Nobody mentioned about checking with the staish; think you're being a little pedantic . The point is that I'd be very suprised if a SNCO right through to Sqn Ldr had the authority to make such a decision. Such decisions regarding the wearing of uniform are left to the discretion of the CO; remember Gp Capt Wittering a few years ago?If your SNCO has made the decision that you could attend then he should back you up as he is your line manager/CoC.
I dont think you or your Snec would have to check this with the staish!!!
If your snec was unsure then he should have possibly gone to the SWO but lets face it if evry line manager couldnt make a decision on their own and have to get it checked everytime then holding the rank is pointless. The whole point of being a leader is to make decisions rightly or wrongly and then if it does go wrong have enough integrity and conviction to argue the point, explain your reasons for making the decision. If it unacceptable take it on the chin apologise and learn from your error.
I have made a number of decisions over the last few years that others have questioned I have explained my decision and only on a couple of occasions have I had to apologise and tbh I would make the same decision again given the same circumstances as I still believe I was right.
Your Snec should stand his ground and if the feckin busy body Wg Cdr Rozzer with no life is still not happy then I would apologise throw him my best salute and then smartly march out.
(then run to his car and stick a potato up the exhaust)DT_Xtremez_42:
And you think an airman saluting in doors, minus his headdress would have helped his situation. I'm being pedantic of course.