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Search results

  1. K

    Windows 8 HELP

    Guys I need your help The old man has just bought his first Laptop and it has arrived singing and dancing with Windows 8 (I was not involved in this purchase). It has been 48 hours of what is this? How do I? Are there any user friendly guides that Goaters are aware of of even something he...
  2. K

    Ferrari considering an appeal

    I have just read that Ferrari are considering lodging an appeal over Sunday race yes 4 days after the event. The appeal would site that Vetted overtook under yellow flag conditions. Surely such an appeal should have been lodged sooner. Is this just Ferrari trying to calm Alonso. This is not...
  3. K

    Battle of Britan and Wings Appeal

    To any goaters who have today or will over the weekend go and collect for the Wings Appeal. I raise my glass to you. Those at a Central London Train station this morning brought a smile to my face with pride. Thank you all
  4. K

    St George

    Happy St George's day to all fellow goaters.
  5. K

    Bravo November

    All Goaters programme on discovery about this Chinook which seems to be the Vulcan of the helicopter world. (ok my reading of the paper report) S0 9pm and or 10pm discovery channel on Sky. Mods if already posted please merge or delete.
  6. K

    Left overs how do you use them

    Well two days since the big day and already almost out of ideas. I have just made a Turkey Mulligatawny very tasty. So what is your favourite way of using up left overs and while thinking what is the worst? My worst must be a turkey toastie some years ago which made me ill. Over to you :0
  7. K

    A question for Toyota owners

    If you have or have had a Toyota Avensis you may be able to assist. We have a V reg Avensis which drives like a dream, however, the issue we have is intermittent and involves starting the car. No problems until Last Saturday went to start it nothing. Jump started it and took it to the...
  8. K

    do they have an issue with Women in positions of power

    Here is one for the goat and would appreciate some feedback on the following situations 1) Getting to know a guy up comes the subject of my job (some of you will know what I do) for those that do not I am in Law enforcement (not RMP) as such I have to be authoritative. This seems to be a turn...
  9. K

    What Vacuum

    Evening folks After two very poor performing VAX cleaners I am on the hunt for a new vaccum cleaner. What I would like to know is what fellow goaters have and would recommend? If it helps we have wood laminate or tiled floors throughout and a long haired kitty. Thanks in advance:PDT_Xtremez_14:
  10. K

    DIY splitting the Atom

    You have to give the guy credit http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-14406766 So whose up for this at the weekend?
  11. K

    Royal Mail

    Ok so they want to deliver your post to another address what do you think? Personally I think it is a ploy to get more money out of those who do not support the idea by making them pay for there post to be held at delivery offices. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-14346271
  12. K

    Pregnant Teenager still partying right or wrong

    I saw this on route to work. Am I wrong in thinking that the child should be taken away at birth and the mother sterilised? http://www.metro.co.uk/news/869021-pregnant-teenager-i-go-out-drinking-five-nights-a-week-to-stop-boredom
  13. K

    Do Police have the right to be sworn at

    Whilst trawling the Sunday papers I came across this.... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2008207/Officers-told-arrest-people-scream-obscenities-courts-wont-convict.html What do fellow goaters think? I personally do not like to hear swearing on the street or as every other word as some...
  14. K

    Nottingham any suggestions

    Guys and Girls I hope you may be able to assist. In a fortnights time i am set to spend a fortnight in Nottingham for some intensive training and are booked into the Park Plaza. Firstly does anyone have experience of this hotel personally. I have read the on-line reviews but would like a...
  15. K

    Packing Tips and Suitcases

    OK folks This year I will be all over the place training and finally holidaying abroad. SO tips on packing would be much appreciated I have to take smart (suits etc.) as well as casual evening attire. Any thing to minimise creases and make the most of the space? Now I have a couple of...
  16. K

    2011 Mclaren Revealed

    My first impressions nice looking followed by lets hope it is better than last years. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/motorsport/formula_one/9387578.stm
  17. K

    Announcing the Arrival of Baby CodeMonkey

    I have the delight in announcing the birth of a baby daughter to CodeMonkey and his good Lady wife. Baby Seren was born 8lb 4oz at 17.19 today. Congratulations CodeMonkey and Familyxxxxxxxx
  18. K

    Learning opportunity

    I know I should not be so geeky this early in the New Year but found this on the BBC website. http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/steps/ Easy 12 week courses in French, Italian, German, Spanish I think there is even some Chinese. Good Luck:PDT_Xtremez_14:
  19. K


    Well it is almost here only another 28hours give or take. Rather that resolutions what are your aims, aspirations or wishes for the New Year. To get you started here are mine: 1 more tolerance in the world in general 2 To train and compete in a 10k event So come on Goaters what do you...
  20. K

    A Calendar for the Ladies

    Ok after the recent posts by the blokes showing plenty of fine female form. This is one for the ladies, 12 months of fully fledged men. I have thoroughly enjoyed the 2010 calendar next up 2011. Best of all it is for charity:PDT_Xtremez_14: http://www.rugbyforheroes.org.uk/