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Favourite Mally



On 431MU early 80s, I used to visit all the Germany Mallies at one time or the other. Gutersloh was my favourite, with late night drunken dips in the station pool post a shed on in said establishment, but Friday lunch times in the Wildenrath Mallie was ace.
The tradition seemed to be, that someone got dicked with buying a glass and a crate (of beer), everyone who joned him seemed to do the same and it just got more alchoholic from there.

What was your Fave and why?


England 2010 Campaign
1000+ Posts
The Mally at Widenrath was, until they modernizes is in about 1987, a drinking hall of legend, it was in the style of a Germany drinking hall, each Sqn and section had their own table, it was a fav post beer call stop off and ANYTHING went.. Beer was sold by the crate. After they modernized it ( ruined it) they made it look like a McDonalds, did not open Friday nights, would not sell crates of beer, a sad loss of a fine drinking establishment . Having done Wilderath 77-80 and 85-88 much of my youth was miss spent in the Mally

Hu Jardon

GEM is a cheeky young fek
Bitburger said:
The Mally at Widenrath was, until they modernizes is in about 1987, a drinking hall of legend, it was in the style of a Germany drinking hall, each Sqn and section had their own table, it was a fav post beer call stop off and ANYTHING went.. Beer was sold by the crate. After they modernized it ( ruined it) they made it look like a McDonalds, did not open Friday nights, would not sell crates of beer, a sad loss of a fine drinking establishment . Having done Wilderath 77-80 and 85-88 much of my youth was miss spent in the Mally
I remember it well. All the tables has chipped edges 'cos you all got 2 shots at getting the top off your bottle without a church key - fail and the next crate was on you. Blokes walking round with a mouth full of abcesses from drinking straight from the Bottle that the Mally Cat had p!ssed all over - the Medics used to call it Heiny Mouth. The other great thing it was RAF only - and the Pigs stayed out too - The Pongos had the Gaddaffi and the Rocks had the Wing Bar

Sunday morning up there to get the Sunday Papers, a pint and a couple of greasy homemade curry pasties (fnuck Greggs they don't come close) - fucl< it I'm starving now:pDT_Xtremez_30:h


Cynic & Conspiracy Theorist
Mally at Bruggen

Mally at Bruggen

This was the only Mally I got to visit given that Gut had gone and Wilders was in it's death throes so it's my favourite by default. I recall my first experience in RAFG drove my ratty old rover from Ostend on a baking May day both me and car trying not to overheat, and having dumped my sh*t in the block a mate who had got there a week earlier went to the mally where the dorty had got so cold it had ice on the bottles a la' "ice cold in Alex" apparently the fridge was bust but it fcuking worked for me I got hooped. Then a month or so later it was my turn to take Wobbly down there while he was awaiting the arrival of Mrs Wobbly. From then on it became the post Sqn bar meeting point for all further festivities:pDT_Xtremez_28:


Although I left large parts of my Germany tour in the vagueness triangle between the Hover Inn, The rugby club and Laarbruch Mally, the Mally which stirs the most memories for me was Wittering Mally, early nineties.

It was like the wild west; bar open from the end of tea on a friday, right through to falling over time on a sunday night (thanks Dev); fights galore, drinking games of ludicrous stupidity.
It was dark and dingy, smelt of wet fags and warm beer, but it was 'home' to a generation of out of control linies and many people who I'll never forget for the strangest reasons.
Unfortunately it was one of those places which was doomed because it was so popular, and the whole place was snuffed out overnight when the condemned building was bulldozed and grassed over.
If you drive past the back of the junior ranks mess now, you'd never know it had ever been there, but on a warm evening, if you listen carefully, you might still hear the raucous laughter as a p!ssed up liney tries unsuccessfully to snort a beer soaked condom up his nose for the umpteenth time.


Mally at Laarparts

Mally at Laarparts

Laarbruch Mally was the starting point for most nights out but for the Sqdn guys Snoopys was the real deal. a crate of charlie bought a seat at the sqdn table with all 3 sqdns having their own table it was rare there was ever room for anybody else. Great sing songs and almost impossible to leave sober.




Without a doubt, the best Mally I ever experienced...Saturday Lunchtime, big fry up and a pint or three, to warm up for the rest of the weekend, Sunday lunch big breakfast and a couple of pints to cool down...Fantastic.

Fights...The Regt gunners taking on all comers.

The closing party was the most ****ed I have ever been...If I remember correctly, and thats not very likely, they were not allowed to just give the beer away and were charging about 2pfgs a bottle.



Gutersloh mally used to "belong" to 4 Sqn and the Rocks so never really went in much.
The "Bowl" was our haunt :cool:

However, Wittering's Mally was a fond memory before some git set it up in flames.


