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Does anyone have a good number for a 1/2" double depth socket???


widnose lad

I find that 36PG makes me all tumescent. Mind you a 36DD has the same result.:PDT_Xtremez_30:


I'm not checking numbers for a laugh you prick, I happen to need one at work and can't find a current number.

Touchy. . . . touchy . . . such language . . . and you don't even know me. Is that me off your Christmas card list then??

Comes to something when you have to post a thread to find an NSN, I'm sure with a little lateral thinking even YOU could have found a better way of doing it or couldn't you find a number for common sense either??

Living the dream . . . . or just day dreaming????


Try googling, its brought me up for sale on e-bay once.

Sent a brake unit off once with a 731 saying Do not feed to goat.


I'm sure with a little lateral thinking even YOU could have found a better way of doing it or couldn't you find a number for common sense either??

Posting a thread was thinking laterally!

I don't know what you mean by a "better" way, but this way took less than a minute to do and I got a result the same day.

Feel free to enlighten me with your lateral-thought suggestion if you think it's "better" than mine. You absolute mong

fat lazy techie

Flight Sergeant
Off Topic Had a circus strongman of a SNCO tell me to re-write a 731 for an engine as a wrote "If swallowed do not induce vomiting" the miserable cnut. Still justice prevailed, he now works on LITS.Off Topic

One for the herc sooties, if you can tell me what this is without using the duff gen books then it's time to move on. What part is 26LK NIV 500?
The sad thing is I still know and I haven't touched them for ages.:PDT_Xtremez_42:


Off Topic Had a circus strongman of a SNCO tell me to re-write a 731 for an engine as a wrote "If swallowed do not induce vomiting" the miserable cnut. Still justice prevailed, he now works on LITS.Off Topic

One for the herc sooties, if you can tell me what this is without using the duff gen books then it's time to move on. What part is 26LK NIV 500?
The sad thing is I still know and I haven't touched them for ages.:PDT_Xtremez_42:

I still know the number for a brake unit, and all the seals - I been away form Lyneham 18 months now! I been out the RAF 3 months!!!!!!

Why do I still know these things?


What was the asking price and was there a reserve ? :PDT_Xtremez_15:

I didn't want to see what Mr N was selling me for!

Try it, it is fun

Had a GE try and trade me for camels in luxor once, only reason he didn't, how would he fit 133 camels into the cargo bay!
He theen tried to flog the girly mover and got offered 1 goat - I was killing myself laughing, she wasn't
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Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
What are we supposed to do nowadays for these numbers? There was a time you would look up the micro fiche but those days are long gone.

Pyro Maniac

What are we supposed to do nowadays for these numbers? There was a time you would look up the micro fiche but those days are long gone.

You could always google it !!!

Works for most things

Fablon biff chit

My favourite one is 6135-99-195-6708

10 points to anyone who guess what it is!


Alkaline Manganese Dioxide Battery 1.5V

(I can't believe I am posting this!)


If you use it enough some numbers just stick in your mind .

try 6610 99 6549221

haven't used it in 15 yrs. is it still valid or been replaced by a shiney new digital one ?:PDT_Xtremez_42:

Lord Azrael

In response to the original enquiry...
1/2" Double Depth Socket, Chrome Bi-Hex
1L 1275858
12-point flank drive Double Depth lock-on socket
1L 1209524
12-point flank drive U/J double depth socket
1L 1209546

Always ask a real supplier that is happy to help, we are so few....:PDT_Xtremez_28:

I have many *unnofficial* good numbers books plus old copies of 1086 microfiche that no longer exist.


Ahh the entertainment afforded by a 731

Ahh the entertainment afforded by a 731

My favourite is:
"Fragile - do not juggle with it -
unless you're really good",
some boring bugger made me re-write one once.

ps BBMF have still got the full ish microfiche and the reader to..er..read it. Dead useful if you ever need to demand a vulcan wing spar - and no, I'm not going to quote any numbers (But only 'cos I can't access the Fiche from here..).:PDT_Xtremez_28:

Harry B'Stard

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Good Numbers.

Good Numbers.

There is a CD ROM of hand tools available from some IPT or other (can't quite remember which IPT it is).

It is produced by DLO.

I only know this as I'm doing an inventory check of our tool stores for the first time in about 2 years (yawn!) and it's come in useful.

It isn't as interesting as the 1086. I once ordered a walking stick for my snec of it! SCAF weren't happy though.


Gen Books

Gen Books

Gen Books are legal as long as they are registered, so that any amendments can be made ! That what happened at our last external audit.

Sent a Wessex rotor blade back from NI, with if swallowed do not induce vomiting on F731, they F760 me for that and sent it back, NO waste of money there then !!!!