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3 Para use Photo of Jeremy Corbyn for Target Practice


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
They need a kicking for posting it on social media. When will people learn..

P.S. they chose the wrong target.

I'm a citizen not a subject


Flight Sergeant
They need a kicking for posting it on social media. When will people learn..

To be fair, they're Paras - not exactly known for their intellectual prowess...

P.S. they chose the wrong target

I don't think it was the wrong target, more like too few targets. There's not a single person in the House of Commons that doesn't deserve to be up there with him at the moment, from all political parties.


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Is it just me, but something about that video just doesn't seem right. The picture of Corbyn looks way too big it's as though someone as doctored the vid.

I'm a citizen not a subject


Warrant Officer
I'm with JIT on this one - I don't know what current SOPs are in theatre, but I can't believe that anyone would be allowed to train with a 9mm pistol firing live ammunition in what looks like a standard office layout - I mean, there's no sand behind the alleged picture and the picture itself looks like its leaning against a frame - hardly aligns to H&S policy...

I think it's a set up....


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
I'm with JIT on this one - I don't know what current SOPs are in theatre, but I can't believe that anyone would be allowed to train with a 9mm pistol firing live ammunition in what looks like a standard office layout - I mean, there's no sand behind the alleged picture and the picture itself looks like its leaning against a frame - hardly aligns to H&S policy...

I think it's a set up....
I was thinking of the size of the picture. Surely you would not have something that size on such a small range. Plus the number of shots fired for such a rubbish grouping

I'm a citizen not a subject


Didn't one of the mainstream newspapers made up a false abuse claim against a battalion in a bedford truck after Gulf War Part Deux (Now it Serious) movie. Must have been a Senior or Officer that organised this caper doubt grunts could muster the photocopier machine without showing their bums.


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Didn't one of the mainstream newspapers made up a false abuse claim against a battalion in a bedford truck after Gulf War Part Deux (Now it Serious) movie. Must have been a Senior or Officer that organised this caper doubt grunts could muster the photocopier machine without showing their bums.
Yes it was the daily mirror and the knob who was editor got fired and that should have been the end of his career. But he became big buddies with the orange buffoon and then worked his way onto breakfast TV , where the sanctimonious idiot give off every morning.

I'm a citizen not a subject


Warrant Officer
I still think there's something not quite right about all this.

1. They're not wearing ear defenders – surely that's a H&S requirement indoors even when firing training rounds and in Kabul?
2. None of them seem to be carrying out appropriate weapons drills – I’m surprised the guy in the middle about 10s in doesn't shoot his own foot off!
3. The guy on the left as you see it seems to get a stoppage at around 37s – and to clear it he doesn’t seem aware that he’s pointing the pistol at the cameraman. Now, admittedly it has been 14 years since I last picked up a weapon, but I was always under the impression that if you had a stoppage you removed the magazine to try and clear it?
4. How is it that someone can afford to print out a huge print of the Labour Leader, yet other targets seem to have A4 pieces of paper being used? As JIT says, why would you have something that huge on a small range?
5. Why is someone filming this in any case?

I'm probably wrong but as Inspector Clouseau once said "You know, Cato, something is very fishy in Denmark".....


Staff member
1000+ Posts
It’s because they are using training ammunition.


Bit stupid on the Para's behalf. That said I agree with WB that should have been a few more Pics up for the Para's to shoot at.

Cake or Death

Flight Sergeant
They are using sim rounds. Basically big boys paint ball. Whilst I do think jezza unfairly gets more than his fair share of crap being flung his way. He’s not exactly endeared him self to the military lately. Particularly the paras! Which people seem to have forgotten already. Saying that it’s right to fully investigate Bloody Sunday and prosecute if enough evidence whilst mumbling something about how complicated the GFA is when asked the reverse question regarding the IRA doesn’t exactly help his cause. Should they have done it, no. Was it big boys being big boys having a laugh, releasing some tension yes most likely. Would any of them do it for real. Highly doubtful. Were they stupid for recording it yes the retards.

All this apolitical stuff is just rubbish how can we be politically unbiased. We are allowed to vote for gods sake. I was on a labour page reading the comments, Hilarious. One woman was incandescent with rage about how they could do this, never giving to the RBL ever again. Don’t those thick idiots realise they should be apolitical and that it’s the disgusting tories not Jeremy that’s destroying the military. They should be supporting labour...!

At the end of the day The tories or labour could go and bayonet a load of babies in a hospital, film it put it on tv and the ones that will only vote for their party will still vote for them. At least it’s not the Brexits fault.