Wilders Mally

Wilders Mally

I remember the renovation/Ruination of the mally at wilders in 1987. They called it the dagmar in honour of the eastenders queen vic rival that got burnt down. Wasn't as popular afterwards. I remember the large wooden tables with the graphitty (Cant Spell) Happy Days


For some reason the Mally at Wilders is a vague memory. But I remember that the Block bar became more popular after the refurb, just wasnt the same. Remember the gunners sitting at 19s table one night, maybe looking for conversation, so when we (92) arrived they were a bit upset when we sat at our table. 19 were either in Cyprus or Deci so not many of them about. The rocks just sat there grumbling.

New Zealand Rigger

Wildenrath Mally Xmas 86

Wildenrath Mally Xmas 86

Was over on det' with 360 Sqn the week leading up to Xmas 86. The Mally was absolutely heaving with 19 and 92 Sqn boys singing their hearts out. 'Miss Mally' lead a rendition of Father Abraham and this was followed by 'The Tampax Factory'! The atmosphere and noise was amazing and there must have been a few sore heads on the following morning!

Blimey that's a 20 year old memory! Must have been a great night.:pDT_Xtremez_19:




Gutersloh Mally was ace. The best wooden drinking shed in Germany.
Used to drink there with the HSF and Bays boys. Any night was a good night, but Sunday dinner times were crackin, when the Rugby Club crowd met there for some swallies in the sunlight post saturdays match and third half.
Used to enjoy watching the carnage after 18 sqn beer calls. Particullarly walking in through one of the big glass doors to see a bloke off 18 throwing a rockape out through (literaly) the other door.

Also in lust with Miss Mally (Jenny)


Wildenrath Mally was the first stop on a Friday night after leaving the WOC bar, well it was on the way back to the block !!, memories of the night 92 disbanded with the 19 guys all singing "Wheres your Squadron Gone ??", I also remember attending a German Remembrance Parade in 91 and all the Germans coming back to the Mally and failing miserably on pints. Lightweights.


The new Dirk Diggler
The Mally at Laarbruch was convienent as it was near a bus stop. This meant Kev's and Rosies were only a bus ride away! Nightmare whenever one of the rock sqn's went away!

Billy Whizz

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Gutersloh Mally was ace. The best wooden drinking shed in Germany.
Used to drink there with the HSF and Bays boys. Any night was a good night, but Sunday dinner times were crackin, when the Rugby Club crowd met there for some swallies in the sunlight post saturdays match and third half.
Used to enjoy watching the carnage after 18 sqn beer calls. Particullarly walking in through one of the big glass doors to see a bloke off 18 throwing a rockape out through (literaly) the other door.

Also in lust with Miss Mally (Jenny)

Jenny was my old youth club leader from '79-'82 at Laarbruch!

Enjoyed the usual Friday night 18 Sqn beercalls then after in the Mally.

18 Sqn rule was last one in bought the beers. Hence why we used to get there early and get a cheap round!

My cousin worked behind the food counter too so lots of free food!:pDT_Xtremez_28:


seem to remember the Mally at LBH did a veery passable half chicken. shame it had to compete with Mamas though.


Gutersloh Mally was tops, they did the best sausage bap in the world, only brattie in a roll from the schnelly could beat that, and wobbly on tap...life was sweet!!


Gutersloh Mally was ace. The best wooden drinking shed in Germany.
Used to drink there with the HSF and Bays boys. Any night was a good night, but Sunday dinner times were crackin, when the Rugby Club crowd met there for some swallies in the sunlight post saturdays match and third half.
Used to enjoy watching the carnage after 18 sqn beer calls. Particullarly walking in through one of the big glass doors to see a bloke off 18 throwing a rockape out through (literaly) the other door.

Also in lust with Miss Mally (Jenny)

Ex HSF....Many a happy Sunday dinner spent in the corner playing spoof and drooling over Jenny (The Blonde, right ?)

Worst expereince in a bar ever was a week as duty barstaff at Güt Gorillas rugby club cellar bar. 10 deep at the bar and still demanding change from me !!


Wittering Mally,spit and sawdust place,saw some right sights in there back in the day:pDT_Xtremez_34:


Flight Sergeant
Worst expereince in a bar ever was a week as duty barstaff at Güt Gorillas rugby club cellar bar. 10 deep at the bar and still demanding change from me !!

Happy Days. Did more than my share of Rugby Bar duties. A Flt Sgt Copper came down on Xmas Morning (85-86ish ??) at 10am & politely asked me if I'd like to hand the keys back into the Guardroom, we were still going strong !!

Got nicked breaking OUT of the Mally early one morning. Got hooped at a Sqn BeerCall, fell asleep on the bog in the Mally and woke up cold and lonely 6am next day.

*sigh*........I do miss it !!