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gemarriott said:
If BEG is for real I worry about what will happen to her in the first few weeks she is in. either she'll grow up very quickly and learn who to trust, when to shut up and watch and listen and when to speak out or she'll get p1ssed out of her tiny skull at the first bop and end up being rogered senseless by the likes of PS and or Sausage 2.

Relax sausage, not comparing you with PS :pDT_Xtremez_14:

Obviously you haven't read what i thought about alcohol then or you wouldn't have put what you just put (or you would because ya thick)


Everyone because im 17 that means i do not know what i am doing and act soooooooo immature *sarcasm*


blue_eyed_girl said:
how would you know if i could take it?

you can give me an example or not, either way im not fussed

And this young lady supposedly has an "A" in English Language?

Enough said!


Stax said:
Oh dear, I am obviously wasted here, anyone else want to explain? Norman, Sausage, Wobbly, over to you guys!

Unfortunately, Stax, I believe your rather subtle attempt went sailing straight over the top of her blonde cranium!


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Has anybody else noticed that at the time of me typing this BEG has over 70 posts of, with the exception of maybe one or two, less than 10 words of utter drivel and pathetic retort?

I realise this is a free forum and light hearted with it but FFS even Penguin Sucks has more to say than this brainless blonde...she makes cling seem like an interesting person...I.L.L.B.W. at least makes an effort with his spelling and syntax (B.E.G.- thats getting all the letters in the right order and dots and stuff lol lol lol etc.)

Claims of qualifications only confirm what has been stated in the popular press over the past couple of years that exams may indeed be 'dulling' down...

Naivety or stupidity...I'm not sure yet

Bill Bones

It's well cool 'fo da yoof' to be 'thick' these days apparently...

And I can't be more than a couple of years older than the girl.


Anyway that would be a discussion for another topic....

Back on topic....

Vim, d'ya have any other hints for OASC? And beyond that training?


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
PM me and I'll sort you out...the 2 web sites I posted earlier on this thread are a good start...

Don't want to clog up the goat with that sort of stuff though so drop me a line...:pDT_Xtremez_28:


yeah right, whatever you say

I wont bother you again then

"let me just go wash my hair" :pDT_Xtremez_25:


Flight Sergeant
In actual fact guys this will be my last post on this subject. She is either a troll or sooooo naive it is unbeleivable.

BEG, before you witter on about your WSOP boyfriend let me point you in the direction of the "Birds" forum and the post on "Detachment Rules". If your paragon of virtue hasn't actually strayed (I take it you only see him at weekends) I will gaurantee he has thought about it. In your cosseted little world of college and A levels etc you really have no idea at all of real life, so before you attempt to lecture me, a self confessed oldie, let me let you into a little secret. My daughter is just finishing her teaching degree and I have watched her grow up into a beautiful, intelligent young lady who fills me with pride every time I see her. Now part of this is 'cos I have to, I'm her dad, however the other half is that she has followed me all over the UK, interrupting her schooling. She has cried herself to sleep when Dad has gone off to yet another OOA, where people don't like him and keep shooting at him, she has looked after her Mum, when she has been down and, most of all, is well aware of RAF life, from my job to the Summer Ball. Point of this, she knows about life, you quite obviously don't. I tried to give you some advice and you, straight away, jumped to the conclusion you were being lectured at, not so! If you don't have an attitude adjustment and stop thinking like a 17 year old, you will last no time at all at your selection.

Gentlemen, she is all yours, I wash my hands. Oh and as I now know your face, if I meet you as a plastic, rest assured you will be treatedas all plastics are treated in the WO & SNCO's Mess, with contempt, until you have proven yourself to be worthy of the honour of being a member of this exclusive club. Still, could be worse I could have been a terrorist!


Why have people turned on this young lady who as far as I can tell from her posts hasn't actually been overly rude to or said anything offensive to anyone.

Remember she is only 17, and no matter how mature she perceives herself to be she will always come across as less mature than most of us because its human nature.

She will learn one way or another about the way of the RAF, and no doubt although she is loved up now, after she experiences a bit of life things will change (Before you object BEG, it wil happen especially at your age, I have seen it loads from working on Training Camps).

So come on give her a break, give her some encouragement for the career she is about to embark upon and impart some genuine advice to her, heaven knows she'll need it.


and remember

if all else fails - "tits and tears" got a certain ginger WSOp through her training quite nicely a couple of years ago - even if she did manage to make an arse of her Moortrek through being completely NFI...

