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Eng Tech registration. Anyone done it?


Not sure if this is in the right forum but being Techie related, here goes.......

I'm looking to apply for Eng Tech status but I need to register with an engineering institute first. After a bit of Google-ing it seems that my options are either the Institute of Mechanical Engineers or the Institute of Engineering and Technology. Has anyone on here registered as an 'Eng Tech' or had any dealings with either of the institutes?


Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
Yes, I registered as an EngTech after I completed my Apprenticeship. I have been a member of the IET since 2004.

Worth doing as it can help you get your foot in the door in a civvy firm.

You might be able to apply for IEng depending on your rank/experience. You need to check this when you join one of the Engineering Institutions.

If you need any more gen, drop me a PM.


Nice one, thanks guys. Someone has mentioned the Aeronautical Society before but I'd rather go for a more generic engineering institute as I doubt if I will be playing with planes again after I leave!

Monty, I'm only an SAC(T) heavy with just under 10 years in, but before I joined up I did a full engineering modern apprenticeship along with a HNC in engineering and various City & Guilds. Not sure if this would be enough for IEng though to be honest.


Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
Sounds eminently achievable mate, although it tends to get tied to rank in the forces which is wrong IMHO.

Once you gain EngTech, make sure you apply for a Licentiateship through City & Guilds, piece of p1ss to do and another bit of paper for the CV.


Just had a look at the C&G Licentiaeship and it seems that you need to prove 5 years in a supervisory role to gain it. Shame, but I'll definitely get the EngTech done and see what goes from there.


Sounds eminently achievable mate, although it tends to get tied to rank in the forces which is wrong IMHO...
Not necessarily. I achieved IEng in 2002 as a chevron deux, via RAeS, and with an HNC (I had grandfather rights under SARTOR 97 - the exemplifying qualification now is a BEng, though there are ways around that).

I'm also a Member of the IET.


Cynic & Conspiracy Theorist
I am registered with the ECUK as an eng tech with the RAeS as my chosen professional body. I hope to get IEng status once I have completed my OU degree, and might even do a Masters and go for MEng (if I can take the strain!!!)


Just had a look at the C&G Licentiaeship and it seems that you need to prove 5 years in a supervisory role to gain it. Shame, but I'll definitely get the EngTech done and see what goes from there.
The Engineering Council have an agreement with City and Guilds, the upshot of which is that Eng Tech is linked to LCGI, IEng to GCGI and CEng to MCGI. Once you've achieved Eng Tech, it really is just a matter of filling in a form and coughing up the money. Of course, these awards are in Engineering.


The Engineering Council have an agreement with City and Guilds, the upshot of which is that Eng Tech is linked to LCGI, IEng to GCGI and CEng to MCGI. Once you've achieved Eng Tech, it really is just a matter of filling in a form and coughing up the money. Of course, these awards are in Engineering.

Ah, cool. I like the sound of that. It's been a few years since I've been able to add some decent certificates to the old record of achievement. Just need to choose my preferred Institute.........


Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
Personally, I like the IET, the IMechE is a very good institute but is quite anal when it comes to Professional Registration (reports and so forth). I do attend a lot of IMechE events though because they have a Railway Division.

No experience of RAES, but unless you want to work on aircraft when you come out, I'd stick with a cross discipline organisation. Just an opinion mind.

Also, don't get too caught up over exemplifying qualifications; they just help streamline the process.

I started IEng application without having completed my Undergraduate Degree.


Somewhere else now!
I joined the SOE which was on offer from TMT2.
It's aimed at plant and transport engineers. My Eng Tech came from that.

They also do seminars, job fayres etc which could be useful when leaving.

Ask Cosfords TMT section about it

Ex-Splitter and Proud

Flight Sergeant
Personally, I like the IET, the IMechE is a very good institute but is quite anal when it comes to Professional Registration (reports and so forth). I do attend a lot of IMechE events though because they have a Railway Division.

No experience of RAES, but unless you want to work on aircraft when you come out, I'd stick with a cross discipline organisation. Just an opinion mind.

Also, don't get too caught up over exemplifying qualifications; they just help streamline the process.

I started IEng application without having completed my Undergraduate Degree.

If you want an example of an Institution that is anally retentive, I can imagine no finer example than the RAeS Plane Spotters .... my own chosen professional body....[hangs head in shame.....]

They insist on an inordinate amount of evidence and seem determined to act as bastions of maintaining standards, whilst really their motives are purely to maintain their own bureaucratic, archaic process/procedures (IMHO). A colleague and I applied at similar times to different institutions (he's MIET). We needed IEng registration to satisfy MAA. We held identical levels of responsibility, etc but his application form was 2 pages, mine ran to 16, his interview was a breeze, mine was an inquisition (nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition....) and his was sorted in two months, mine took over six!

Until recently, I was very satisfied with RAeS, however, of late they strike me as a bit Victorian... go figure!
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If you want an example of an Institution that is anally retentive, I can imagine no finer example than the RAeS Plane Spotters .... my own chosen professional body....[hangs head in shame.....]

They insist on an inordinate amount of evidence and seem determined to act as bastions of maintaining standards, whilst really their motives are purely to maintain their own bureaucratic, archaic process/procedures (IMHO). A colleague and I applied at similar times to different institutions (he's MIET). We needed IEng registration to satisfy MAA. We held identical levels of responsibility, etc but his application form was 2 pages, mine ran to 16, his interview was a breeze, mine was an inquisition (nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition....) and his was sorted in two months, mine took over six!

Until recently, I was very satisfied with RAeS, however, of late they strike me as a bit Victorian... go figure!
That's interesting, because my experience is almost exactly the reverse!

I was interviewed by the old IIE in Leeds - the interview was rather perfunctory, my PDR was not even opened and it took three months before they wrote to advise me that they would not be recommending me for IEng registration.

At the same time I had applied to become AMRAeS and they suggested that I be interviewed for IEng. I almost didn't, because I'd been interviewed in Leeds (at this point I still hadn't heard anything) but I did make my way down to Hamilton Place on a Friday morning for interview.

My PDR was almost forensically examined and the interview was...well, yes, it was searching!

However the very next Tuesday (so just 2 working day later!) I received a letter saying that the RAeS would recommend me for registration. Of course, later on the IIE and subsequently IET had to recognise that.
Arrrrrrrr, have had my I Eng for more years than I care to remember, costs a pretty penny too, with Society membership and annual ERB fees (or whatever they call ERB now).
Don't forget though, you can claim tax relief on your contributions to professional bodies!

Has it done me any good?

To be honest I don't really know, no-one has ever come back to me and said I got a position in front of someone else because of my I Eng registration. Then again no-one has come back and said I got a position because of my charm, good looks and massive knob.

It's probably much like an insurance policy - it'll be too late when you realise you need it if you haven't got it.
Yes, I feel a bit faint when the bill comes once a year but it ain't done me no harm to have it and one day, however unlikely that may be now as I wind down towards retirement (without having to change jobs again as I just have), it just might come in handy.