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Christmas Message 2016


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Ebenezer Scrooge was made to think about 3 types of Christmas and from it improve his ways. I think we often think about Christmas in a similar way although hopefully we don't have to repent quite so much as Scrooge!

In terms of Christmas past whether serving or 'ex' we can all hark back to those seemingly halcyon days when bars were drunk dry, living in Christmas dinners with food fights, SNCO's serving on and hangovers brushed away with disdain. Some of our most poignant Christmas memories are not those where we spend them in the warm embrace of our families but instead where we have been on stag, in often hostile places, with our friends and colleagues making the best of it...and that is what sets us aside.

Christmas present is almost upon us. We did a food shop yesterday and I was determined we wouldn't spend too much. We failed miserably as we have the means and got caught up in some of the madness. We are lucky...Some not so.

I would ask everyone to think about The family and friends of Corrie Mckeague who has been missing without news since 24th September. Pictures of his Mother endlessly searching the woods nearby where he was last seen paint a picture of a family that will perhaps not be as jolly as many unless circumstances change. Another candidate for our thoughts is Muhammad Shabaz Saleem. Known as Shabz, in the time from his diagnosis until yesterday when he sadly passed away he raised £17k for the Hospice that was caring for him. His family must be so proud of him at this time. I take strength from such people and try to live up to their standards.

Whilst working as a SSAFA caseworker I noticed that my presence was as important as the services in terms the support we offered. Just having a chat with someone who hadn't seen a soul for weeks helped, just having a rubbish cup of tea with them and listening to them talk me through their photo albums was as useful as the oven or stair lift I was actually there to supply and had as much healing power as a fat cheque book...There is so much we can do at this time of year to alleviate the misery and suffering of people around us. We have the inherent gumption and confidence to go knock the door of that old person in our street, to say 'just thought I'd see how you're doing' and offer a chat and a gullet for a brew...Maybe there's an opportunity for you?

Christmas future is unknown but has the potential to be shaped. I kind of know what's ahead of me in big handfuls but there is that variable that may see me in the poor house or worse! I know one thing for sure...The fight against PTSD just got a little helping hand as on all your behalves I just donated £200 to 'PTSD Resolution'. The thread explain the charity is HERE. There is a picture of the receipt at the end of this article. This time next year lets donate again so everyone keep an eye out for that military charity that really needs our help?

On behalf of the Mods and the hard working Talk Wrench and his Elf Codemonkey who keep the wheels turning in the E-Goat engine room I wish you all a Happy Christmas. May you spend it where possible with people you care about and if on duty then thanks for your service and we hope you'll have a delayed day of it!

Vim and Team


Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Phew that's a relief! I thought you'd gone all CH4 and Quentin Crisp on us with Vims own alternative Christmas message.


Hit the nail on the head....

Hit the nail on the head....


What a thoughtful and thought-provoking thread. I retired some years ago now and this is one of my first posts on the Goat.

The company I work for is a big sponsor of SSAFA and I go to the 'big wig' receptions. But you have made me realise that is not enough. I will now be volunteering my services to SSAFA if they can use me in any way.

Thank you for opening my eyes.



Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts

What a thoughtful and thought-provoking thread. I retired some years ago now and this is one of my first posts on the Goat.

The company I work for is a big sponsor of SSAFA and I go to the 'big wig' receptions. But you have made me realise that is not enough. I will now be volunteering my services to SSAFA if they can use me in any way.

Thank you for opening my eyes.


You're very welcome. Becoming a volunteer SSAFA caseworker or Home Visitor may just be the most satisfying thing you'll ever do...

Merry Christmas.


This is why we need a like button.

My Very Best wishes to all the Goaters and their families, whether together or apart.