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FMT 600 and your requirement to hold one

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For white/green fleet, I don’t think they do, although I’m happy to be corrected. My understanding is that any accidents are simply paid for.
There's a lot of different trades on here and no one has posted the AP or JSP yet.

Hopefully, this little seed will grow and the "Insurance" excuse will die the death it deserves.
i know people who have thrown their F600 back across the desk due to MT being a pain in the arse, it only means they cant drive shit around camp or get dicked for shit driving jobs. Doesn't affect Hire cars anymore as they are all external contracted with insurance, hertz, eurocar etc....
All MOD funded hire cars should now be booked through the Clarity system. To do this you are required to hold a current FMT600.
MOD Insurance.

I always thought the service was too big to insure so it paid everything out of its pocket. Pretty sure when we stack a jet we're not on the phone to AXA.

The go to line of someone who doesn't know their APs or Orders and doesn't fancy doing their job.

"yOu aRe nOt iNsUrEd tO dRiVe tHat!"
MOD funded vehicles are insured third party only as the MOD pay for their own repairs if the MOD driver is at fault.
Despite all the down sides to holding a 600, if you don't have one how do you run the blokes down the mess en-masse in the sqn minibus or do a BBQ Booze run etc etc? I think holding one beats not holding one [just].
Despite all the down sides to holding a 600, if you don't have one how do you run the blokes down the mess en-masse in the sqn minibus or do a BBQ Booze run etc etc? I think holding one beats not holding one [just].
What is this sqn minibus you speak of?
Despite all the down sides to holding a 600, if you don't have one how do you run the blokes down the mess en-masse in the sqn minibus or do a BBQ Booze run etc etc? I think holding one beats not holding one [just].

Get an MT driver to drive it, after all it is an MT vehicle and their trade is MT Driver !!.
Get an MT driver to drive it, after all it is an MT vehicle and their trade is MT Driver !!.
Years ago I spent a good few xmas's on the bounce having to arrange transport for the Sqn Party. Some 150 folk picked up at various locations, taken somewhere half decent for a piss up then taken home at the end of the night. Apart from the first time (Approx 2003), MT politely told me that this was not a part of their core function and so should seek a civilian agency out instead.
Years ago I spent a good few xmas's on the bounce having to arrange transport for the Sqn Party. Some 150 folk picked up at various locations, taken somewhere half decent for a piss up then taken home at the end of the night. Apart from the first time (Approx 2003), MT politely told me that this was not a part of their core function and so should seek a civilian agency out instead.

And when you could get MT to accept a job they always seemed to be out of duty hours.

And don't get me started on transit accommodation and local motels.
I’ve never been a yes man! Just before I left I was called down to High Wycombe to explain to several people why I was leaving. I didn’t have a 600 so asked for a driver. No deal, so a bus, several train swaps and a tube... plus £25 for my subsisfence. Two days worth, and two complete days away from work.
I can remember 206 Sqn, one by one refusing to sign MT orders, all losing their FMT 600s. Not one had been taught to drive at Crown expense, so all totally legal. The issue was a tw@t of a Sqn boss, who eventually had a chat with the Staish to explain why the SAR crews needed MT drivers.
Whilst there will be yes men that say you have to drive, the legal basis for that argument was bulldozed in the 90s. Nowadays folks are just subservient, or bullied. Personal choice.
What is this sqn minibus you speak of?
Every section and sqn I've been on, aside from Northwood as you could walk across that place in 5 mins, had a minibus for us to use to just 'get around' the camp. On Sentry someone, normally one of the AT's as they were more practically minded than many, would put out a tannoy that it was off to the mess for lunch so jump in. There was also the bosses car that could be borrowed if you asked nicely so worth having a 600 to bimble around the place.
Wow. Didnt realise you were once so important. I told my WO and Sqn Cdr and that was it.
I guess you were quite a small fish, like me ? Sometimes they do take note of surprises, especially when they’re trying to get things better for those that are left (ASTRA isn’t execly a fast burner, as you may have heard?). You seem to have done neither, but at least you got cheap accommodation , HDT, GYH, travel warrants, SepAl and cheap food; exactly all the things you are vehemently trying to deny those that let you leave without questioning you. That says a lot after 28 years and whatever nonsense you were boasting about.
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I had my license when I joined age 19. Car and motorbike. A lot of posts seemed to require QDB anyway.
My first Germany tour was on the Harrier Force so I did a 4 tonner course at Wildenrath. IIt was better to drive the truck than being stuck in the back of one on route to deployment. Cab has heating!
Also doing duty driver was better than section keys.
Downside being clobbered for snow party clearing the camp roads as MT did the airfield.
No extra pay for it though.
The Queen paid for all my licences for B to C+E and an ADR to boot. Was not called that often to do driving jobs but it came in handy when we used to raz closing down Units to furnish our bar and Rugby club.