Could be considered slightly off topic! but this dogs name is 'wag' and I think he is kind of classy........
Do I win?
There's sommat wrong with you......................! DT_Xtremez_42:
Couldn't you find a biatch? DT_Xtremez_31:
Does Cheryl Cole still count? I'd use her sh1t for toothpaste
Multi-skilled AV mate, not fussy DT_Xtremez_14:
However, if females are your thang, how about this little cutie?
Multi-skilled AV mate, not fussy DT_Xtremez_14:
However, if females are your thang, how about this little cutie?
I thought the mods were stopping the addition of munters and animals being shamelessly added to threads like this?
Quite so, a little bit of fun shouldn't be encouraged!
However, I finished my last (hopefully!) ever nightshift this morning and I have the power of a few too many guinesses on my side DT_Xtremez_14:.
'Classy Wag' was the title, I didn't bend the truth too much...... Mods, bring it on............
How on earth did you stumble on that website!Off Topic