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Helping local cadets.

Hi folks,

Wacking this one in here because I'm looking for a more auggie-centric view, but understand if it gets moved...

Confession time:

I was a Spacey myself for a million years and I've been asked a few times since I left to help my old squadron out with the odd thing ie: driving cadets to gliding, being the extra body to keep staff:cadet ratios kosher for AT, teaching a lesson on whatever etc

That's all above board and everything with me being on the books as a Civilian Instructor. (Mentioned this when I joined the reserves and there were no problems/issues as far as the FS Recruiting was concerned at the time, although it's not something I've shouted about to everyone else)

Anyway, the question I'm getting asked at the cadet end (usually when being introduced to people: "This is T_L, he's a reservist....") is "Why aren't you involved as a Service Instructor/Helper and doing xyz?"

I know that this is theoretically possible, but IF I was to consider going down this route:

1) Who would I be expected to approach on the Squadron? Would it be the immediate chain of command or the admin office (on the basis that the section commander has more important/relevant things to worry about)? I know permission obviously derives "from the CO".

2) Is it worth someone as low down the CoC as myself even looking into it? I won't even be completely trade trained for a couple of months (I'd imagine asking the question before then would go down like a lead balloon). Would the idea of an LAC offering to assist his local ATC be laughed out of the room?

Counter argument would obviously be that I'm already assisting, just without a uniform. Surely I don't become less qualified by being a reservist?

I'm interested to know what the score is on this. Even if it is just so I can let enthusiastic Virtual Reality Troopers down gently when they approach me as the font of all knowledge and solution to all their problems. :pDT_Xtremez_35:


SNAFU master
Take a tip; stay a CI.
From what I've seen of several reservists, you are alot better off.


I am part of the ATC and reserves. The only difference is im still a uniformed member of staff with the ATC which is aloud but very confusing!


2) Is it worth someone as low down the CoC as myself even looking into it? I won't even be completely trade trained for a couple of months (I'd imagine asking the question before then would go down like a lead balloon). Would the idea of an LAC offering to assist his local ATC be laughed out of the room?

I'm in the process of doing this and have yet to be laughed out of any rooms. At least, not for that reason :pDT_Xtremez_28:
Thanks guys (especially for not just taking the proverbial),

Take a tip; stay a CI.
From what I've seen of several reservists, you are alot better off.​

Any real horror stories? I've had someone talking about loss of HTD for cadet stuff (although I rarely qualify anyway).

I am part of the ATC and reserves. The only difference is im still a uniformed member of staff with the ATC which is aloud but very confusing!​

You're not over on ACC aswell, are you?

I'm in the process of doing this and have yet to be laughed out of any rooms. At least, not for that reason

Haha! Thanks. What route (I'm guessing your a regular, but it can't be that different, can it?) did you go down with your CoC?

Cheers for the help,



Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
There's an ATC sqn in the Fens that had a Gp Capt as a CI so if you're happy doing what your doing then do so and let the pressure bounce off.

If you want to do any thing extra then it's up to you, helping out with any club or society it is easy to drawn in further than you really want which can make you feel put upon and push you away from meeting your original good intentions.

At then end of the day any help is better than nothing.


I think there's a problem with nomenclature here. As an active reservist, you'll be the furthest thing your ATC sqn has from a civilian and shouldn't have to masquerade as one in order to help out: then again, common sense has never got in the way of the ATC doing its own thing before!

Beyond that I'm afraid I can't offer much advice: I've paraded with my local ATC sqn for Remembrance Sunday (it made more sense than doing my own thing), which just involved asking my CoC for permission to wear uniform and then approaching the OC of the ATC sqn, but I don't have personal experience of becoming a service helper. Knowing how CRB works, however, you'll probably have to do it all again with your Auggie unit as the sponsor.
I help out with my local atc sqn when i can, and it doesnt make any difference whether i go down in uniform or civvies, you're still passing your experience onto the younger generation.

Every year the Sqn commander sends a letter to wherever im based (im a regular) and it gets annotated on my SJAR.

I didnt have to go through the CRB issues though.


As a reservist you are allowed to join the atc as an adult instructor, you can stay a civilian but you go through the same pvg (old crb check) as a reservist you technically can't be a service helper (due to your parent unit not paying you or insuring you when not on a paid training day) your unit may give you permission to wear your uniform on parade nights with atc. I work with acf and atc and many of the instructors are airman and privates in the RAF reserve's and ta, but in atc hold the appointment of "sergeant instructor"


Good luck to the OP.

I was a CI a long time ago. I am aware that as a gunner where I live I am pretty much one of a handful of guys in the Wing area and if they ever asked I would be happy to help out. Uniform prep, a bit of drill, some map reading. If I ended up with rank and WI Qs then I could well see a lot of L98 instruction as well. If my kids ever decided to join when they are old enough I know I will volunteer again.


From my personal experience there are a breed of officer in the ATC who will not take kindly to a reservist being "on staff" in any capacity. If you go in as a CI and decide (not unreasonably) to take part in Remeberence in full No1 they may take offence to that. In my time I know that the old WingCo used to not allow medals worn on Wing parades because some of our staff were ex-pongo with NI medals and he had none. If you rock up with an Afghan/Iraq medal (if applicable) noses may be out of joint.

I know it is not about politics, its about the kids, and if you want to help out your local youth organisation I would get permission to wear uniform, the kids will love the idea of having someone from "the real air force" instructing them and at the end of the day inspiring them is what it is all about!

Sorry for the attention seeking 'bump'. Just hoping that anyone with any more knowledge might see this who hasn't already.

Thanks for all the help so far. Still confused, but encouraged by the general sense of support. :pDT_Xtremez_30:



I'm a Flight Ops Auggie, and (due to civilian qualifications) a Staff Pilot with my local Air Experience Flight. It was actually more difficult for me to be approved to fly cadets than it would have been if I had not had a RAuxAF commission - a civvy gets a VR(T). I had to have addtional disclosure checks for the ATC (despite already having these for my son's Scout group), and beyond those when I joined the RAuxAF.

I've recently offered to help my local ATC squadron, and they are more than happy to have me as a SI. I need to pass the BASIC course on the online Bader system, but apart from that no issues.

I'm just happy to help out a bit - and the ATC Sqn fully understand that my priorities are the RAuxAF and AEF first.
As far as everyone (AEF & RAuxAF) is aware, my AEF (ie ATC paid duty) days do not conflict or alter my RAuxAF days.
I stand to be corrected but hope not!
