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God......... where is he ???

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TheHogwartsBEngO said:
God would refuse to prove that he exists because proof defies faith and without faith, He is nothing.

How convenient.....
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Isn't it a shame that the most religious peole often seem to be the most insecure. Faith is fine, until it becomes a crutch. Still at least people have finally got the cross message.
Bill Hicks said:
I mean the REAL Bill Hicks on his Relentless tour
"do think Jesus he ever wants to see another f@cking cross. That's like going up to Jackie Kennedy with a sniper rifle pendant.....

Bill Hicks also said that these old religions are no longer relevant in the modern world and he was absolutely right. It's time to dismantle the churches and mosques and temples they are no longer needed. The Bible says God is everywhere. He's inside us, in the air around us and inside everything we see. He was probably driven outside by the funeral dirge that is hymn's ancient and modern.
Then why lock yourself into a musty old building, listening to some preacher of whatever faith week in week out. Most of which are bloody hypocrites. The church is hardly a safe haven for children anymore is it !
What the hell makes people want to do that ?
If they need a crutch, fine, they can keep it. I just wish they'd quit trying to make me feel guilty for not following as blindly as them because they are scared think for themselves and make their own choices. After all then they would only have themselves to blame for every bad choice they made.
The entire notion of God Jesus and the holy ghost is all a load of crap.

If im wrong..... Forgive Me
Scaley brat said:
Isn't it a shame that the most religious peole often seem to be the most insecure. Faith is fine, until it becomes a crutch. Still at least people have finally got the cross message.

Bill Hicks also said that these old religions are no longer relevant in the modern world and he was absolutely right. It's time to dismantle the churches and mosques and temples they are no longer needed. The Bible says God is everywhere. He's inside us, in the air around us and inside everything we see. He was probably driven outside by the funeral dirge that is hymn's ancient and modern.
Then why lock yourself into a musty old building, listening to some preacher of whatever faith week in week out. Most of which are bloody hypocrites. The church is hardly a safe haven for children anymore is it !
What the hell makes people want to do that ?
If they need a crutch, fine, they can keep it. I just wish they'd quit trying to make me feel guilty for not following as blindly as them because they are scared think for themselves and make their own choices. After all then they would only have themselves to blame for every bad choice they made.

Firstly faith is fine as a crutch. When a series of events robs you of the strength to continue on the right path the teachings of the faith and the hope they provide can enable someone to carry on.

Secondly I wouldn't consider it wise to use Bill Hicks as a guide to the rights and wrongs of the world.

And finally faith isn't a cop out to blame your problems on some higher power (unless you actually hear god speak to you, in which case you're not religous - you're crazy) Faith can be a burden in some respects as it adds an extra variable into the decision making process and the blame as you put it falls squarely on the person making the decision as God allows free will and choice and it is how you choose and bear the consequences of your decisions that counts in Gods eyes.

And I apologise if you feel guilty or uneasy about your lack of faith but just relax as it is easier to live a life unjudged then one of faith - and you'll probably live longer for it.
believing in God gives people something to hang onto when times are tough. Deal with it.

Poo happens to everyone, this is not a utopia we are living in it is a test.

Well done that has to be some sort of thread resurrecting (resurrecting get it in the god forum!) record!!!:PDT_Xtremez_42:
Hang on, Guys & Gals.

Islam had the Prophet Mohamed. Christianity had Jesus (Don't ask me for any others except, perhaps Osiris). All these had something to say about the way life should be conducted (be kind to your parents, don't get too violent, etc).. These precepts are part of our culture and still as good & right today as they were when written WHETHER YOU 'BELIEVE' IN A GOD OR NOT.

A great many of the stories in the Bible and other places have common themes, Mary & Jesus, Isis & Horus, the parting of the Red Sea etc.. The snag is that in order to 'control' a growing populace, the Church had 'worthy men' pontificating and interpretting the Gospels and the Holy Books in general if only because phylosophy wasn't inveted 'till later and it's hard to explain difficult concepts to a peasant. They there but men and they may have been wrong sometimes.

I was rasied as a CofE and it's taken me 50 odd years to realise that there might be something in it. I think it may be time to get back to basics and realise that the 10 commandments and other teaching or precepts may be right.

They are simply a code for Life.

Hang on, Guys & Gals.

