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DHE/Defence Estates


Egoat - feel free to move if you think that this would be better elsewhere.

I have just watched one of my lads a 6'6 bloke who is fcuking good egg, almost in tears due to the fcukwits who run DHE or whatever it is now called.

This blokes girlfriend was previously married to someone in the mob, they split up due to her and my chap getting together (appreciate that you may have a view on this, but this is not the issue that I am addressing here)

Her decree absolute is due the end of this month. after this there is a period of 15 days to be served before they can get married.
They have a 5 month old child together and 6 year old from his girlfriends previous relationship.

DHE are evicting them from her quarter tomorrow, despite the fact that he is posted somewhere hot and sunny for a few years at the end of this month AND he has been doing everything they have asked of him in the run up to this unfortunate 'event'

There is no shortage of quarters at the Brize Ritz, they are currently paying open market price rent. He has offered to transfer the quarter to his name and still pay market price.

Yes we understand that there has to be a process for removing people from quarters as there are people who may manipulate the system.

This is a genuine case, they are not asking for the world, they are getting married, it is just paperwork that is stopping them for another month.

And yet DHE, an agency which is here to support US, are so buracratic that common sense has gone for a long walk, and left one of our own feeling as though the world as falling out of his harris.

Before you ask, yes we have gone through the chain of command, and the Station has been told it is not his trainset to get involved with!

I for one am absolutely gobsmacked that this can happen in todays Airforce/Military.

Could be worth watching the news tomorrow evening for some more bad press for DHE, the RAF and the government not looking after its troops.

Your thoughts please, do you agree or am I and the rest of my office out of line?
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Master of my destiny
Egoat - feel free to move if you think that this would be better elsewhere.

I have just watched one of my lads a 6'6 bloke who is fcuking good egg, almost in tears due to the fcukwits who run DHE or whatever it is now called.

This blokes girlfriend was previously married to someone in the mob, they split up due to her and my chap getting together (appreciate that you may have a view on this, but this is not the issue that I am addressing here)

Her decree absolute is due the end of this month. after this there is a period of 15 days to be served before they can get married.
They have a 5 month old child together and 6 year old from his girlfriends previous relationship.

DHE are evicting them from her quarter tomorrow, despite the fact that he is posted somewhere hot and sunny for a few years at the end of this month AND he has been doing everything they have asked of him in the run up to this unfortunate 'event'

There is no shortage of quarters at the Brize Ritz, they are currently paying open market price rent. He has offered to transfer the quarter to his name and still pay market price.

Yes we understand that there has to be a process for removing people from quarters as there are people who may manipulate the system.

This is a genuine case, they are not asking for the world, they are getting married, it is just paperwork that is stopping them for another month.

And yet DHE, an agency which is here to support US, are so buracratic that common sense has gone for a long walk, and left one of our own feeling as though the world as falling out of his harris.

Before you ask, yes we have gone through the chain of command, and the Station has been told it is not his trainset to get involved with!

I for one am absolutely gobsmacked that this can happen in todays Airforce/Military.

Could be worth watching the news tomorrow evening for some more bad press for DHE, the RAF and the government not looking after its troops.

Your thoughts please, do you agree or am I and the rest of my office out of line?

If they are dismissive of the Staish (not his trainset etc), then why the rush to apply military style rules for the sake of a month or so, especially as there is no shortage of quarters. Is she accompanying him on the posting and is this just a short term request? Have SSAFA been involved? Notwithstanding these questions, this is yet another example of kicking the forces when they need a little support. I bet the fcuker who's coming out with this sh1te hasn't been in the mob and hides behind a fcuking typewriter. It's a pity when we think of the newspapers of being the only route out of a situation, they'd probably fcuk up the story anyway!:PDT_Xtremez_25:


There have been several threads on the goat about DHE/MHS and their lack of understanding of problems that evolve in the forces. I really cannot fathom their thinking in making two children homeless, it is a shocking indictement of their lack of care.
The only thing I would suggest is for your lad to just stay in the quarter until he's posted, I can't see them forcibly evicting a woman and two kids. How about getting the local MP involved , David Cameron represents that area.
As for DHE supporting us, sorry mate but that idea went out many years ago when civvies were put in charge of defence housing, in all my dealings with them they've only ever seemed interested in saving money and making their own lives easier.


Master of my destiny
R78 - In reply to your questions, yep she is going with him, yep as we speak watch this space.

Good luck to your mate, insensitive cnuts. On his posting, a letter to that tw@t in DHE made up of cut out letters from a mag spelling some message out would be my farewell.:PDT_Xtremez_25:


Are they physically evicting her or is this just when her notice is up.

If they aren't physically kicking her out then I would suggest sitting tight.

I would also speak to DE again because I believe the local rag (Oxford Mail) has run pieces in the past about lasses and their kids being evicted from MQs with no where to go. I'm sure that they (DE) wouldn't want to be dealing with that.

No threats but if they can't show a sensible caring side then they are going to end up getting some seriously bad publicity.

I know DE will try to tell the CO that it ain't his trainset, but he has a duty of care to personnel on his unit. Also I am sure that DE have Service personnel working within it. Chief Exec/DE is a 2 star and Director, Defence Estates Operations Housing is a 1 star, I believe.