(i'm sure there's at least one person on the forum who'll know who i mean)


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
FootTapper said:
and remember

if all else fails - "tits and tears" got a certain ginger WSOp through her training quite nicely a couple of years ago - even if she did manage to make an arse of her Moortrek through being completely NFI...

(i'm sure there's at least one person on the forum who'll know who i mean)

Met her once or twice...Never heard anything too brilliant about her from then or now...It's all down to the hair colour :raf:


MyShineyAr$e said:
So come on give her a break, give her some encouragement for the career she is about to embark upon and impart some genuine advice to her, heaven knows she'll need it.

Rant on...

The point is, my fellow TG17 warrior, that Stax was being a good lad and gave the girl sound advice based on his years of experience. Being the good, wisened and sage SNCO he is, his "fatherly" stance was merely him imparting this knowledge to a potential RAF member. He should be praised for the manner in which his comments were made and intended - straight from the horse's mouth, and no frills attached. I am sure you can also appreciate that his comments were not only apt, but were also for BEG's benefit. Unfortunately, BEG failed to appreciate the favour.

With the attitude she has displayed in her posts here, I am sure BEG will fit in perfectly at Cranwell. After all, isn't that the place where all the trainees are instructed to ignore what they are told by the SNCOs as part of their basic training. This being the case, BEG sounds like an ideal candidate!

There we go, rant off..... and I think I managed to get through without one double entendre!

Reformed Scribbly

Notsoblunt said:
With the attitude she has displayed in her posts here, I am sure BEG will fit in perfectly at Cranwell. After all, isn't that the place where all the trainees are instructed to ignore what they are told by the SNCOs as part of their basic training. This being the case, BEG sounds like an ideal candidate!


Having read all the posts with great interest, the young lady seems to have been given some excellent advice and some schooling in the way of the RAF. I'd be interested to see which of Cranwell's fine training establishments Notsoblunt is referring to....

Apologies for going Off Topic

Billy Whizz

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Stax - now you've cleaned the coffee off your computer, stop being a bully and giving us "oldies" a bad name! Leave BEG alone! Can't see ILLBW or PS having time to populate a whole "girlie" website unless they've nicked some poor unsuspecting young ladies and are using her image as a front!

Just look at the amount of interest this Thread has generated today! Give BEG the benefit of the doubt and lets hope she's genuine! Would certainly brighten up the Mess at Wyton! Full of us "Oldies" there.



Bill Bones said:
I'm in the process of applying to join as NC Aircrew...

Although also considered Air Traffic and Regiment.

Ideally I'd like to go rotary

Anyone have any advice?

I have been told part of the training is done at Cranwell..... what does that involve?

My advice to you is to apply for pilot (if you are young enough) and take it from there. NC Aircrew is a good career however, you don't get to choose which aspect of the job you will end up in anymore. No such thing as ALM, AEOp & AE anymore, simply WSOp. All courses are modulised & the RAF will slot you in to wherever you are best suited & of course where they need bums on seats.

ATC, god bless 'em... not for me!


Anyway!! Apply for pilot, they ain't recruiting too many but it's worth a shot. I stuck it down on my OASC forms on the off chance but never really expected to get a look in so, you can imagine my face when I opened the letter informing me that I had indeed got it... I crapped myself.

Several years down the road and the job is great (most of the time), the money is very good & we get to 'ponce around in growbags' annoying all blunties who earn less & hate you for it...:pDT_Xtremez_28:


No problem with the flying suits - just the idiots who wear them.................

Billy Whizz

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Buphoonery said:
No problem with the flying suits - just the idiots who wear them.................

Is that why they let Muppets wear them too!!!! :pDT_Xtremez_30:


Several years down the road and the job is great (most of the time), the money is very good & we get to 'ponce around in growbags' annoying all blunties who earn less & hate you for it

You rely on a whole host of blunties to stop you becoming a smoking hole in a hillside.

Respect works both ways.

rest have risen above me

Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
loafing said:
Several years down the road and the job is great (most of the time), the money is very good & we get to 'ponce around in growbags' annoying all blunties who earn less & hate you for it...:pDT_Xtremez_28:

oi f'wit if you've supposed to have had a bit of training in tactics why have you missed the tact bit out?

The term "Bluntie" is your faux pas I don't give a to55 about the cash but "BLUNTIE".
No I Lied you overpaid git...lol
Last edited:

Billy Whizz

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
blue_eyed_girl said:
some more pictures are going on tonight of me and my friends when we went out last night

BEG - you disappoint me! Wot no pics? And I was so looking forward to it livening up my night shift!

Oh well - some more Penguin Sucks baiting instead i suppose! :pDT_Xtremez_08: