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Gen tech e branch


Hi, so I’m currently in the process of transferring from RM to the RAF as a gen tech e and basically trying to find out as much insider information as possible, things I would like to know are:

likely possible 1st postings after trade training, or could it be literally any camp? (Chances of getting an overseas posting?)
will I get experience in a broad spectrum of electrical work (website says x-ray machines, dentist equipment, etc is this likely or will I be sat around twiddling my thumbs most of the day?
From what I can gather from the website it says I will get an nvq level 3, city and guilds level 3 and 18th wiring edition from basic trade training at st Athens, it mentions about getting an advanced apprenticeship within 3 years, do you start this at st Athens or have to start once your at your unit?
Chances of getting more quals like hnc/d and degrees?
How hard is the course at st Athens? Is it very intense and crammed in, or quite chilled and well paced? Do Many people fail it?
Day to day life as a gen tech e

and any any other information you can enlighten me with would be much appreciated, I would of waited 18 months for this transfer by the time I move over so hope it’s worth the wait.

many thanks in advance for anyone who can help. 😁


Ex-Harrier Mafia Member
1000+ Posts
I can't answer specifics about Gen Tech E but I can give you the following based on my own experiences:

Overseas postings: These are volunteered for through the RAF Manning Website on the Intranet. As in they trawl for people of a fixed criteria, you apply and you may get lucky.

Further education: This is what your ELCs are for which you should have been given information on already as it's a Tri-service thing. There are other avenues like Foundation Degrees but they may come with certain caveats like going for a Commission or the free degree scheme which is a relatively new thing.

Best of luck in your change to the light blue side!:pDT_Xtremez_28:

Martin Blank

First posting out of Saints is probably going to be one of the big camps, Coningsby, Marham, Lossiemouth, Waddington or Brize manpower is short across the whole of TG5 so they normally get the new bods.
The specialist equipment mentioned in the recruitment you will not see until you've completed your NVQ as they are either as part of the Med and Dent specialisation or spec courses.
Most Gen Tech E's I know have done their 18th Ed after leaving trade training.
You can further your education by doing day release/college if your workplace can release you or do evening classes using your learning credits via Training and Development Flt.
You start your NVQ(Advanced Apprenticeship) work while at St Athan and are frowned upon if you haven't managed to complete it before your 3 year point.
Depending where you are posted your day could be varied and busy from repairing/maintaining a wide variety of aircraft plant equipment or MT vehicles to being sat in a battery bay charging aircraft batteries. Its all swings and roundabouts. Here we never have enough leckys to fix faults so ours are usually busy.
Course content and difficulty.....can't comment I'm a GTM
Daily life get up go to work get the **** taken out of you by the GTM's/take **** out of GTM's, do lecky stuff, go home rinse repeat until you go on Op's or Sqn Det.
We have an ex RM Mech here good lad but was blatantly lied to about promotion prospects in the RAF when he moved over so unless you have anything in writing about offers etc bank on starting at the bottom and being in the promotion churn with everyone else.

Good Luck


Ok thank you both for your replies.. if it is going to be one of the big 5 will they dig out to post me to my first choice of camp or will i have no say in the matter? As within the corps they post you where they need you..

Once I have completed my nvq how easy is it to get on any specialist course? Or are they a rare opportunity?

You have mentioned nvq and then bracketed advanced apprenticeship, does this mean I will do both the nvq and advanced apprenticeship simultaneously at Athens?

You mention ops and sqn det (aware of opsec) could you please elaborate on what sort of things these will be?

Regards to promotion I knew I’d be starting at the bottom of the pile, but what is the average sort of time to pick up Cpl and do you get any additional quals from your promotional course?

Martin Blank

First posting they usually try to get it near to your choice but it could be anywhere they need the manpower when it comes down to it.
You will only do specialist courses as required for OPs the Unit you are at or are getting posted to. If you don't need it they won't waste money on training you for everything.
The NVQ and Modern Apprenticeship thing is all combined, the training and subsequent work towards completing the NVQ is the apprenticeship.
Ops and exercises, Sqn's away on training in uk or other countries for a few weeks/months with ASE support or even something as simple as a recovery land away.
Promotion, depending how good you are, technically you could get promotion after 3 years but on average it's closer to 6 or longer even for the good lads.
You get a management cert from your Junior Leadership Management Course at Halton when you do your promotion course there.