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Lancaster to the sky?

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Victor type mishap ????? What happened? I'm presuming its the Elvington Victor ?

It was the Bruntingthorpe Victor.
permit to fly etc

permit to fly etc

slighty Off Topic but there is a place called Gammelsdorf near Manching where they make replica FW190´s. I believe one has gone to the USA.
They get the permit to fly under Experimental category in Germany I seem to recall. Im sure they generated a mountain of paperwork to get this.
bombs away

bombs away

I am sure if they strip the bomb bay, then they can fly it as a civvie plane? Maybe like the Dakotas and such like.
Good luck to them I say. Been past a few times on the way to Skegvegass.

Maybe the scrap money VTTS get can go towards it.
I am sure if they strip the bomb bay, then they can fly it as a civvie plane? Maybe like the Dakotas and such like.

So that would be a Lancastrian then?
