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Campaign to save the RAF 'tach

  • Thread starter Thread starter Fat Is Good
  • Start date Start date


During my spell in Her Majesty's finest, I must say I saw a wonderful array of upper lip adornments. I indeed remember the fine gentleman that so proudly wore a fine handlebar example at wokka land mentioned earlier in this thread.
I also had the privelege of working with colleagues who sported some marvellous nasal underliners. Mostly chaps from the north I seem to remember.
I believe there was possibly something that chef put in the tea in basic training that may have encouraged some of our erstwhile colleagues to venture into the slug balancing arena.
I particularly enjoyed the elderly SNCO version where the nasal hairs would be combed into the lip furniture, therfore saving the chore of clipping their nasal hairs.
Stylish AND practical.
But when all is said and done, the top lip decorators all had one thing in common.
They all looked fcuking stupid!

****** ******

Liney Hasbeen

Theres a chap here who has a fine example of hairy lip, however it does tend to give him more of a Freddie Mercury look than Wing Commnder Spry !!

Nothing special about his nose that it should be underlined anyway.

rest have risen above me

Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
The Green Scopie said:
Det Tash growing used to be common practice. One problem was that coming back from sunny climbs and the obligatory shave before Mrs Green Scopie saw it meant that you had a white top lip for a while.

Yep but it wasn't the quality it was on how long you could survive after return to home base before you shaved it off... :PDT_Xtremez_14:

freudian slip

I had a tickety tash for a while and was regularly threatened by the SWO that if it came any lower than my top lip i would be a very scared man.
Nearly caught me once, ducked into an office to hide. Never grew anywhere near a mexican tash though, Cant say i wouldn't have tried

Fat Is Good

BigNose said:
But when all is said and done, the top lip decorators all had one thing in common.
They all looked fcuking stupid!

Up until the above lines were read, I thought you were a supporter of this noble cause. Did you not feel so much better about yourself whenever you saw one hoving into view? Do you not realise the sacrifices these fine gents made for you?! Imagine the constant barrackry they had to put up with all the days of their career. Look deep into your soul and tell me that YOU could have laid down your social and personal life in the way that these men did. They should be venerated as saints and praised to the highest.


Det Tashes

Det Tashes

Not long back from Afgooneristan where the Det Tash Comp was alive and well until the DetCo ordered removal due to 'the press' being around and as such was 'frowned upon'.

I won best mis-match colour between hair on swede (what's left of it) and top lip growth (silverback and sides - ginger top lip - no smell of p*ss though, very strange!).
Rects Controller won best droopy mexican.
Sooty sneck won best lamb chops.
Rigger Cpl won best sporting... only had 5-a-side
Rigger SAC won best minimalist... didn't shave on det and still grew nothing (28 yrs old at that)

Dont' forget to get them off before return to avoid the 'white-lip' syndrome.
Hairy Lips are fun!!!!


RAF Tash

RAF Tash

I would like to report that this tradition is still alive and well here in Swampyland.

As well as the local Norfolk ladies, I have seen a number of Waafys (usually the comfy shoe variety) sporting traditional RAF tashes. They do go quite nice with their hairy legs mind, if you like that type of thing of course!:PDT_Xtremez_16:

I must admit I have not seen a male C/T or WO 'Handlebar- Moustache' for quite a while, so maybe the Thread starter does have a valid point.:PDT_Xtremez_40:


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
This is so right...you used to have at least one 'grandmaster' and a couple of 'paddawans' on your section but now that I think about it I have'nt seen one for a long while...

Working in the NATO environment means that I am not without tache entertainment though...the Dutch still sport some 'Beuuuties' along with some of the Eastern European 'can't afford shoes' fraternity...

The only RAF ones you see these days are accompanied by the issue steel frame reactolite specs and a number two tennis ball haircut...Small pot and invisible belt optional :PDT_Xtremez_40:


Having sported a rather pathetic attempt at a handlebar tache in the past I can only agree that there aint many left these days. Then again there aint many of us left who are old enough to grow anything that doesnt require certain light conditions or a close encounter with a bowl of tomato soup (or any other red substance) to be seen!

Good tip though...dont get your passport photo taken when sporting the offending item! You have to spend the next 10 years putting up with hammer from lots of johnny foreigner immigration officers. Particularly annoying when its Spam Hispanic women who have a better growth than you in the first place.

Shaved mine off a few years ago but did the goatee thing towards the end of my FI tour. Now I've got rid of the specs too and its taken years off me! Haven't noticed any change in my attractiveness to the fairer sex mind...do they not appreciate the practical qualities of crimplene?


Warrant Officer
I'm all for the RAF Tash, but only if its NOT worn by people with those Reactalite Rapid glasses and those fookin stupid black panther tattooes on the fore arms (the ones with the blooded claw marks on)

Those people should be shot in the back of the head..........


The FS MT at a certain now closed north-norfolk fighter base I was at around 4 years ago had a superb handlebar tach!
RAF 'tashe- with free 'APPO WHEEL'?

RAF 'tashe- with free 'APPO WHEEL'?

No RAF 'tash is complete without an RAF logo crown and albatross tatto on right upper arm

As a notorious chief sported at the Radisson in Kuwait one year. Credibility for the guy nose-dived form there.....

"As an alternative, the RAF 'tashe may be accompanied by a tattooed 'APPO WHEEL' 3 inches below shoulder crest of upper arm." - Extract form Apprentice technican's guide book c.1985

and who said goat shagging was just another 'initiation' for these boys?



Tashied Goatee
'tach saving

'tach saving

Well i have to congratulate you all with this campaign and i will of course through my full weight (which is a CONSIDERABLE amount !!) behind it.

I constantly get the P!ss taken out of me for my 'tach but as the name say's i'm now known as Tashy Man....the WO on the sqn also sports a reasonable effort...but only the 'tash...nothing else ;)

Long live the 'tach and long live Tashy Man..well 18 months at least till i get out :PDT_Xtremez_30:


Twonston Pickle said:
I once met a canadian officer (in the RAF) at Aldergrove; he had the most fantastic handlebar tache and it looked great. Well, on him anyway.

I know of the guy. It suited hin to a T. He should never have been flying something as moden as a Wessex (yes I know) it should have been something much older like a spitfire etc


Anyone out there remember a sqn ldr cordon from 39 sqn ???He had a great tash it lokked like one of those plastic glasses,nose ,tash things but in Ginger ,:PDT_Xtremez_28: fantastic


A few years ago on TTTE there was an old boy pilot instructor with the
BEST handle bar 'tach ever. He even had matching eyebrows to boot, extended helmet visor required to get past them babies.... much a giggle had by all the groundies.....:PDT_Xtremez_28:


Top site fogducker, I sense much amusement coming to the next beer call:PDT_Xtremez_28: