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Does anyone have a treadmill program/system to help pass the RAFFT


One Woman Mafiosa
This probably sounds a bit sad and pathetic (because it is :pDT_Xtremez_30:) but does anyone have a good program they do on the treadmill to help you improve your best effort on the RAFFT? Aside of being a bit chunky I've never failed the test so far and don't want to in the future - can anyone help? :pDT_Xtremez_21:


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
I just do circuits 3-4 days a week...it's more interesting than just lumbering along on a treadmill, it's a more balanced source of fitness and I can letch at the lycra (worn by females I mat add)....


One Woman Mafiosa
I'd really like to say I like circuits.....................................no, I'd REALLY like to! Which although is a far better way to train I just don't enjoy it, hence the emphasis on treadmill.

Thanks for your response though - it may come to that yet.::(:

It's only the running I need to improve on.
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Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
I'd really like to say I like circuits.....................................no, I'd REALLY like to! Which although is a far better way to train I just don't enjoy it, hence the emphasis on treadmill.

Thanks for your response though - it may come to that yet.::(:

It's only the running I need to improve on.

The trick is to find somebody to train with then when you are sat at work feeling like you can't be ar$ed they can pop their head around the corner or bell you to say 'get your oversized butt down the gym with me' and you'll be more inclined to do it...

Running wise I would say if you can manage initially 2 miles (3.24km) three times a week until you get used to running and your endurance builds then step up the distances as you see fit and feel comfortable with...Also it's not just a fitness thing...you're going to have to look at what and how much you eat as well...look at how much fat (contained within your usual food) you eat each day and try to cut it back to about 100-150 grams a day...tie that in with thr running and you should start to feel the benefit, depending on your size, pretty quickly...

Redrock is a mod on here and a fitness instructor...he's a little busy at the moment re-joining the regiment but I'm sure he'll give you some qualified advice when he gets his bedpack right and is allowed some time off...

True Blue Jack

Warrant Officer
The PTIs at our place are pushing a simulated bleep test run on the treadmill. Start at 8.5kmh and increase 0.5kmh every minute, continue until you physically cannot do any more. I did that 3 times in a week and improved my bleep test score by more than one level - no sh1t.


One Woman Mafiosa
Vim - thanks for the info. Hopefully RR can give me some top tips.

TBJ this is more in line with what I need , however being the mong I am at running I may start a little lower then 8.5 - but not too much.

I start a new job this week and hope to have a bit more time to do phys.

The Masked Geek

If you're gonna use TBJ's suggestion, use a 1 degree incline too.

To be fair, nothing beats doing the fitness test to increase performance at the fitness test. Do a fitness test to failure, rest for 5 minutes, then do a constant level seven to failure.

You can take it further than that but if you're just starting out, I wouldn't push it too far.
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1000+ Posts
This probably sounds a bit sad and pathetic (because it is :pDT_Xtremez_30:) but does anyone have a good program they do on the treadmill to help you improve your best effort on the RAFFT? Aside of being a bit chunky I've never failed the test so far and don't want to in the future - can anyone help? :pDT_Xtremez_21:
Sure one of your muscle mechs can devise an interval training program on a treadmill for you. Slow slow quick quick slow :pDT_Xtremez_27:


Super Moderator
If you have a life fitness treadmill in the gym, there is an interval button which allows you to put 2 speeds in and alternate between the two. This is a good form of high intensity interval training, if you do a 5 minute warm up "jog". The upper speed should be at an all out, balls to the wall maximum you can manage for 30 secs to 1 minute. Then swap down to the lower speed until your heart rate recovers somewhat.

Do this 3 times a week. Potential problems with this may include shin splints, go ensure that you have decent trainers.

In addition, go and see the PTIs and ask if you can borrow the MSFT CD and copy the bleep test to your MP3 player and practice of an evening. You will be surprised how quick you find you can do that extra couple of shuttles.

True Blue Jack

Warrant Officer
In addition, go and see the PTIs and ask if you can borrow the MSFT CD and copy the bleep test to your MP3 player and practice of an evening. You will be surprised how quick you find you can do that extra couple of shuttles.

It's also free to download from the Australian Defence website. If I find the link again I'll post it.

True Blue Jack

Warrant Officer
Anyone else notice that the male and female levels are the same here?

Yep. 7.5 for the Australian Army and 6.5 for the Australian Air Force. And our PEdO stood up last week and said the new FT levels are to bring us in line with Nato norms (I know Australia aren't part of Nato but they are closer allies than many actual Nato members).

Never mind, at the rate the pass levels have changed since the bleep test was introduced I will have to get to level 12 or more by the time I leave. Presumably if I don't then live forever I will be able to sue the MoD. :pDT_Xtremez_09:


run rabbit run rabbit

run rabbit run rabbit

This probably sounds a bit sad and pathetic (because it is :pDT_Xtremez_30:) but does anyone have a good program they do on the treadmill to help you improve your best effort on the RAFFT? Aside of being a bit chunky I've never failed the test so far and don't want to in the future - can anyone help? :pDT_Xtremez_21:

Rodges programme for fat Cnuts

1. Run faster for longer

2. Eat salad not chips

3. At T-break drink water and eat an apple, not tea white four sugars and crisps

These should be enough to get you started, giz a bell when you've mastered these and i'll help some more.


True Blue Jack

Warrant Officer
Rodges programme for fat Cnuts

1. Run faster for longer

2. Eat salad not chips

3. At T-break drink water and eat an apple, not tea white four sugars and crisps

These should be enough to get you started, giz a bell when you've mastered these and i'll help some more.


Off Topic What's the matter Rodge? Someone steal your teddy bear? Or have you been possessed by the ghost of Cling Nerd Shron? Personally, I will never bad-mouth anyone who is making a concerted effort to get fitter than they are. Admittedly, my patience is often tried by people who loiter around the gym walking on the treadmill or otherwise lounging on the equipment watching MTV when I want to use it. There is no evidence to say RC is one of those.


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Rodges programme for fat Cnuts

1. Run faster for longer

2. Eat salad not chips

3. At T-break drink water and eat an apple, not tea white four sugars and crisps

These should be enough to get you started, giz a bell when you've mastered these and i'll help some more.


He could have worded it a little more kindly and it's a little 'earthy' but you can't fault his logic...


One Woman Mafiosa
Now I understand the problem!

Now I understand the problem!

All thanks for your suggestions and advice.

Especially RD who has made me realise the real error of my ways, I thought it was salad 'and' chips not 'instead of'!:pDT_Xtremez_42: Damn his logic!

New job tomorrow am and so starts a new era!

Thanks again.



The PTIs at our place are pushing a simulated bleep test run on the treadmill. Start at 8.5kmh and increase 0.5kmh every minute, continue until you physically cannot do any more. I did that 3 times in a week and improved my bleep test score by more than one level - no sh1t.

Me & Lovetoad pitched up at the Gym this afternoon, and after he had stopped crying, we gave it a go using the above method.

Lv 1 8.5Kmh and then increasing the speed every 60secs by .5 Kmh.

Think we might have got our calculations wrong because Lovetoad crashed out at level 11 and I crashed out at level 14. Now by no means are either of us what you would call 'Racing Snakes'.

Can anyone actually clarify if this system works..?

P.S. Funniest thing was shouting BEEP at the top of my voice and watching Lovetoad go shooting into the back wall as he tried to change direction!!!!

the lovetoad

At least I went to the gym....****** .

Must admit changing direction and running into the wall is not advisable on a treadmill..