I was pleasantly surprised!
Really? Pleasantly surprised at what?
What a nondescript post, power post if you will.
Just been told this morning by the Wobbly out here that its going to be roughly 80% ex-Tg3 being promoted. None of our SAC's are getting it mind - all ex TG-3
How can he possibly say that? Your all one trade with no difference apart from trade Qs, your all ICT Techs.
Oh the irony.
Has the board been ratified yet? Been told we wont get the results till next week but sounds like people r already getting there numbers.
one was on the very first 4000 course at Tossford and was informed of his superiority to the old TG3 and how he would be promoted above his peers - he is of course dissapointed at not being selected after 3 years :0
Glad the people reading the SJARs and 6000's finally seen sense with the TG3 guys