Islam had the Prophet Mohamed. Christianity had Jesus (Don't ask me for any others except, perhaps Osiris). All these had something to say about the way life should be conducted (be kind to your parents, don't get too violent, etc).. These precepts are part of our culture and still as good & right today as they were when written WHETHER YOU 'BELIEVE' IN A GOD OR NOT.

A great many of the stories in the Bible and other places have common themes, Mary & Jesus, Isis & Horus, the parting of the Red Sea etc.. The snag is that in order to 'control' a growing populace, the Church had 'worthy men' pontificating and interpretting the Gospels and the Holy Books in general if only because phylosophy wasn't inveted 'till later and it's hard to explain difficult concepts to a peasant. They there but men and they may have been wrong sometimes.

I was rasied as a CofE and it's taken me 50 odd years to realise that there might be something in it. I think it may be time to get back to basics and realise that the 10 commandments and other teaching or precepts may be right.

They are simply a code for Life.


All of which were around long before any of the good books. Are you saying that yourself or other people would be less moral without a book of fables to fall back on. Also according to the gospel of Judas (yes there is one) people are told not to follow the god of the old testament as it is the emanation of a sick mind.

And another thing if christmas and easter are so important; Why are the celebrated at the wrong times of the year handily to co-incide with already existing pagan festivals. They didn't even bother to change the name of Easter which was the pagan festival of Eoaster whose symbols happened to be bunny rabbits, chicks and eggs (ring any bells with modern day celebrations).

All religion is a bad thing and has been used to excuse the worst atrocities ever to be carried out by man and to maintain the worst injustices against mankind in the name of a so called benevolent being.

Bunch of arrse the lot of it.
Ok Plumber - take a few deep breaths and step away from the keyboard...

Not a chance, I'm on my first glass of wine, I only get more argumentative from here on in.

You surprise me. Listen, if you're going to pick a fight with the big guy (and I mean God not Ex Bay), I wouldn't go out into the back yard if it looks stormy alright?
And another thing if christmas and easter are so important; .
Behave Plumber, Christmas is important, cos I get to have prezzies. I love christmas me, even more than I love leaks, and lamb fillets, and I love them loads.
Another cross to bare for the Mods :PDT_Xtremez_42:

So long as no one gets crucified it should be okay.
Still, now it's open we can Bunny on about things we lent at Christmas and as they preach "each to his own" I shall stay in bed and have a little Palm sunday !
At my last posting the lads used to talk about the previous incumbent of my post, apparently he was into religion in a big way. One of his thinkings was that dinosaur bones were put on this earth by the devil, now by any stretch of the imagination thats pretty messed up. Some of the other things were weird as well, but after 7 years i've forgotton them.
Me, well i'm agnostic.
Religion was invented to calm peoples fears about things they didn't understand, earthquakes, lightning, floods and Michael Barrymore. Now that we understand these things, it seems pretty daft to continue believing theres some devine power behind it all. We're meat powered by electrical pulses, turn off those pulses and theres nothing left.

On the plus side, so long as there is religion, there is war. Keeps me in a job!
You surprise me. Listen, if you're going to pick a fight with the big guy (and I mean God not Ex Bay), I wouldn't go out into the back yard if it looks stormy alright?

Oh, I am so disappointed. . . . . . . . .

All of which were around long before any of the good books. Are you saying that yourself or other people would be less moral without a book of fables to fall back on. Also according to the gospel of Judas (yes there is one) people are told not to follow the god of the old testament as it is the emanation of a sick mind.

And another thing if christmas and easter are so important; Why are the celebrated at the wrong times of the year handily to co-incide with already existing pagan festivals. They didn't even bother to change the name of Easter which was the pagan festival of Eoaster whose symbols happened to be bunny rabbits, chicks and eggs (ring any bells with modern day celebrations).

All religion is a bad thing and has been used to excuse the worst atrocities ever to be carried out by man and to maintain the worst injustices against mankind in the name of a so called benevolent being.

OK, so religion has (and probably will be) used as an excuse in War, but if it wasn't that it would be something like "because Lue has told me" (substitute any deity of choice).

The decision to have Easter the way it's calculated was the result of another bl**dy Committee, due to the differences in theology between the Churches of Rome and that of Constantinople. The schisms between various theorists and "wings" have all too often obscured the basic teachings. It's not as if this is new; look at Islam (not too closely!). Sunni & Shia each of whom is at odds with the other (a bit like Catholics & Protestants a while ago).

But go back to the basics and one has a code for life. And others may well respect you for it: It matter not where it came from.
