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Claim incidental expenses (merged)

Has everyone that has been on there assimilation claimed for the incidental expenses, you can claim 4.99 a day for phone calls, papers etc, do this through jpa, click new claim
>change of assignment
>enter you boss
>tick box, choose incidental expense uk
>date (monday you started)
>number of days 5
>receipt amount £24.95(4.99 for 5 days)
>justification you put that it was for trade group 4 assimilation and leave your course.
you need to do this for every week, ie every line is a week, abit of a nause but for nearly 250 smackers it is worth it. the reason it is 4.99 is that anything over 5 you need a receipt which not everyone will have.
hope this helps:PDT_Xtremez_28:


Has everyone that has been on there assimilation claimed for the incidental expenses, you can claim 4.99 a day for phone calls, papers etc, do this through jpa, click new claim
>change of assignment
>enter you boss
>tick box, choose incidental expense uk
>date (monday you started)
>number of days 5
>receipt amount £24.95(4.99 for 5 days)
>justification you put that it was for trade group 4 assimilation and leave your course.
you need to do this for every week, ie every line is a week, abit of a nause but for nearly 250 smackers it is worth it. the reason it is 4.99 is that anything over 5 you need a receipt which not everyone will have.
hope this helps:PDT_Xtremez_28:

Almost right, you thing amount the 4.99 is an urban myth. You can get audited regardless of how much you spent whether it be a quid or a tenner...I know!

You will, according to the good book, need to keep hold of all receipts.........I had not, but managed to get round it by writing a letter stating that i had spent X amount on laundry, telephone calls etc..

Yes its worth claiming, but be very careful, I reckon that someone is going to get hung out to dry and made an example of sooner or later

Pan Warrior



i thought anything under a fiver no reciept required, and you can finish your det/deployment and write: 10x laundry 10 x papers/internet 10 x phonecalls.


Apparently not, I had been told all about the 4.99 thing, went ahead and put in 10 weeks worth of 4.99 a day (which in fairness I probably did get through most days...does cider count?).

RTU'd, a couple of weeks later had to present receipts.. I know a couple of others who got stung as well from my course, so not just confined to my station...
Jesus mate, your the first i've heard that happening, i know a few that have been audited but they have put it through any way. it's annoying that they send us up there and get sweet fa for it

True Blue Jack

Warrant Officer
i thought anything under a fiver no reciept required, and you can finish your det/deployment and write: 10x laundry 10 x papers/internet 10 x phonecalls.

The guidance now is that you should attempt to retain receipts for all expenditure, no matter how small. The fact is that if you use a coin-operated laundry and have a pay-as-you-go mobile then you will not have receipts, and the regs are designed to accept that. But if the newsagent gives you a receipt which shows you spent 20p on the Sun then you should keep it because you could be audited.

You're also supposed to claim for each day's expenditure, because you cannot average out the allowance, i.e., if you spend £3 one day and £6 the next you can only claim the £5 limit for the second day. I know people don't do that, and probably never will because it's such a nause, I'm just saying that's what you're supposed to do.


Is it any wonder why people are leaving ????

Is it any wonder why people are leaving ????

Please be aware that with immediate effect receipts must be provided for all expenses including incidental expenses (IE) even if the purchase is for less than £5.

This means that all newspapers, laundry charges etc must be accounted for where possible, and not just claimed as a blanket £5 allowance.

It also recognises that the use of the internet can be classed as an incidental expense therefore if charges are incurred as a result of using the internet (cafes/libraries etc) they may also be claimed back within the daily £5 limit.



[QUOTE=Icycalm;69433]Please be aware that with immediate effect receipts must be provided for all expenses including incidental expenses (IE) even if the purchase is for less than £5.

This means that all newspapers, laundry charges etc must be accounted for where possible, and not just claimed as a blanket £5 allowance.

It also recognises that the use of the internet can be classed as an incidental expense therefore if charges are incurred as a result of using the internet (cafes/libraries etc) they may also be claimed back within the daily £5 limit.


Our Lords and Masters have to pay for the war somehow.


Please be aware that with immediate effect receipts must be provided for all expenses including incidental expenses (IE) even if the purchase is for less than £5.

