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BSc(Hons) Intelligence & Security Systems

Zebra, Unfortunately I've cleared from the secret ISTAR base and posted next week. I'll PM you of my new home address if you can put it onto CD that would be great.

As I previously stated, I'm gonna wait-out for a couple of weeks (need to get settled at posting first) until I get something from the Uni then I'll persue the ELC path. If they are dragging their heals then they're gonna have to wait for my money.
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Hi all, I got my enrolment email through today with all the details regarding payment method, ELC procedure and all that good stuff.

If you haven't heard anything by Monday, I would definitely contact the university.


Flight Sergeant


Hi all,If you're looking at doing this qual, I'd advise you start doing a bit of background reading into the whole 'computer hacking' process.First module was all about ethical hacking, and made a rather large assumption as to the computer-literacy of the students.For example, do you understand how information is sent by packets? Computer coding? How viruses work and what they do?Do you understand how a trojan or virus or worm can do what it does?If you're going to go for it, I'd suggest you google 'the 5 phases of hacking' and start reading NOW. Click on any link to information thatyou don't understand and try to get your head around it. You don't need to be a computer boffin to be able to do the qual, but there are other civvy-qualifications tied in to the BSc Hons -for example the opportunity to become a certified ethical hacker, should you wish to put the graft in. It is possible to get by in themodules without a vast knowledge of computer systems but the more you know about it, the better you will understand it - and you'llavoid the mass of confused comms that hit the first course.And that's just for the first module. Don't know what the other 6 have got in store yet!Hope this is helpful to someone!

I've just passed the civvy qualification for CEH courtesy of new employer, some of the info in the course relies on a background in CISCO networking and windows administration. I'm quite willing to offer any advice regarding topics etc if anyone is interested. You might want to brush up on some linux stuff also.
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Has anybody managed to pin down the Provider ID Code and Course Code to apply for the ELCs? I emailed the course administrator over a week ago, but no answer!


Hi all,

Got the reading list through but it's not current as I could not find the How To Research - 3rd Edition 2006. It's now ISBN 9780335238675 4th Edition 2010.

By way of Intro

By way of Intro

Hi all, just by way of an introduction, I thought I'd announce my interest in this thread too. Like some of you (some known to me, others not) I have mulled this one over too a few times and will examine some of the 'collateral' you've collectively compiled here and try to decide if it's for me or not.

It looks as if there may be some very interesting stuff in here aside from my initial nightmares of the Pol/Sy side things. The whole 'hacking' side of the house interests me greatly, but I have very little base knowledge on these subjects, (networking/language etc).

Will this be strictly an annual enrolment scenario (ie am I limited to making a decision around Sep next year) or is it likely there will be more courses running, commencing at any other time?

Thanks to those providing feedback/tips etc and I will read up a little background in the coming weeks to try decide if it's for me.

Regards all!



Just enquired about this and have being informed that if you haven't completed Phase 3 trainining an interview is required.

Having never undertaken distance learning, is this a pass or fail? Anyone know what it entails?!


Flight Sergeant
More Gen on the course

More Gen on the course

Hi all,
I must sincerely apologise for my lack of comms over the last few months, it's been a hectic time - work stuff, family stuff, and a couple of 3000 word reports courtesy of Staffordshire Uni.

Anyhows, here's my take on the 3rd and 4th modules:

Module 3 - Ethical Hacking (2).
If you have done or are about to do Ethical Hacking 1, you will know that it is predominantly based around how hackers are able to do... whatever it is that they do. The good news is that you don't need to understand computer language or binary coding or DOS languages in order to complete this module. You just need to understand the logic behind it, which (thankfully) can be written in english. The second Ethical Hacking module is all about countering this threat on a network or system, so think antivirus, physical and electronic countermeasures and security, that sort of stuff. I've just handed in my third and fourth module papers - not had my scores back yet but I'm hopeful that it won't be a complete flunk!! If your backbone needs some reinforcement, because you don't think you understand the subject, have a chew on this... I scored top of the class (joint...) for the ethical hacking module, despite my ineptitude with actually hacking stuff... I understand how it all works, but I'm pretty sure I'd be rubbish at it. Ergo, if I can do it, there are a lot of bods out there in spookland who are equally intellectual if not moreso who should be able to too.

Module 4 - Cyberwarfare
This module is all about understanding the complexities of interconnectivity between hardware and software. You need to understand that all the systems we take for granted are controlled via computer and that all those systems are linked in some way via a satellite or internet or fibre optic connection. Get your head around this and you will be fine. If in doubt, google the Stuxnet Worm / Stuxnet Virus and the Flame Worm / Flame Virus and that will give you a bloody good head start.

Cheers easy all!!


Witty Banter


Flight Sergeant
No probs mate. I'm on the 'pilot' (that's first release, not aircraft!) qualification, and I've been told that there will be a number of minor changes to the next batch as they learn from the mistakes and intricacies of the first attempt, though the modules will remain the same. Hopefully you will all get it a bit easier than we've had it - I hear that the majority have dropped out of my course because A) it's too hard for them; B) it's not what they thought it was or C) they couldn't cope with the workload. The latter is because we have been doing two modules simultaneously, not that easy when you consider that each module ends with a 3000 word report - so that's two 3000 word reports at the same time or within a week of each other. I believe the course starting this September are going to be doing one module at a time in order to simplify the whole process.
No probs mate. I'm on the 'pilot' (that's first release, not aircraft!) qualification, and I've been told that there will be a number of minor changes to the next batch as they learn from the mistakes and intricacies of the first attempt, though the modules will remain the same. Hopefully you will all get it a bit easier than we've had it - I hear that the majority have dropped out of my course because A) it's too hard for them; B) it's not what they thought it was or C) they couldn't cope with the workload. The latter is because we have been doing two modules simultaneously, not that easy when you consider that each module ends with a 3000 word report - so that's two 3000 word reports at the same time or within a week of each other. I believe the course starting this September are going to be doing one module at a time in order to simplify the whole process.
It does seem to make more sense to finish one module before starting the next one! I hope that's the method they adopt! We've been told our first course material shoudl be available from Thursday, so I'll let you know. The whole Blackboard bit seems straightforward enough.


Flight Sergeant
You guys should be using the 'new and improved' blackboard, we're stuck using the old one. works ok, but seems to have lots of ways of navigating to the same thing, and none to navigate directly to others (such as your overall scores so far, etc)


Flight Sergeant
Well there's been a distinct lack of activity on this thread, which I take it means that everyone has their heads in their books instead! lol!5th and 6th modules started ("war on terror" and "networked security") more info on these two when I get stuck into them.ATB!
Well there's been a distinct lack of activity on this thread, which I take it means that everyone has their heads in their books instead! lol!5th and 6th modules started ("war on terror" and "networked security") more info on these two when I get stuck into them.ATB!
Cheers Witty, nice one! :)


Hi all,I have looked into this course and think i will go for it. 3 questions for you all:1. My background is Intelligence ie intelligence gathering and some analysis/assessment - will this course suit?2. I am not an Int Officer, therefore i will no doubt need to do a telephone interview; anyone know whath this entails or what i need to research prior top the call>3. Any chance i can get a look at the pre-course reading from someone please?Many thanks all.
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