There is nothing wrong with you wanting to do the AACC but as has been said on above, get your primary trade sorted first.
If I was your line manager (from the above you are an AMM?) I would not release you for the course. You get posted to your first Sqn and are there for about 18 months tops. It takes about that long to get you to a decent level where you can do your job and the Sqn gets 6 months of fully productive work out of you. To release you for the AACC would basically mean you would be a burden on your Sqn for your entire first tour and would be taking training resources that you would not have time to pay back.
The only way it would work would be to use you as a tool stores/gate guard bitch for your time as an AMM, that would then put you at a disadvantage when back for your FT as well as being a waste of money training you as an AMM in the first place.
Revisit the idea again when trained as a Techie with a bit of time at your second unit under your belt.
If I was your line manager (from the above you are an AMM?) I would not release you for the course. You get posted to your first Sqn and are there for about 18 months tops. It takes about that long to get you to a decent level where you can do your job and the Sqn gets 6 months of fully productive work out of you. To release you for the AACC would basically mean you would be a burden on your Sqn for your entire first tour and would be taking training resources that you would not have time to pay back.
The only way it would work would be to use you as a tool stores/gate guard bitch for your time as an AMM, that would then put you at a disadvantage when back for your FT as well as being a waste of money training you as an AMM in the first place.
Revisit the idea again when trained as a Techie with a bit of time at your second unit under your belt.