This means that all newspapers, laundry charges etc must be accounted for where possible, and not just claimed as a blanket £5 allowance.

It also recognises that the use of the internet can be classed as an incidental expense therefore if charges are incurred as a result of using the internet (cafes/libraries etc) they may also be claimed back within the daily £5 limit.


That always was the case. The rule book states that receipts are not mandatory where it is not REASONABLE to expect to receive one. Such as a newspaper vendor, or as mentioned earlier, a coin operated laundry or pre-pay mobile. In these cases you still have to sign an affadavit to the effect that 'I certify that I spent £x.xx on xxxxxxxx' if you are called forward for audit.


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Why should the general public pay for your papers, you'd be paying for them at your normal base so what's the difference when you are away.

True Blue Jack

Warrant Officer
Why should the general public pay for your papers, you'd be paying for them at your normal base so what's the difference when you are away.

We are expected to keep up to date with current affairs. To help us achieve this newspapers are (normally) provided on units by the Officers' and Sgts' messes, and by SIF for us oiks. When we are away from our unit we have to pay for our own newspapers so it's only right that we should be reimbursed.

You might as well have said "Why should we get subsistence allowance, we would have had to pay for our food while at home?"


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
We are expected to keep up to date with current affairs. To help us achieve this newspapers are (normally) provided on units by the Officers' and Sgts' messes, and by SIF for us oiks. When we are away from our unit we have to pay for our own newspapers so it's only right that we should be reimbursed.

You might as well have said "Why should we get subsistence allowance, we would have had to pay for our food while at home?"

I'd like to know what camps SIF supplied papers to the oiks because the only papers I got supplied was down the falklands and belize.

The majority of civilian firms will give you subsistancew allowance for digs and food, but not for incidental expenses. So when I come across a thread like this where you are claiming for incidentals I have to laugh. I've shown this to my work colleagues and they think servicemen are a bunch of whingers. Food and Digs I can accept but other incidentals should be paid for out of your own pocket like you would back at camp. If you live in you still have to pay for the washing machine whats the difference, if you are married wait until you get home, you use your mobile phone at camp why should you get money back for using it away from camp.


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
The majority of civilian firms will give you subsistancew allowance for digs and food, but not for incidental expenses. So when I come across a thread like this where you are claiming for incidentals I have to laugh. I've shown this to my work colleagues and they think servicemen are a bunch of whingers. Food and Digs I can accept but other incidentals should be paid for out of your own pocket like you would back at camp. If you live in you still have to pay for the washing machine whats the difference, if you are married wait until you get home, you use your mobile phone at camp why should you get money back for using it away from camp.

What a load of tosh, Are we claiming for something new here ? answer NO. We were always given incidentals in the form of MIA. As for other firms, the whole civil service get the same entitlement, albeit at a hight rate a suspect ! ::/:
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Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
I'll spell it out for you $hit-stirrer, I don't have to phone home to my wife when I'm at home do I? Wait until I get home to use the washing machine, what about when I cannot get home for 6 weeks or so, then what? You are a TUBE! How's that for Whinging?
Hey whinger I'm not **** stirring I'm asking questions which obviously you don't like. Do you phone your missus up from work or do oyu use the works phone.

Welcome to the real world, you think you are entitled to all these incidentals well I've got news for you get used to paying out of your own pocket like the majority of the real world.

But if they are going to pay you these incidental why shouldn't you put receipts in. Its theft/frausd if you claim for something you haven't bought or received.

Its also coming to that time of the year for all public service employees (yes I'm one) when we get our annual pay rise. the Public Purse is not a bottomless pit , so what is it going to be a decent pay rise or let everybody claim for what they want.
Can of worms

Can of worms

Blimey you lot, i only added a , what i thought was a useful thread and i've come back in on nights and all this has been going on! I know for a fact that when for example DCSA personnel attend one of our courses at Cosford, they are looked after alot better than us with extra funds. I have no problem doing extra courses, at the end of the day mostly it is for our own benefit, so what's the problem in claiming for extra stuff. I beleave aswell that he is just stirring.:PDT_Xtremez_06: