...is an American doing on this board. Well, I was invited by a friend of mine in the RAF to take a look around and so I did. Before the flaming begins, let me try and introduce myself. I'm a TSgt stationed at Ramstein AB, Germany (I put the country in just in case other Americans might be reading - not a very bright lot when it comes to geography). I did my first three years here in AIRNORTH, now CC-AIR Ramstein, and then moved back to the dark side and I now work US/Nato Air C2 interoperability. That's a fancy way of saying that I try and get TBMCS Force Level to talk with ICC. It has the added advantage of making it look like the USAF actually cares about working with Nato and other coalition partners - which they do, as long as they're using TBMCS.
The bright side of this is that I get to work closely with Nato, and the RAF in particular. Evidently, clues are still issued in some militaries and I've been lucky enough to work with a few RAF Sgt's and Squadron Leaders who must have a corner on the market.
I have a very dry, dark, and sarcastic sense of humor which must be why my friend thought I would enjoy this board. I'm looking forward to lurking around, and maybe posting if I feel I have something worthwhile to contribute. I hope that you will forgive any spelling mistakes. As I said, I'm an American and so English is not my native language.
Oh, one last thing...I was told that once I reach 50 post I will be qualified for the "I survived e-goat" ribbon, which I believe goes just above the Defense Meritorious Service ribbon on our service coat...
The bright side of this is that I get to work closely with Nato, and the RAF in particular. Evidently, clues are still issued in some militaries and I've been lucky enough to work with a few RAF Sgt's and Squadron Leaders who must have a corner on the market.
I have a very dry, dark, and sarcastic sense of humor which must be why my friend thought I would enjoy this board. I'm looking forward to lurking around, and maybe posting if I feel I have something worthwhile to contribute. I hope that you will forgive any spelling mistakes. As I said, I'm an American and so English is not my native language.
Oh, one last thing...I was told that once I reach 50 post I will be qualified for the "I survived e-goat" ribbon, which I believe goes just above the Defense Meritorious Service ribbon on our service coat...