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Falklands 6 month stints....


I was the Adj in MPC Last year. I'll be honest its difficult to argue with the logic of 6 month dets, from the MPC perspective.

Quite how already over stretched units in the UK will deal with this is another aspect. Expect the 1st RO 6 month Knowledege rule to be halved?

Daft thing is with R&R you are using the same number of flights, SNCO's have older families (parents) so the Comp issue will increase. After April 15, there may be a few less anyway.

Its ok contractorising Fuels etc, but once you reduce a capability and core of F&L current manpower your ability to do anything is reduced further, like a continual downward spiral.


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
When I was there the argument for four monthers was quite strong. A post filled for 12 months by 3 guys on 4 month tours is filled every day. One filled by 2 guys on 6 monthers is empty for 1 month a year. It only makes sense to the Army who are jealous of the RAF system and ****** RAF officers who perceive our difference as a weakness when talking to Army counterparts.
If MPA tours went to 6 months, IMHO there would have to be R&R for those trades who are directly involved with flying (techies, Air traffickers, armourers etc). From a biased (TG9) point of view, 6 months out here would be an absolute morale drain. I know NFU TG9 & ATC already do 6 months in Bastion, but they are busy day in day out, here* it'd be almost suicidal once the days flying is complete by 4pm. *sat in work at a BSFAI computer typing this message has taken the best part of half an hour...
Having just completed a 6 month tour, should this become the standard for all, those who have the power to implement change seriously need to invest in a few areas before hand, as the place is beginning to show its age. Separation from family or friends is rarely greeted with enthusiasm, but is tolerated as part of the job. The standard of accom for many is very poor and is a major issue. The access to internet / phone communications is far too expensive, slow and too limited.
On the work front, 4 month or less (high turnover) V 6 months or longer (continuity) will always be contentious. In many posts I saw 3 different individuals, which made the tour feel a good deal longer than it was. A final thought for those who are not looking forward to an increase in tour lengths, I was at the dinner table with the New Employment Model team and was asked a "hypothetical question", what do you think the reaction would be to standard 1 year tours? .....My answer is not printable in this forum!!


Flight Sergeant
Bite the bullet

Bite the bullet

18 months posting. There you go I said it. Might have to build the odd house but they can be financed by the FIG and then reap the benefit of having a load of bored partners driving the local shops economy. Less change, more reason to actually do your job properly as there will be no one to hand over too!


18 months posting. There you go I said it. Might have to build the odd house but they can be financed by the FIG and then reap the benefit of having a load of bored partners driving the local shops economy. Less change, more reason to actually do your job properly as there will be no one to hand over too!
Thankfully that'll never happen, costs all round would be too high. Why do you think the rooms down there haven't been refurbed in years?


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
I think you'll find they are in the process of the slowest refurb ever. Quite how it can take longer than 4 months to change some lockers and carpets I don't know. Oh, and a coat of magnolia for each room. I said recently I'd volunteer for an accompanied tour but the 4 months in the block was the worst 4 months of my career so far. I hated nearly every minute if my last tour down there. We spend our time keeping the airfield open just so we can be resupplied with materials to continue to keep the airfield open so the next lot of materials can be delivered to keep the airfield open etc etc. it's just a depressing pointless task.


I think you'll find they are in the process of the slowest refurb ever. Quite how it can take longer than 4 months to change some lockers and carpets I don't know. Oh, and a coat of magnolia for each room. I said recently I'd volunteer for an accompanied tour but the 4 months in the block was the worst 4 months of my career so far. I hated nearly every minute if my last tour down there. We spend our time keeping the airfield open just so we can be resupplied with materials to continue to keep the airfield open so the next lot of materials can be delivered to keep the airfield open etc etc. it's just a depressing pointless task.
It's not just the decor it's the fact that you can hear and feel everyone go past your room, if one person comes back from the bar late then everyone is woken up. The only good nights sleep I had down there was when I was ratted myself.The fact that someone is always on a swing night/weekend doesn't help. Been 3 times now and couldn't bare the thought of doing 6 months there.
18 months posting. There you go I said it. Might have to build the odd house but they can be financed by the FIG and then reap the benefit of having a load of bored partners driving the local shops economy. Less change, more reason to actually do your job properly as there will be no one to hand over too!

Me and the Mrs both offered to do this. Went all the way through to Manning to be accepted only for the request to be turned down by Cmdr BFSAI. Some crap excuse about not being able to allow us both to have leave.


The age old saga of having OR accompanied has been ongoing for years. Most people I have spoken to would quite happily do an accompanied tour. The old TG18 TS was all for it, but it was bounced by the lack of accommodation. Will this increase our turn round times? I think not, you'll get more people going sick or getting downgraded. Saying that with the drawdown of Afghan it MIGHT be bearable. Although I think the real reason why SNCO's posts in MPA are going to 6 months is that we got annihilated on the inspection and standards are falling as people will hide stuff for 4 months and putting SNCO's in place for 6 months will hopefully rectify this problem. You could then argue by putting a SNCO down there, will there mind be fully focused for the 6 months? Certain individuals yes others and we know who they are NO.Personnally I am not convinced this is the way forward. If you got rid of all the other pish that you have to do down there as well, it might focus people a bit better. 4 months or 12-18 month accompanied tours seems the logic to me.


Higher Pay Band Shiney
As I recall the FIG was contracted to build a requisite number of quarters each year till 2020 - I think it was 2 a year. They are sufficiently rich to improve this rate of build and they should pay for their defence. Accompanied tours could happen if some of the totally unnecessary bullsh1t of the place was dispensed with. It is a hole, made worse by strokers introducing pointless rules and regs to justify their existence.
Why put more strain on the air bridge!! 3 x 4 months = 3x flight down 3 x flight back.2 x 6 month = 4 x flights down, 4 x flight back ( R&R Flights)On top of the thought of 6 months in that hole would depress the chuckle brothers!!!

Norman the Storeman

QA Acolyte
Our Wobbly Orange briefed us on this last week with an email from Manning. It's a go-er wef 31 Mar 14!

Seen a bit of wailing & gnashing of teeth on FB but not much.

Appears that the majority are not bothered about it or is everyone just resigned to the fact of a 6 month holiday at locations various?


Our Wobbly Orange briefed us on this last week with an email from Manning. It's a go-er wef 31 Mar 14!

Seen a bit of wailing & gnashing of teeth on FB but not much.

Appears that the majority are not bothered about it or is everyone just resigned to the fact of a 6 month holiday at locations various?

All trades or just stackers?

The Nip

At the minute its 6 months for all, but only AO's raised 31 Mar onward. If you have an AO already you should (may) be safe with 4 monther

This is the original idea that I first heard. As you can imagine it does leave a few problems. There will be pers arriving in Mpa, same flight, trade, rank, who will be on different tour lenghts. Sods law it will be the one who doesn't mind 6 months on 4 and the other with possibly young family, any reason insert here, who is on 6.

I am not saying it will change, but to prevent the law of unintended consequences just make it as all those arriving in MPA on or after 1 Apr do 6 months.

Everyone will know where they stand and will be in the same boat. Make a decision stick to it. Make it fair.


Having already spent a year of my life/career there I really dread getting an AO for a six monther. That place is the epitomy of ground hog day. At least in Afghan you get Op Allowance to cushion the blow, however down south it is sold as an active Op and we could go to war any day so loads of bull crap duties, exercises etc. Accommodation is rubbish, add to the mix old fashioned jointery (spelt Army) to ruin any morale that might surface. The only good thing when I was there was the showers, even if they do point at your belly button!