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Does anyone know where the av sac-cpl board is up to?


The numbers I've been given by my FS is that this year there are 250 'A' grades on the fairy board. Of which 80 are not being 'numbered' or allocated
a number on the board. One of the 'un-numbered' includes myself. They are seeking to promote 150 on the initial trawl. There are rumours that
there will be a further second trawl of unknown size later this year. Whether the 20 additional numbered guys (Numbered 151 to 170) have
been allocated as a 'buffer' for the initial trawl or secondary trawl is unknown. The current PVR rate would easily swallow up the 20 I would imagine.

As an un-numbered 'A' grade. I would like to think that we may get graded for the possible second trawl, but if it's small I would expect the numbered
20 to be ahead of the 'un-numbereds'.
Can't go past the 150

Can't go past the 150

The numbers I've been given by my FS is that this year there are 250 'A' grades on the fairy board. Of which 80 are not being 'numbered' or allocated a number on the board. One of the 'un-numbered' includes myself. They are seeking to promote 150 on the initial trawl. There are rumours that there will be a further second trawl of unknown size later this year. Whether the 20 additional numbered guys (Numbered 151 to 170) have been allocated as a 'buffer' for the initial trawl or secondary trawl is unknown. The current PVR rate would easily swallow up the 20 I would imagine.As an un-numbered 'A' grade. I would like to think that we may get graded for the possible second trawl, but if it's small I would expect the numbered20 to be ahead of the 'un-numbereds'.
If the promotion quota takes all of the 'numbered' A grades, as you call them, then no-one else will be promoted whether they were A grades or not.......... Harsh as it might sound the 'un-numbered 80' were made that because the PSB did not think them ready for promotion and so whether there are spaces within the JNCO rank to promote people or not - none ofthese 80 will be offered promotion....................If the trade decides they still need JNCO's they will have to convene a new promotion board where everyone will then be back in the mix not just the 80 who were 'zero-scored' on the last board.................... As an aside, if you were zero-scored then there must have been something in your SJAR's that told the PSB that you were still not ready for promotion - for example, developing comments in the potential box, or no examples of leadership and management in the Performance Narrative....................


Staff member
1000+ Posts
80 zero scored seems a lot! A number of 1st ROs should be ashamed....


As one of the people that was zero scored i had a full de-brief from the uca and even went through my sjar with the trade specialist from the board and my feeling of it was that it was almost like the board looked for reasons to zero score.

It really seems unfair that everything that a person did for a year was struck through because either the 1st RO didn't do a good enough job or the board interpreted something differently to how it was meant.

If the 1st RO's don't do a good enough job they should be punished not the subject.


Staff member
1000+ Posts
If the 1st RO's don't do a good enough job they should be punished not the subject.

Largely agree.....BUT if your SJAR wasn't that good did you do to sort the issue out with your 1st RO?


from what my point of view along with many other people who have read the sjar there was nothing wrong with it. with the benefit of hindsight coupled with the feedback from the promotion board there were a few potential holes depending on how the board interpreted the write up.

From a personal point of view it feels like i wasted all the effort i put in because a certain "killer" sentence wasn't present which meant i was zero scored. I don't quite understand why it was zeroed rather than just marked down a bit however the whole affair left a very sour taste in my mouth and undermined any remaining faith i had in the RAF


Staff member
1000+ Posts
From a personal point of view it feels like i wasted all the effort i put in because a certain "killer" sentence wasn't present which meant i was zero scored.

What was the certain killer sentence? So that others can be aware...


What was the certain killer sentence? So that others can be aware...

My 'promotion killer' sentance from my 1st RO was "This will undoubtedly lead to promotion in a very short period of time"

But what REALLY put the nail in the coffin was my 2nd RO copying the statement "I have noticed a massive transition in Morris and see no reason why in the very near future he cannot achieve the rank of a JNCO."

If they had stated IMMEDIATE PROMTION, I may well have been a numbered candidate. Cracking assessment everywhere else.
I've heard 'better luck next year' so many times now it's not even funny... A year left until my 12 and getting out, to properly realise my potential.
In the mean time I'm hammering my resettlement and will have completed a HND before I leave.

I'm currently in a highly specialist electronic warfare role and like the job, but just can't justify being a 'minion' & the associated BS any longer.
I have more ability than half of the Cpls in the office (One of which can barely use a computer). Bloody scary prospect, getting out but I've already
limited my career progression for too long in this lumbering, shrinking organisation.

The air force cannot afford to not utilise it's skilled/gifted efficiently by sticking to it's 1950's rank structure principals..


mine was " on of the top two sac (t)'s on the squadron he is performing above most of his peers"

it was the most that did it for me it seems, if it was omitted who knows what difference it would have made?

like zomerzet i decided to cut my losses and pvr as i feel that the airforce can no longer match my ambition, i also want to be better rewarded for my hard work and also my noted very good technical skills. my line manager and the team i work in have all been very supportive despite me pvr'ing after 4 months in a new post. despite preparing to leave i am still outperforming many people on the desk including those of a senior rank in fact most of the people i work with seem to just be happy to spend their time not doing very much other than watching the clock tick down and reading the daily mail website and in seem to be more than happy to carry on that way until they leave.
1st RO - Ouch..... 2nd RO - Boom!

1st RO - Ouch..... 2nd RO - Boom!

My 'promotion killer' sentance from my 1st RO was "This will undoubtedly lead to promotion in a very short period of time"But what REALLY put the nail in the coffin was my 2nd RO copying the statement "I have noticed a massive transition in Morris and see no reason why in the very near future he cannot achieve the rank of a JNCO."If they had stated IMMEDIATE PROMTION, I may well have been a numbered candidate. Cracking assessment everywhere else. I've heard 'better luck next year' so many times now it's not even funny... A year left until my 12 and getting out, to properly realise my potential.In the mean time I'm hammering my resettlement and will have completed a HND before I leave.I'm currently in a highly specialist electronic warfare role and like the job, but just can't justify being a 'minion' & the associated BS any longer.I have more ability than half of the Cpls in the office (One of which can barely use a computer). Bloody scary prospect, getting out but I've alreadylimited my career progression for too long in this lumbering, shrinking organisation. The air force cannot afford to not utilise it's skilled/gifted efficiently by sticking to it's 1950's rank structure principals..
This happens a lot...... The SJAR, as you state, could be full of good things but if your RO's decide to finish the write up with a sentence telling the PSB that you are NOT READY NOW, then that will pretty much be an end to their deliberations......... Remember the PSB are looking for candidates who are READY NOW for promotion so if there is something (in your case 2 things and from both RO's) despite what your Prom Rec was (I am guessing they still gave you at least a 'YES' for it) they completely contradict themselves.................All I can suggest is to ensure that your 1st RO doesn't put anything like that this year - it is unfortunate with the 2nd RO because you won't see it until after you have signed it off so to speak...........Good luck next year.