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What to put in the reasons box of Remuster paperwork

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Just wondering if anyone on here could help me put the following musing into better words than I'm currently able to muster. I'm looking at moving from AV Tech to ODP.

Essentially I'm not someone who is financially motivated, if I was i'd have finished the rest of my licences and be earning mega bucks as a B2 engineer up at Dyce. (Did manage to get others the foot in the door through my networking though). Did unpaid work their but decided it was filled with the same issues as the RAF, just with a better financial reward. Hence not something I wanted to persue post-RAF.

I'm not looking at this remuster as an opportunity to rise up the ranks, been a Cpl a while and it would be 6 years until my third came along if I were to be successful.

Essentially I have gotten much greater job satisfaction from the work I have done in the voluntary sector over the past few years than I did fixing aircraft.

This did lead me to move to an instructors role which is something I'm currently really enjoying but the thought of returning to 1st line fills me with a sense of dread, due to the lack of mental challenge.

To put my feelings into a soundbite "I'm more enthused with the idea of helping to fix people, than I am by fixing aircraft"
I remustered after 3 years service as Clk Sec to Gen Mech GSE. This is a while ago so not sure how remustering is handled now but manning was reasonably flexible then. My reason for remustering was discussed at great length with my then Flt Cdr and an Officer of the Engineering branch who interviewed me about my suitability etc. I felt I was more suited to Engineering work than pushing a pen or words to that effect.
I was lucky in that my Flt Cdr was very sympathetic to my cause and sure without him it wouldnt have happened.
Good luck !
More or less what you've said. Whilst you enjoy the challenges presented by your trade, you believe you have demonstrable spare capacity both personally and professionally. Employment as an ODP would offer you an opportunity to stretch yourself academically whilst giving a return of Service in an organisation you are very much committed to being a part of etc.
My remuster paperwork stated a strong desire for fresh challenges, new adventures etc as like you, Aircraft work no longer pushed me. I too, wished not to go into Civilian Aviation as to me it's a very fickle environment. I've watched my dad being made redundant twice in that industry. (Back in the days of Dan Air and Sir Freddie Laker).

Unlike you though, as I still wear the Bath Taps Of Power, the lack of promotion had an effect on my decision. I would be a liar to claim otherwise.
ODP isn't even close to Dental Nurse

Operating Department Practitioner (I think) basically assistant in pre-med, during surgery and after care


Thank you for the suggestions, think I have managed to put down something which captures the motivations for me wanting to take this potential opportunity.