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DHE/Defence Estates


First things first he has got to go and see a solicitor NOW. If he's left things this long there may not be a lot he can do.
Are there any underlying reasons that DE have taken this stance, i.e. has he or his future wife lied to them/p1$$ed DE off? Not saying he has but just trying to understand what DE are hoping to achieve.
Whatever happens best of luck to them.

Not that im aware of, I only know what he has told me and our boss. He has just been sent to go sick by the boss, the bloke is pulling his hair out with stress.

Someone further up the chain than myself has advised him to go and see CAB ASAP.
DE obligations to sfa licencee

DE obligations to sfa licencee



9.2 In cases where you, and /or your spouse civil partner and dependant children are in unlawful occupation and refuse to give up possesion of the property, we will not seek to enforce our right to possesion without first obtaining an order of the court.

This is a word for word extract from the DE OPs housing service families licence to occupy SFA.

if the bailiffs are coming tomorrow at 1200, have DE got an order of court to evict???

have they had written notice of termination.

jsp 464 has the rules and regs for quarter entitlement.

if you want a full copy of a licence agreement pm and i'll scan and send over

hope this helps


This lad needs to go CAB straight away and see what they can do.

Also his lass needs to contact the council in Witney now to try and organise something if they haven't already been down that route. Here is the address
http://www.westoxon.gov.uk/living/homeless.cfm They may well say no but you don't know until you ask.

What she needs to remember is not to mention him and his room as they may say the same as Admin.


We Got A Quarter???????

We Got A Quarter???????

Hi there, I am sorry to hear of your situation and wanted to let you know that we were in a similar situation years ago when hubby was sent to Cosford on his fitters course for 18mths.
I rang the Padre, crying saying I wanted to go with him and we got a surplus quarter at Tern Hill. We lived there (unmarried) for 10 months whilst awaiting his divorce. So hang in there, it can be done, you just have to play them well. PM me if you want to talk about it, in the meantime, dig your heals in and keep your family in the quarter they are in just now!
By the way...They have to house you if you have a child!
And another thing, Baliffs, as they are called, are not permitted to enter a property in Scoland, Only the Sheriff Officer is allowed to enter a property, DO NOT let anyone in your house, including DHE! Only the Sheriff Officer!!! Got That?
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Hi Goaters,

Thanks for all the advice, just heard that he has been signed off by the Doc

I really cant think of anything else that can be done for him. Me, as his line manager, am right out of ideas - ive pushed it up and chased it.

What on earth am i supposed to say to him now?

I might be pi$$ed off at the moment but it is nothing compared to this chap and his family.

Sadly today, my view of the RAF and its insistence at outsourcing in the name of saving money, has changed for the worse

I cant help but think if we still had bluejob housing officer/snco that it would have been dealt with 100% more common sense

Will keep you updated of events tomorrow...



Sorry chap, got caught up on the dog and bone.

Court order is in place unfortunately. Dont worry about the upload. Thanks anyhow

Statty Queen

This is just a thought, but couldn't the young man apply for a quarter as a single parent and unofficially move his future wife in? Unfortunately, as a civvy, she isn't entitled to the quarter they are both occupying, now that she's getting divorced, but seeing as he's a serviceman with a young child, I'm almost certain he could do the paperwork, and that would solve their accommodation problem until they get married. As long as DHE don't find out. Like I said, it's just a thought


Somewhere else now!
Thats a very good thought there statty queen.
I believe if you dont answer the door to a bailiff the first time they come round they cant force entry. Saw it on tv today!

It isnt just the DE that are a pain in the arse. The DHE was too and so were the blue suits when they were in charge!

Mrs M was up the duff many moons ago, we were married and she was living in staff quarters in a local town and I was in the block. We applied for a quarter and had to wait 4 and a half months to get one. She dropped 3 days after we moved! Even though I went to see boss, PSF, Padre etc etc they would not put us up the list at all. No houses were available and the waiting list was strictly adhered to. Nevermind the fact that they let us move when my wife was albeit 3 days 9 months preggers. Fcuking ar5ehole jobsworths!

If he is the father of the two children shouldnt he be entitled to a quarter anyway?

The maths dont add up to me. They wouldnt be able to get married until after his posting if I have read it correctly? So basically they are looking for somewhere to live until 1. he is posted 2. they get the divorce 3. they book the wedding 15 days after divorce.

Please dont take it the wrong way but in the eyes of the DE she is already in a quarter and wont leave. They only want a place until they get posted at the end of the month by which time they wouldnt have confirmation of a wedding anyway?
This should be resolved by the council I think and doesnt appear to be the DE's fault.
Try the local council. They should have emergency accomodation even if its only a bedsit. If its only for a month until the posting.....

If I got this all wrong I apologise by the way.................
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The Masked Geek

Probably not that helpful but what about squatters rights?


MrM - Hear what you are saying, and yes you are right. However, in the interest of the service and the welfare of the individual/family, would it not have been really easy for DE to just extend the eviction notice until they are married, posted and out of the quarter.

The plan was to be married well before the posting and eviction date, but due to legal delays they got held up. DE were aware of the situation but decided to take this action

Appreciate that this 'breaks' their rules, but surely the most sensible thing to do would be extend for a few more weeks? No one loses! DE gets above the going rent for one of the Brize slums (of which there are plenty of empty ones, so no issue there), the service doesnt get another welfare issue, and the airman is happy as his young family isnt in a bedsit, daughter does not have to go to a different school for 4 weeks etc etc

It is just a sorry situation that did not need to be created. All over a bit of paper and a ring!


