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When i got home today there was a letter waiting for me,it was from transport for london saying my car was flashed 0n the 04/02/2014 at 11:01 and i now am being charged £65:00. Thay have a photo of my number plate and the car is the same make model and same blue as mine.but i can prove my car was parked in west yorkshire at that time and date. After a long phone call the charge has been canceled. I have been advised to ring the dvla and the police as i may get more charges from anywhere in the country.ive notified the local cops and thay have said dont be supprised if you get stoped a lot because my number is going to be high lighted. Has any one come accross this or had it happen to them.


Yes unfortunately, until the toe rag who is driving the vehicle is stopped you will get pulled. They'll put your VRM into the ANPR system so whenever it passes a monitor it will register and the nearest control room will pass out obs for your vehicle for a stop check. Keep your driving licence with you and you registration doc to prove who you are and who the registered keeper is. It'll be a pain for your till the scrote driving in the clone is stopped but there's nowt much you can do.. It may sound daft but until it's sorted keep all receipts tickets etc so if you get a ticket for any reason you have some evidence to put you somewhere else.


How long have you had the car? Ever had the number plates stolen? Pretty easy to do, plenty of cars advertised on eBay/Autotrader etc. Just find one the same colour/type and have some "Show Plates" ordered from the internet.


How long have you had the car? Ever had the number plates stolen? Pretty easy to do, plenty of cars advertised on eBay/Autotrader etc. Just find one the same colour/type and have some "Show Plates" ordered from the internet.

never had plates nicked got anti theft fasterners fitted to them by the cops. live in Bradford need I say any more.


OP. Mate of mine was cloned a few years back, Spent weeks trying to sort it out. The Police knew what was going on but could do nothing till the little shoites were caught. The advice they had was to park in places with cameras and keep all parking ticket stubs as proof.


Warrant Officer
Yep - happened to me about 6 years ago. Was living near Farnborough at the time, received a letter from some police force down in the South West that said that my car had driven off from a petrol station in Weymouth without paying and that they intended to prosecute. However, when they provided me with a CCTV image it was the wrong type of car - and I was able to provide a written statement about exactly where I was at the time. never heard anything back from them to say that they had caught the toerags with the dodgy numberplate....
Not so long ago there was an attempt to burgle my home,lucky for me I was at home and the sc*** took off in a gold VW Golf gti.I managed to get the reg.number and gave it to the police.When they checked it they found the plate was a clone.


There is a system in force over here whereby cops can run a plate in seconds to determine whether or not it belongs to the car that it is mounted on. The cop doesn't even have to do anything other than pull the tw@t over if the plate is phony as it's all done by a computerised camera system that is hooked directly to the MOT and if the plate is good, nothing happens but if it's phony, off go the bells and whistles.

This also works on out of date plates, ie plates that do not have a current or otherwise invalid tax sticker on them eg, your birthday is March, the car/plate is registered to you but has a December sticker on it. (Vehicles in Ontario have to have their tax stickers renewed on the birthday of the owner.) Therefore the plate is run, the info comes back that it belongs to Fred Smith born March 15th 1987 and here it is with a December plate on it. Woop Woop Something is wrong, the plate has been phonied up with a stolen or modified tax sticker. Alternatively the plate might not belong to that car, in which case it doesn't matter if it's out of date or not, the red and blue lights will be flashing in your rearview

I guess the camera/computer combination can run hundreds of plates a minute so if a cop is driving down the highway and a bogey pops up he either pulls it over or if it's on the opposite side of a divided highway, he simply radios to another cruiser on that side to watch for the car/plate in question. I don't rmember what the system is called but apparently it's bloody expensive so it is only being used in certain locations for a period of time then moved to another location.

It's a similar system to that used in certain cities in the US for parking control, they just have to drive by a vehicle and if there are any outstanding warrants or tickets against a plate, the word goes out to a tow truck driver who tows it to an impound centre or failing that, the parking control officer simply puts a boot on the car until it can be dealt with later.

Keyser Söze

There is a system in force over here whereby cops can run a plate in seconds to determine whether or not it belongs to the car that it is mounted on. The cop doesn't even have to do anything other than pull the tw@t over if the plate is phony as it's all done by a computerised camera system that is hooked directly to the MOT and if the plate is good, nothing happens but if it's phony, off go the bells and whistles. ......

The UK has a similar set up Gord, but the clever little criminals try to beat it by (for example) stealing a black Ford Mondeo off yer driveway,, then look around on auto trader for a similar black Ford Mondeo,, make a note of the plates and hey presto you've got 2 (perhaps more) black Ford Mondeo's running around on the same plates, ....how does plod spot the illegal one?
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I would assume the owner of the stolen car would have reported it but if as you say, the plates are cloned from the legit car, it might prove a tad difficult and I'm damned if I'd want to give the cops any more bloody powers by which to track people and things around than they already have, George Orwell never envisioned things going as far as they have in real life.

WTF is this sh!te about not being allowed to smoke in your own car, I can see it if you have kids in the car but if you're on your own then surely it's your choice. Don't say it's a safety factor cos that's bullsh!t when 80% of the cars on the road are manual shift transmissions o you have to take your hands off the wheel to shift gears. It's simp0ply a case of some tw@t in power saying look how powerful I am, I can make people do whatever I want simply by bringing in some bullsh!t law that encroaches on their rights and freedoms but they won't have the balls to fight it in court.

By the way, I just quit smoking a week ago so I've no axe to grind other than the fact that these wankers in government seem to think they can do whatever they want to control people's lives. If was still living in the UK I would start smoking again just hoping that some flat foot would pull me over then I would go to court requesting a jury of my peers let's see how far this crap goes when a good lawyer starts quoting civil liberties etc. Too many jobsworth tossers have been elected to government and too many unelected wankers are able to influence parliament in the name of Politically Correct Horsesh!t.

Come back Guy Fawkes. All is forgiven.