I think our trade and many others went balls up when we started treating the RAF as a business. We now have mission statements, LEANing, customers, users....ffs isn't this meant to be military?? How can you expect a young new recruit who has had the idea of a 'customer' drilled into his head since day one rather than a FS, SGT etc be expected to know what is to become of him?
Also stuff like budgets in the RAF, come on. I know we have a responsibility to the taxpayer to be accountable and efficient, but when you have to turn around to your 'customer' and say, sorry I cant fix your problem at the moment because the budget doesnt allow me to order your part...please though could you fill in this customer satisfaction form in the mean time?
Now thats where we started to go wrong. I say bring back the old school where as a lower rank you did as were told, not dictating what is to be done, or moaning when your told to do something, or saying 'I cant do that because theres no risk assessment, not part of my job' attitude.
*Rant over*
Sorry I know this might be a little off subject, but if you get the basic point of it, you will see that this trade 'down scaling' has been going on since we started acting like a plc, rather than a fighting force!!
ps. (By the way I'm no old school fossil, in fact I'm one of the relative new recruits (6 years) who can see where this Farce is going)
pps. Sorry to you actual old fossils for calling you old fossils in public