To be honest the only thing to come out of this whole sad,sorry affair is how antiquated the rules concerning housing really are. I'm a single parent, if I was to meet someone who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with then I would have to either:
1. Buy/rent.
2. Get married.
Now I've not long finished a 15 year marriage, I really don't know if I'm prepared to get married again. In this day and age there really is no need. It really is time the rules were changed and bought upto date.
It really is a shocking way to treat people and your mate has my sympathies.
Just as an afterthought, what sort of time span would DE have given this lass if she was not in this relationship, i.e. she had seperated from her husband and stayed in the quarter?

Captain Gatso

I have just been reading through this thread. My wife also, can't even beleive that this kind of carry on is allowed to happen to a SERVICE FAMILY. My heart goes out to the family. How can they be treated in this disgracful fashion? As a bloke, who used to be based at Brize. Family accomodation, I thought was at a surplus. I cannot think that Brize DE. Are that desperate for families accomodation, that they have to send Balliffs round. I hope someone high up, is reading this thread. This kind of carry on, is exactly the reason why my faith and beleif in the RAF family has been severly dented.:PDT_Xtremez_06:


To be honest the only thing to come out of this whole sad,sorry affair is how antiquated the rules concerning housing really are. I'm a single parent, if I was to meet someone who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with then I would have to either:
1. Buy/rent.
2. Get married.
Now I've not long finished a 15 year marriage, I really don't know if I'm prepared to get married again. In this day and age there really is no need. It really is time the rules were changed and bought upto date.
It really is a shocking way to treat people and your mate has my sympathies.
Just as an afterthought, what sort of time span would DE have given this lass if she was not in this relationship, i.e. she had seperated from her husband and stayed in the quarter?

Hi wgaf, to be honest I have no idea how long seperated/divorced partners are allowed to remain in quarters. Obviously, there has to be a time limit, but what has really infuriated me is the inflexibility and the rigidity (is that a word?) that they have shown.

I do agree that the rules are antiquated, however following all the kerfuffle about same sex unions the rules were changed then. I think there may a large number of 'singlies' living in sin so to speak (I personally know two single mum SACs living with their service boyfriends who are 'living in'(and who can blame them??!)) , all due to out of date rules.
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Geeky Fuelly Type
My mate, here at Brize, left his Mrs (long story, won't go into it) and moved into the mess. 18months later she finally up and left the quarter into her own place last month. No kids and she was a civvy...just payed civvy rates apparently... but 18 MONTHS FFS not a meagre few weeks that this lad is looking for.

It all smells fishy to me.



Rex Craymer Man of Danger
Staff member
Barstewards the lot of them

Barstewards the lot of them

Having already raised some issues with regards these DE fu*kw*ts i have full sympathy. One thing that strikes me as strange is how long has this been going on to get to this stage and why was no one including his line management made aware as soon as the intent to evict was announced. have the DE given the sufficient notice of their intent to evict.
As far as the law stands the the DE have to present a case for the eviction and it seems rather strange that this eviction action will in effect make 2 small children homeless, which means that the local authority now have duty of care to home them. Get in touch with the local housing authority/CAB IMMEDIATELY.

SSAFA may have a social worker on camp that can help or they may be a local Branch that can help or use both. Ensure the Padre is aware keep the Med centre informed and maybe see if the HIVE has a quarter available for visiting families or see if there is one at any near by unit not ideal but at least it is a roof.

Having been lied to by some ex army officer DHE To$$er when I was a JT and kicked out of my quarter causing my wife to lose her job and to put me into financial difficulty, as I was forced to remuster and demoted from JT techie to LAC GD, then whilst not as bad as this scenario it shows how anally retentive and heartless they can be.

Keep fighting and make as much noise as possible eventually someone somewhere will listen also get PSF to sort out legal support from the military legal side of things I used them when I had a scrape with the Law on a sunny island in the Med and they were great.

Still canot believe the court agreed to it. GOOD LUCK

PS in my case 'Harry Staish was told to poke off by the DHE and that was 11 years ago

Found this hope it could help
SSAFA Oxfordshire
Branch Contact Information
98 Makins Road
Henley on Thames

Tel: 01865 748041
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Hi there guys, borrowed Meatheads profile

I'm actually the bloke in question here. All SSAFA could say to me is do we have any friends or family that we could doss down with for a couple of weeks. .

Penfold - Mate have a read of the above from earlier today (i have edited it down to whats relevant).

The chap in question has done everything that has been asked of him, and I, as his line manager was aware what was going on and pushed it upwards - result? fcukall from the upper level ruperts, to be fair our very own Rupert has been top notch, but he is only the officer equivalent of an SAC, and he is just as frustated as me and the chap in question.

Today, when it all came to a head, I vented off onto the goat.:PDT_Xtremez_17:


Rex Craymer Man of Danger
Staff member
Try the HIVE

Try the HIVE

My wife works as a volunteer for SSAFA and if the one on camp cannot help then branch might be able to help. Probably only from a financial level ie rent for a house etc. Use the HIVE as I said they may have acces to housing that can be used on a temporary basis most have a welcome house that could be used and SSAFA might be able to help with storage. I know its not the same as staying in the house but better than a nasty B&B.

From my understanding once a court order has been obtained and Baliffs appointed then there is no going back.
Just very shocked that it has got this far.

Totally sympathise as this nearly happened to my wife and I just a bunch of jobsworth CNUTS.

As she is a civvie then this would obviously make a great human interest story!!!. Go to the press.

This link is for the laws on eviction there is also a link to local authority housing

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