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Worst and best memories of IOT


Hi guys,

Trying to get a a thorough understanding of all aspects training, good and bad!

It would be great to hear about the exciting situations, or feelings, you had while you were there as well as the very worst! What is life like as a trainee officer?

More information about me, I have a husband and a 2 year old. How often would I get to see them?

Thank you



Warrant Officer
Percy, most of the folks who post on E-Goat are from the non-comissioned side of the service and therefore wont have been through IOT. There are one or two around to help you out with your request so if you keep checking this thread something that could be of use to yiu may appear after a while.
There is another forum called PPrune which has a military aviation sub-forum frequented by many comissioned and ex-comissioned personnel, but I'd have a look in there before making a new thread; you may not necessarily get the kind of helpful response you are looking for.
Good luck, oh and welcome to the Goat.


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Foghorn Leghorn was the last sausage out of the machine, so you may want to p.m. him.

It's years since I did it, but I do recall that at the time it was so much fun that I couldn't believe they were actually paying us to do it. If you are very fit, thick skinned, have a bit of wit and are able to write off anything outside the gates as a banal distraction, you will love it.

The last bit may be a problem for you.
Went through in '98 from the ranks, with wife & 2 kids. A good flight commander made all the difference - especially as then wife had major op mid-course. Loved majority of it, especially when compared to Swinderby - JR training - but probably because I knew what to expect. Down side was learning definitions by heart, didn't enjoy it then, thank god don't have to do it now I'm out. Fitness plays a major part, get it right and the course is that much easier as you should be less tired. Accept that you won't see the family for the first few weeks, and then only at w/e after that unless there is a block leave period then it will be fine. Finally, personal organisation is also key - if you cannot get your own s**t together there is no way you will either a) make the right impression, and b) ultimately pass.


God where to start!

IOT is a means to an end. I really enjoyed the majority if my time on Cranwell. Some highlights/low points for me.

Term 1 best bits:
Dynamic 1 on the North Airfield, cracking leads and field catering out of CHOM. First weekend when you're allowed to Lincoln, you'll have cracking night out with your flight, normally kicking off in No.1 mess. Dynamic 2 I really enjoyed out on Sherwood Forest, stacking leads at 17:00, bivvying out and for the first time in 9 weeks getting over 5 hours sleep. Moving to College Hall

Term 1 s&&t bits:
Fairbourme, had a crap PTI SNEC newly promoted who thought he was gods gift, crap weather and generally a wasted week for me. The faff of a OCdt organising the move of 155 OCdts to CHOM. Bandar essay...

Term 2 best bits:
Ex Mil Aid, cracking 9 days at Catterick, field dining in night. Pre deployment training for DE, Regt staff treating us like adults for the first time.

Term 2 s&&t bits:
Ex Decisive Edge and the endless cycle of guard/CIT/Patrol and Admin 18 days stodgy food.

Term 3:
no real bad bits.


Flight Sergeant
Hi guys,

Trying to get a a thorough understanding of all aspects training, good and bad!

It would be great to hear about the exciting situations, or feelings, you had while you were there as well as the very worst! What is life like as a trainee officer?

More information about me, I have a husband and a 2 year old. How often would I get to see them?

Thank you


It was so long ago (at Jurby, where serving airmen were exempt Term 1), I can't give you useful advice based on my own experience but Casterbridge and Mag2grid appear to be on the right lines. Good luck! :pig:
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Mag2Grid the course has changed a bit to be honest. To the OP if you PM me ill give you some gen. In short the first 4 weeks won't give you any opportunity to go home. After that there are more and more weekends to yourself.

Me and the wife planned to not see each other during term time. We got our heads round the idea of being apart so that what weekends I did get were a bonus. Term 2 and 3 I spent most weekends at home so it was fine.

As has been mentioned it's a means to an end. There are sh!t times but blink and its done. Play the game and keep smiling. If you want OASC and IOT details PM me and I'll reply ASAP.