Hi there guys, borrowed Meatheads profile

I'm actually the bloke in question here. All SSAFA could say to me is do we have any friends or family that we could doss down with for a couple of weeks. I did go down to PSF here first thing this morning to book one of the welfare flats here and was originally told yes I could get one. They have since got back to me and said no I cant have one due to me not being married to the missus, coupled with the fact that on paper I rent a room at my mates flat in Cheltenham (and no i did not claim home to duty!!), which according to them doesn't make this a welfare case. They say that the missus and kids can move into this room with me. I'm now at my wits end. All thats left for me to do is phone the beeb.


Bit of a long shot here but when are you getting married? Now please remember it was many moons ago for me, but I remember being allowed to have my first quarter a few weeks before I actually got married. Have you spoken to DE with a view to this? Have you asked them why, if there is a surplus of quarters, you cannot stay in the present one? Personally I'd get there reply in writing and be straight off to see a solicitor/ CAB.


Wgaf makes a good point. When i married 5 yrs ago, we did our march in 2 weeks before the wedding but were allocated it about a month before.


WGAF & MM - He has shot off again, but i know the answer to this.

The registry office will not allow him to book a date until they have the decree absolute in front of them.
Further to that, they cannot get married until 15 days after the absolute is issued.

He has even gone as far as phoning Gretna as the marriage laws are different in Scotland (so im led to believe!)

DE have dug their heels in and following the rule to the letter.

I also think that its interesting, that because he 'rents' a room rather than living in the block i.e pays around 190 a month for nothing that even Gen office have jumped on the rules and regs bandwagon. If this is not a welfare issue then god help us!

This type of issue is pretty widespread, I know a about 5 'singlies' who have kids who live with there 'partner' rather than a 'wife' and rather than waste money on nothing put there address as somewhere else. Ok so its not as honest as it should be, but that is because the rules are outdated


At waddo, me and the other half lived in sin for two months in a quarter before we got wed.All DHE wanted was a confirmation from the registry office of the date we were getting wed.We were allocated the quarter when we both lived apart at opposite ends of the country..him in the shetlands, me in Liverpool with his parents.There has to be leeway.Mind..was 5 yrs ago now.....everything gone to rat sh1t since then.


Where is this guys Boss...... or OC PMS? ::/:

Try the Chain of Command and if all else fails I would try the Padre, he works for God and usually gets results where others fail.

SSAFA or Airwaves are an option too.


I myself have had a long ongoing battle with DHE (refer to Welfare thread "Archaic Policy On The Allocation Of Married Quarters). Media intervention is not the answer at this juncture. Due to timescaling I am at a loss for advice. An impromptu chat with OC Admin and an application to see the AOC may not produce results but could possibly delay due process until you have the marriage certificate in hand. There is obviously no parity from Station to Station as to who is entitled to reside in FMQ. Brize normally isn't so stringent. There are several personnel who reside in FMQ at Brize already who aren't actually entitled, and DHE know this. PM me and I may be able to provide you with a crowbar. Good luck in your quest.


Where is this guys Boss...... or OC PMS? ::/:

Try the Chain of Command and if all else fails I would try the Padre, he works for God and usually gets results where others fail.

SSAFA or Airwaves are an option too.

Chaka, he has been through all of that. Our boss has passed it up to OC A who passed it up to the Staish who got told to get lost by DE.

What is the point of having a chain of command if they cannot achieve anything? The SAC got told to fcuk off as did a GC, only difference about 70 grand!!

The guy in question is now looking at some form of welfare housing down at Corsham called 'The Services Cotswold Centre'.

What an introduction to married service life for this SAC! And just think of the disruption and damage this will cause to a 6 year old kid, everything that kid thinks of as normal, school and home, is going to be ripped away by some dcikhead who has a quota or target to meet....come on DE you must have a grain of common sense between all you?

All this for an extra couple of weeks in a quarter!! Unbelivable

Must admit this is making my blood boil.


Unfortunately the regs for MQs state that whilst you can be allocated and march in to a MQ prior to getting hitched (2 weeks before I believe) you are not allowed to occupy it until the day you are married. There will be cases where individuals have been allowed to occupy beforehand but that may be down to the DE people for that unit turning a blind eye.

I would suggest trying to sit tight if the DE are not physically evicting the lady in question and carry on paying the rent.


Meathead, why don't one of you phone DE at another camp, say Lyneham and ask what their policy regarding the matter would be, obviously leave names out, but it might be interesting to see what the answer would be.
How long have they been in the quarter? I know several cases down here where people who aren't entitled to AMQs have been told not to worry about a time scale, just keep the DE office informed.

Scaley brat

Trekkie Nerd
1000+ Posts
I would try the Padre, he works for God and usually gets results where others fail.

SSAFA or Airwaves are an option too.

I didn't know the Padre worked for the SWO ! :PDT_Xtremez_17:
I can't see him helping you get a quarter :PDT_Xtremez_31:


WGAF - Tks for that, could well be worth a shot - will let you know

Kernow - Apparently he has been told that the Bayliffs will be there at 1200 tomorrow.


WGAF - Tks for that, could well be worth a shot - will let you know

Kernow - Apparently he has been told that the Bayliffs will be there at 1200 tomorrow.
First things first he has got to go and see a solicitor NOW. If he's left things this long there may not be a lot he can do.
Are there any underlying reasons that DE have taken this stance, i.e. has he or his future wife lied to them/p1$$ed DE off? Not saying he has but just trying to understand what DE are hoping to achieve.
Whatever happens best of luck to them.

Homer's Right Hand Man

WGAF - Tks for that, could well be worth a shot - will let you know

Kernow - Apparently he has been told that the Bayliffs will be there at 1200 tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

I thought bailiffs couldn't act without some kind of court order?