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Claim incidental expenses (merged)

True Blue Jack

Warrant Officer
What a load of tosh, Are we claiming for something new here ? answer NO. We were always given incidentals in the form of MIA. As for other firms, the whole civil service get the same entitlement, albeit at a hight rate a suspect ! ::/:

Yes they do. £10 per night, and they don't have to prove they've spent it.

Justintime129 - you seem to have adapted to civvy life very well. I congratulate you.


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
I thought he sounded like someone with a chip on his shoulder, better off without him.::P:

Here here !

HE sounds like the sort who would apply for redundency whilst not really wanting it, then being absolutly gutted to get it, but never admitting it !

Then always saying it was the best thing he ever done, and secretly logging in to the goat to get his RAF fix for the day !!!!



Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Here here !

HE sounds like the sort who would apply for redundency whilst not really wanting it, then being absolutly gutted to get it, but never admitting it !

Then always saying it was the best thing he ever done, and secretly logging in to the goat to get his RAF fix for the day !!!!

How wrong can you get. I realised that there was another world out there. I come on here to have a laugh at all you lot whinging and going on about how unfair things are and how the world owes you a living. Things haven't changed thats the way it's always been get used to it. I applied for redundasncy and would have been gutted if I hadn't been accepted. I knew when the time had come to leave.

AS it is I've got a career I like took me 3 years of hard work but it's not that badly paid compared to some jobs out there (I'm a Registered Mental Nurse) there's things I don't like about the good things far outstrip the bad points. One thing it has done is make me appreciate my lot in this world. There's far worse off than me and you.
listen mate there is no offence ment, i'm guessing you were a medic(or similar), so you must appreciate all this site is, is a huge tea bar that we sit and bitch, i'm sure in your new working enviroment(beleave me i know as my relatives are all nhs) you much bitch and winge. It's human nature, some of us want a career in the RAF no matter what trade your in. Good luck in what you do, don't look down your nose at us all though mate.:PDT_Xtremez_28:

True Blue Jack

Warrant Officer
AS it is I've got a career I like took me 3 years of hard work but it's not that badly paid compared to some jobs out there (I'm a Registered Mental Nurse) there's things I don't like about the good things far outstrip the bad points.

Half my family work/worked in the medical profession in one capacity or another (my mum is a CPN, my dad was a paramedic, etc). From my own first-hand experiences, and discussions with my family I have come to the conclusion over the years that there are many more similarities than differences between the NHS and the Armed Forces, e.g., trying to do a job which we believe matters with an ever-shrinking budget, minimum manpower, and management that are obsessed with statistics.

In essence, you have done no more than jump from the frying pan into the fire, and I would expect you to be more supportive/less derogatory in your arguments.


The majority of civilian firms will give you subsistance allowance for digs and food, but not for incidental expenses. So when I come across a thread like this where you are claiming for incidentals I have to laugh. I've shown this to my work colleagues and they think servicemen are a bunch of whingers. Food and Digs I can accept but other incidentals should be paid for out of your own pocket like you would back at camp. If you live in you still have to pay for the washing machine whats the difference, if you are married wait until you get home, you use your mobile phone at camp why should you get money back for using it away from camp.

Incidental expenses is one of the ups of being a servicemen over other public servants, of course you have the downsides to balance it as well - like not getting paid for overtime like other public servants are.

Civil servants claim overtime for travelling to courses, if it is outside their normal working hours.

I was not always a serviceman and have worked for companies that have paid for similar things, but they normally include it as part of their employees subsistance or expenses claim so it is not highlighted as a seperate allowance. As we are normally accomodated at other service units and therefor do not normally have a hotel bill the Incidental Expenses are claimed as a seperate allowance. Also rememeber that a lot of transit accomodation we get is extremely basic, one of my trips away was a week spent in a room full of 20+ beds and wardrobes.

Captain Gatso

The majority of civilian firms will give you subsistancew allowance for digs and food, but not for incidental expenses. So when I come across a thread like this where you are claiming for incidentals I have to laugh. I've shown this to my work colleagues and they think servicemen are a bunch of whingers. Food and Digs I can accept but other incidentals should be paid for out of your own pocket like you would back at camp. If you live in you still have to pay for the washing machine whats the difference, if you are married wait until you get home, you use your mobile phone at camp why should you get money back for using it away from camp.

Ok mate. As one who has been away recently for a considerable amount of time, comming back to read your views on what is, one of the few remaing small perks we have left in the forces, has made me bring out my soap box. Why should'nt we get an allowance such as this, after all the **** we have to put up with. When I have been abroad, we only get 20 minutes of call time a week to phone or nearest and dearest. I only discoverd recently that inmates in prison get 30. Were's the perk for that one. I have had to constantly fork out money from my own pocket for laundry when I am away. Whats the harm in claiming money back for that. From what I have read you seem to have made the transistion into civvy street ok. I know about the problems in your field of work, as i have a parent who works for a Mental Health care trust. So I do know some of the problems you have to deal with. However being in the Armed forces, you expect to get some kind of allowances for a few things. You seem to be impling that we are all spongers. I have got two words for you. P*** OFF.:PDT_Xtremez_25:


Master of my destiny
claim incidental expenses

claim incidental expenses

Quote - The majority of civilian firms will give you subsistancew allowance for digs and food, but not for incidental expenses. So when I come across a thread like this where you are claiming for incidentals I have to laugh. I've shown this to my work colleagues and they think servicemen are a bunch of whingers. Food and Digs I can accept but other incidentals should be paid for out of your own pocket like you would back at camp. If you live in you still have to pay for the washing machine whats the difference, if you are married wait until you get home, you use your mobile phone at camp why should you get money back for using it away from camp. Unquote

Your wasting your valuable time fellow goaters, this oxygen bandit is out and about, stealing the precious gas!:PDT_Xtremez_25:

True Blue Jack

Warrant Officer
When I have been abroad, we only get 20 minutes of call time a week to phone or nearest and dearest. I only discoverd recently that inmates in prison get 30.

Paradigm increased the time allowed to 30 minutes per week toward the end of last year. At last, we are starting to get treated as well as murderers and rapists.


1000+ Posts
That always was the case. The rule book states that receipts are not mandatory where it is not REASONABLE to expect to receive one. Such as a newspaper vendor, or as mentioned earlier, a coin operated laundry or pre-pay mobile. In these cases you still have to sign an affadavit to the effect that 'I certify that I spent £x.xx on xxxxxxxx' if you are called forward for audit.

Be careful folks. As Chilli stated, if you have no receipt then you have to write a letter stating that you did spend x on x. Was audited for a blanket £5 per day IE claim last year (even though I was entitled to £10) and the word back in a veiled threat sort of way was, 'If you are happy to sign a declaration that you spent exactly £5 per day on IE I will continue to audit the claim'. As has been said, someone's gonna get hung out to dry soon! ::P:

PS The expense claim will be paid regardless before audit. I asked them to take recovery action for the amount. Would be quite difficult to substantiate every penny of £5 on a daily basis
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Loopy Lass

We get a lot of queries about this at our place.

The best thing to do is to get a receipt for under 5 pounds for every day from the newsagents/local shop and claim for that exact amount for each day. Otherwise you will find it very difficult to justify in a memo.