deputy left his hat in the car!).
Though i seem to remember this may have changed.

Therefore what would be the legallity of a sheriff arresting someone wearing a cycle helmet?

Apart from laughing and mocking them...

Little Tronk

Bugger me! They are now wearing them at a secret Lincolnshire fighter base, saw one today and couldn't help giggling - he looked stupid!

mild mannered janitor

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
saw one here at ISL today in his stab vest ? and he was in hs landie !!!! WTF the whole camp is flat talk about a waste of money :pDT_Xtremez_42:


I'm not a copper but my brother is in a civilian police force. I have asked him the question and he said that it is now a mandatory requirement for all police forces to wear stab vests etc. He also said when asked that the RAF scuffers are an accredited police force like the RMP RNP and therfore are remitted to wear them.

He doesn't usually tell me crap, even so i will standby for ridicule, even just for having a scuffer brother.


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
I wuz just wondering. Do the Thames River Police wear the "stab vest" outside of their inflatable life vest, or the other way around? I mean, in the one manner they could get punctured, but in the other they wouldn't inflate the vest if they got stabbed and then fell over the side?

What if they came across Steve Irwin's angry killer ray?


Isn't it always the case, when the CivPol get issued a new piece of kit the PlasticPol blow the budget on the same kit whether they need it or not just to keep their dream alive? :pDT_Xtremez_42:


Ex Snowdrop wading in.

Ex Snowdrop wading in.

I have to say that I got out before any of this vest nonsense came in for UK bases, but I know it's been force policy with civpol for many many years now. If nothing else it eats into any payout you get if you get injured without one in the same way you lose a percentage if you get hit by a car when not wearing high vis or have a crash without a seatbelt on. As for the RAFP getting them, yes on most bases it seems ludicrous however especially on training bases I do know things can get a bit hairy, I have personally had the joy of knocking on a door in the block only to be greeted by a samurai sword thrust through the door:pDT_Xtremez_09:
Let's face it though, in the UK most other trades risk at worst a shock from a dodgy bit of kit worst case for the cops is a broken bottle in the gut breaking a NAAFI bar fight up unlikely maybe but the final result isn't worth thinking about. And let's face it there are kit monsters in all trades!
I have just returned from the Battle of Britain service in York Minster. A wonderful service and the turnout from the RAF was exceptional with every one looking smart and proud in their Number 1's.... except for the single RAF Policeman wearing short sleeve order and a stab vest!! . I can see the requirement for security, however the sight of all the No 1's outside the Minster was spoiled by 1 in normal working dress. Why would he not be in his Number 1 on such an occasion?


SNAFU master
I have to say that I got out before any of this vest nonsense came in for UK bases, but I know it's been force policy with civpol for many many years now. If nothing else it eats into any payout you get if you get injured without one in the same way you lose a percentage if you get hit by a car when not wearing high vis or have a crash without a seatbelt on. As for the RAFP getting them, yes on most bases it seems ludicrous however especially on training bases I do know things can get a bit hairy, I have personally had the joy of knocking on a door in the block only to be greeted by a samurai sword thrust through the door:pDT_Xtremez_09:
Let's face it though, in the UK most other trades risk at worst a shock from a dodgy bit of kit worst case for the cops is a broken bottle in the gut breaking a NAAFI bar fight up unlikely maybe but the final result isn't worth thinking about. And let's face it there are kit monsters in all trades!

Your enlightening reply shows what several have suspected for some time; the young are not being dragged up proper.
No self-restraint, eh ?